View Full Version : Looking for a recipe for Greens!!

06-21-2004, 06:02 PM
My hubby had greens one time at a local resturant and now he is wanting me to make some. So I bought a can ~ they were awful. The ones he had , had bacon in them. Maybe onions too. Does anyone have a recipe I could try?? Also is there really a diferece between the mustard collard and turnip greens. Which one do I use for your recipe??

Thanks in advance!!!

06-21-2004, 06:12 PM
Wash the greens real good, boil in water with fatback or bacon until the greens are done to your liking, add salt and pepper. DH likes pepper sauce with his (peppers in bottle with vinegar) alot of people like to just sprinkle vinegar over theirs.

06-21-2004, 08:44 PM
Yep, what Mary said. Even if she is a yankee! :p

06-21-2004, 10:19 PM
hehe...I never knew how to make them till I moved down south...lol...my DH LOVES them...I refuse to even eat them... lol

06-22-2004, 03:47 AM
If you don't have fresh, we have found the frozen aren't bad (especially if you add the bacon to it---season it)type depends on your taste, there is a little flavor difference, but we love them all

06-22-2004, 04:54 AM
Yankee Mary is right. i just do mine a little different. i pick them, chop them up, and then clean them, and the whole time i am doing this, i have ham hocks or smoked turkey wings, necks, cooking on the stove, in boiling water. after i clean them i put them (as much a will fit in the pot), a little at a time in the pot, season, cover and cook for 15-20 mins, and repeat until all the greens are in the pot. stir before you add each new layer. with ham hocks, smoked neck bones or smoked turkey necks or wings, you don't need as much salt. my son doesn't eat pork so i use the smoked turkey. my sweetie wouldn't eat greens, i cooked some one day he tasted them and now he eats them.

06-22-2004, 06:27 AM
The key to really good greens (fresh ones) is to drain the water twice while cooking. Bring the greens and bacon to a boil, then drain. Repeat the process and add a touch of salt, drain again. Then boil them with the bacon and add salt. Boil until you are happy with the flavor and texture.
Oh, and I prefer mustard greens myself. They have a slightly bitter flavor.

06-22-2004, 06:53 AM
Ugh.... to each his own I guess....

I never could get beyond the smell of them cooking when mom would fix them. I always thought if they tasted like they smelled when they were cooking, I could definitely live without them..... and so far.... I've gone almost 36 years without ever tasting them.... I *might* consider tasting them if I were about to starve.... but I don't see it happening before then. :D

Hope you can find a recipe your hubby likes. :)Sweetie said the same thing. :)

06-22-2004, 03:06 PM
Everyone has given great advice, the only thing I can add is make sure you open a window. To me, there's nothing that stinks more than cooking greens.
My mom prefers turnip greens, I can't make myself eat any of them, I can't get past the smell.

06-22-2004, 03:25 PM
Am I the only one that adds either a little bit of sugar or some molasses?

06-22-2004, 04:44 PM
Ham hocks,clean collard greens,,and some bacon grease..Add salt and bacon grease to water,,boil ham hocks simmering for several hours,,add greens and simmer for 3-5 hrs....Trust me on this..MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......And dont forget the whole cake...A little of my pepper sauce :D ,,and will make ya tounge slap ya gums.....
When cleaning your greens,,remove the stem..If you prefer them chopped,,chop right before serving..Personally,,I dont chop.... :cool:

Sorry..no mollasses or sugar..If you get the greens right after a good frost,,no need for sugar..They will be naturally sweet...Lots and lots of greens grown here in south Ga.....

06-22-2004, 10:20 PM
The ham hocks and bacon grease are great. Usually you have to add salt. We grew up watching our salt and I even asked a hospital nutritionalist about this 2 months ago and its ok, I cook my greens a while and when they start getting tender, I add salty country ham. You can add chopped onions when they start to tender, good onions will add to the flavor. That's it. I cook them SLOWLY until they will melt in your mouth.

To farther watch the salt and fat, I buy the trimmed pieces that are for breakfast biscuits and use those. They are about $4 per pack here and I get 2 to 2 1/2 meals of greens/beans/peas. Yes I cook greens and all the like this way, I cook navy beans, white beans, pretty much all beans this way, and I cook black-eye peas and purple hull peas this way.......

anyone else from the south??? lol...........

06-23-2004, 09:52 AM
Southern here too! I've shelled my share of purple hull peas and worn stained hands for a week afterward. DH prefers black crowder peas over purple hulls or blackeyes though. My mom and DH's mom used fat back in greens,peas and beans....so that's what I use when I cook stuff like that for DH. DD and I have very un-southern eating habbits, neither of us will eat greens, beans or peas.

06-23-2004, 10:01 AM
Ham hocks,clean collard greens,,and some bacon grease..Add salt and bacon grease to water,,boil ham hocks simmering for several hours,,add greens and simmer for 3-5 hrs....Trust me on this..MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......And dont forget the whole cake...A little of my pepper sauce :D ,,and will make ya tounge slap ya gums.....
When cleaning your greens,,remove the stem..If you prefer them chopped,,chop right before serving..Personally,,I dont chop.... :cool:

Sorry..no mollasses or sugar..If you get the greens right after a good frost,,no need for sugar..They will be naturally sweet...Lots and lots of greens grown here in south Ga.....You are making me hungry!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish my Mother was still alive, she was from the south and lord that woman could cook. My mouth is watering, and now i am hungry, and don't want nothing i have to eat :( :( :( :( :( :( , I want these greens. :) :) :) :)

06-24-2004, 02:31 PM
I use ham hocks sometimes, when the ham isn't available, and heaven knows, its cheaper. But, I detest the taste that any fat gives. And to me, I taste the fat from the hamhocks. AND having Coronary Artery Disease in the family, I splurge on the trimmer cuts of ham for my flavoring.

The first time my dad was hospitalized, I was able to talk to a dietician. (sp?) She said that cooking with ham was healthier than all the salt most people use for flavor. I guess the hamhocks are nearly as healthy, just a tad more fat on most.