View Full Version : Need loads of prayers and good vibes ASAP!

07-07-2004, 12:14 PM
PLEASE !!!!!!! oh god please give me some fortune !

My ex is behind on his child support to the tune of 1315.75. Back in April, we went to court on the fact he was so far behind and on the issue of the house we co-owned. THe judge wanted some more information that he was behind, ok, we got that info from the state. She also wanted me to get my own home loan for the house (not possible) so I basically gave that up.

My attorney is holding 2500.00 in escrow that belongs to my ex but hasn't been turned over yet. He asked the court to release the amount he owes in child support out of the escrow money.

I am praying to go right now that the court does so. I need it so bad it's not funny any more. We have been scrimping and sliding by, cause 'ol ex won't pick up a DIME of the kids medical bills (so if my kids want straight teeth, mommy and new daddy pay the bill) my hubby dosen't mind it so much, he loves the girls like they are his own. But he still gets ticked that the court makes me give him visitation, and he dosen't have the common curtosey to pick up his end of the deal. PLUS we are going to have to move soon cause of this house (which is bad luck, black hole, bad mojo, I swear it was built on a demons toliet) is going up for sale. Every time we get enough put back to find a rental house close by, boom, destist bill, car repair, sombody is sick, ect.

God please give me some mercy, some peace, and let me get on with my life.

07-07-2004, 12:19 PM
Sending good vibes your way. I hope that things get made right for your girls and that their "daddy" gets his head out of his butt and decides to be a responsible parent! Its wonderful that your hubby takes care of the girls but that shouldn't mean that your ex can be a dead beat! :mad: I hate it when parents decide that they don't want to help support their kids because they just don't want to. :mad:

Positive vibes coming your way.

07-07-2004, 12:27 PM
Honey I am hoping and praying you get that money. i am praying the judge sees it your way, and helps you get your ex, for the money he owes. Good luck on getting a house, for your family.

Angel Lips
07-07-2004, 12:31 PM
I am sending you all the good vibes and prayers..good luck.

ang in NC
07-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Praying for you!

07-09-2004, 10:02 PM
Your family is in my prayers.

My daughter's father is ordered to carry insurance and pay all co-pays and any other medical or dental costs. He has no insurance, I have to carry it myself and he has never paid a dime towards medical bills. The xhild support office in Missouri says they cannot pursue medical costs, I have to get a lawyer and do it myself. That's all fine and good, BUT I LIVE IN FLORIDA! So in order to get the couple grand he owes me, I would have to go to court in Missouri. And since his last child support check was $3.76, I seriously doubt it would be worth my time.

07-10-2004, 01:22 PM
That is terrible. There has to be a better way to get dead beat dads and moms who are working and capable of paying to pay up. You shouldn't be able to get a paycheck or receive any money unless someone checks to see if your social security number comes and you owe child support, that that money comes out first. It can't be that hard considering every business has computers these days.

07-10-2004, 02:06 PM
My daughters father owes me over $20,000. I doubt I will ever see any of that money.

07-10-2004, 04:16 PM
Good luck getting the $$$$ you should have coming to you.

How do these people (daddies or mommas) rest their heads down knowing children they are parents to are suffering because they are dead beats....???

07-10-2004, 11:00 PM
i know how you feel. my ex never pays on time, but he does EVENTUALLY pay. its due on the 1st but last month it was the 17th before i got it. i'm saving copies of all the checks and evelopes (shows postmark) so i can hopefully take him back to court when i get taxes this year. I know its hard. hang in there and good luck

07-11-2004, 06:59 AM
That is terrible. There has to be a better way to get dead beat dads and moms who are working and capable of paying to pay up. You shouldn't be able to get a paycheck or receive any money unless someone checks to see if your social security number comes and you owe child support, that that money comes out first. It can't be that hard considering every business has computers these days.

All in All, it is easier said than done. In kentucky, you either have to be $1000.00 dollars or 6 months behind in receiving payment before the commonwealths attorney will step in. Alot of parents have to wait it out for the 6 months mark, I guess I get lucky, I get 582 a month, so if he skips a month the next month Im down there pitching a fit.

It also takes FOREVER for the state to step in. When that figured up he owed that much, I filed a complaint with them in April. It was last week before anyone had called me back :rolleyes:

Although I was thnkful for the call, I had to tell them I had finally got my judgment against him so leagally I couldn't have him put in jail (although it would have felt nice)

My ex, for one, won't pay his child support as a way of getting back or getting even with me. He dosen't like the fact that I got full residential custody, and he only gets to see them one hour a week suprevised cause of his anger/attitude/being a bully. It's not my fault he went after our 5 year old with a belt, told a social worker he was going to bash my skull in with a baseball bat, and threaten to knock out a anger managment counselor. But hey you act like a total frickin moron during a divorce case, look what you get.Then he didn't like I had a man living with me. Im divorced now, I can see who I please. He didn't apporve of me gettingre-married. I know he complained to everybody about that. You can't control what I do after tthe divorce buddy. He got his underwear in a wad when my dad refused to tell the police that I was driving a stolen vehicle, wanting me to get arrested and they would turn the kids back over to him (the car I was driving USED to be my dads, he signed over the title to me before my birthday) but that just shows what sort of person he is.

And everytime he didn't get his way, he would withhold child support as a way to get even with me. His argument ? that since I had a guy living with me (DH) he could take care of the kids. I tell him, ok thats fine you want it like that, sign over your rights and let DH adopt them. THEY CALL DH DADDY ANYWAY ! But no, he still wants his visitation. And the way the fricking law is, he can withhold his child support, but I can't withhold visitation without be held in contempt of court. which blows donkey butt big time. The state allows deadbeat parents more rights than the custodial parents.

I would love for the day to come where he just gives them up. DD remebers the exs beating on her, she whines when she has to see him cause she knows he is mean, she probably will have nothing to do with him after she is old enough to make her own choice. His day is going to come, trust me on that.

07-11-2004, 08:13 AM
there are alot of us out there. I am a single parent of 10 year old twins and he owes me now about 4500.00. He was a mail man got fired and now is trying to collect disability (may or maybe not will) but in the meantime I am living on my salary which is nothing. I lost 11,000 in CS when he decided to get fired. He is now on welfare and even though I may just over 20,000 I make too much to qualify for anything cept subsidized daycare. He has to go back in Aug to prove WHY he can't work, should be interesting in the meantime it still is increasing at the same amount cause the Master said she would not decrease it cause he had no proof that he can't work. So my kids have holes in their shoes and I only get paid the 15th and 30th. Can't get another job cause have no babysitters, it just keeps going round and round. Thanks for letting me vent....

07-11-2004, 09:31 AM
there are alot of us out there. I am a single parent of 10 year old twins and he owes me now about 4500.00. He was a mail man got fired and now is trying to collect disability (may or maybe not will) but in the meantime I am living on my salary which is nothing. I lost 11,000 in CS when he decided to get fired. He is now on welfare and even though I may just over 20,000 I make too much to qualify for anything cept subsidized daycare. He has to go back in Aug to prove WHY he can't work, should be interesting in the meantime it still is increasing at the same amount cause the Master said she would not decrease it cause he had no proof that he can't work. So my kids have holes in their shoes and I only get paid the 15th and 30th. Can't get another job cause have no babysitters, it just keeps going round and round. Thanks for letting me vent....

And the farked up thing is, Im pretty sure disability CANNOT be garnished for child support obligation.

Just do me a favor and remind your kids what REAL MEN AND FATHERS really are and what thier role in society is. And pray history does not repeat itsself.

my chitweed ex offered me almost 5 grand to sign over my rights to the kids. I told him to take the peice of paper he offered that proposal on to stick it up his butt and light it on fire. Personally, I would rather see my kids go without the little extras as long as I can keep them away from that monster.

Blondie, go through the commonwealths attorney. Regardless or not if he is working, he still has to pay. I don't car if he has to sell off everything he has, sell blood, eat dogfood&ramen noodle cassarole, he brought them into this world, he has to pay.

Chitweed tried the same stunt. "I got fired, I can't afford it" too bad. We had bought a truck together that he took when he left. I repoed it and locked it in my garage. WHen he brought the police out here for it, I explained to them I 1/2 owned the truck, and showed them the arreage amount in child support. Cops told him that if he wanted the truck since I 1/2 owned it, he would have to take me to court. I gave him the option to pay off the arreage right then & there and I would pull the truck out. Boy did he whip out the cash fast. the cop told me I did the smartest thing he had seen, I told them I learned how to fight like this from my kids.

You know you can ask the state to put a lein agaist any property he owns ? Just make his life miserable until he gets the clue.

07-12-2004, 07:40 AM
Of course the property isn't in his name or it wasn't, it maybe now I have to check. The unfortunate thing is that his family thinks that he is all right and I am all wrong and have cut themselves out of the boys lives also, he hasn't seen them for visitation for over 5 years and doesn't want to either. So he doesn't want to see them or pay for them, I feel so bad for the boys. I think the disability is from the USPS not SSI/D, if it is from the PO they will take the child support out of it and SSI for that matter. It was so funny when we were in court last month, his cell phone went off and my lawyer said "a cell phone is going off" so I said "you cell phone and he said yea I have one, I said it is going off they want to see it" He pulls it out of his belt clip and the judge said "you have a cell phone and you are on welfare" and he said yea my friend "fiance" pays for it. So when I got the papers the other tell the master wrote, deft. on welfare, has a cell phone" relist in 6 months(this was the master cause he wanted to reduce it) The Judge is bringing him back in Aug. to "check the status of the disability claim, it all suck stinks cause the boys have to do without.

07-12-2004, 06:05 PM
eat dogfood&ramen noodle cassarole,

that is too funny. Hope things go your way!