View Full Version : What kind of pet do you prefer?

06-21-2004, 11:25 AM
Lots of us are animal lovers on this board. Which pet do you prefer? While I love doggies and most small animals, I confess that I am a die-hard cat lover. There is something about a cat that soothes my soul.

06-21-2004, 11:27 AM
I have dogs and cats but I really do love my dogs because they are so grateful for anything that you do for them. The cat acts like he deserves everything but the dogs will just love you just for saying their name.

06-21-2004, 11:33 AM
Kelsey~ there was no box to check "MEN".........lol

06-21-2004, 11:42 AM
I am a mammal person. I like to hug and pet my animals, but we can't have a dog or cat right now. As many of you know, we have a parakeet who came into our lives unexpectedly about 5 weeks ago. So, for now, we are BIRDIE people. Still, I don't "get" birds. :D

06-21-2004, 11:46 AM
I have dogs and cats but I really do love my dogs because they are so grateful for anything that you do for them. The cat acts like he deserves everything but the dogs will just love you just for saying their name.

lol, mine are the other way. Cats are greatful and dogs think they deserve the world. :p

06-21-2004, 11:54 AM
:) :D :) You should add Guinea Pigs! I know many BBS people have them adn love them. I love ours but not as much as my best friend and her daughters love theirs. She said she wishes they could have her cloned since she is getting up there in age and they'd be LOST without her. We all tease her and tell her it's her 3rd child, the one that actually listens!! LOL :D :) :D

06-21-2004, 12:01 PM
I've always been person. Woof :) And as for birds, I have a pet mockingbird. It comes to the yard light several times a day squaking for bread on the picnic table. This is the 3rd year. But in between times it sings the prettiest songs :)

06-21-2004, 12:09 PM
I'm an animal LOVER big time, but I have to say I prefer cats,dogs and birds. I have a cats, a dog and I'm in the process of trying to decide what kind of bird I want to get. I'd love to get an african gray parrott, but those are pretty pricey and I'd have to wait til tax time to get it. And I want one NOW.. I'm not a patient person at all..lmao

06-21-2004, 12:26 PM
I have a big soft spot for animals. We have 2 dogs, 3 birds and a cat that rules the house. :rolleyes: We also have fish but they belong to the kids. I want to get a cockatoo next. I'm still working on DH. ;) :p

06-21-2004, 02:00 PM
I'd love to get an african gray parrott, but those are pretty pricey and I'd have to wait til tax time to get it. And I want one NOW.. I'm not a patient person at all..lmao

I have an African Grey,she is a sweet heart. She is 19 and basically I rescued her (I payed 200 for her, and she came with her cage, and the cage alone was worth that) She makes all kinds of cute saounds, and says alot. And when her "daddy" gets up in the mornings, she is always saying "what do ya want?" (because that is what he says to her when he offers her her favorite treat---peanuts. I would look into a previously owned one, as this species can live well over 60 years, you might even find a gem like I did. (Good luck)

06-21-2004, 02:07 PM
I am a big animal lover, but I do love cats most of all...

06-21-2004, 02:10 PM
My goodness Quaker you have to make arrangements for those birds in your will. LOL 60 years!!!

I prefer cats cause they are so sweet and don't chew the house to pieces. Dogs are ok but they become your baby and cling so it's hard to go out of town. My SS dog has about ruined all his furniture. Puppies are a hand full but I have to admit I enjoyed taking care of a little Pekinese for a time. She was an old dog and stayed in her doggie bed until she had to go out. Then she would stand up and give me her big eyed doggy look.

Dogs think they are people. Cats think they are God. LOL

06-21-2004, 02:54 PM
Love cats, loathe dogs, and birds freak me out.

06-21-2004, 03:18 PM
Looks like the kitties are winning...LOL!

Angel Lips
06-21-2004, 03:30 PM
Id prefer cats and dogs and a pet rat..bc that is what i have now.

06-21-2004, 09:51 PM
I love kitties!!!!!!!!!!! I like dogs too, but cats are my favorite!!!

06-22-2004, 06:10 AM
i live in an apartment. so i have fish, i love them. my Mother wouldn't let us have the four legged pets, so she got us fish as pets. i had one Goldfish, Goldie for 6-8 years, she was huge. now sweetie is hollering for a Nemo.

06-22-2004, 06:29 AM
i have horses, dogs, a cat and a really testy iguana. but my favorit pet is my horse. he thinks he is my dog. follows me everywhere, and is always in my way as im trying to clean out the barn. hes a blanket app thats 7 yrs old. ive had him for 3 yrs. i love him to death.

06-22-2004, 10:37 AM
cats I just love cats

06-22-2004, 10:42 AM
Don't get me wrong I like animals I just don't like them in my house.

My preferance is no animals!!

No animals = no loose fur, no smell, and no litter box or piles in the yard.

we have a dog (outside) I love her dearly but to have her inside would kill me. We also have a rabbit.

DH and kids take care of them, I stay away. My allergies are way to bad.

06-22-2004, 01:08 PM
:D dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs I just love dogs and there is alway one or two in my house. And I am trying to get another lol Dogs

06-22-2004, 01:19 PM
I'm passionate about animals, but I'd say dogs are my favorite. I have a cat and he's purrfect, but I still wish he was a dog sometimes. :)

06-22-2004, 02:03 PM
Love cats, loathe dogs, and birds freak me out.

My sentiments exactly!!!! Although, we have 2 fish as well in my son's room, and I'm eventually getting a big aquarium in my living room. Fish, I could take or leave. :D

06-22-2004, 04:28 PM
Dogs, Dogs, Dogs.........oh, and did I mention Dogs? :D
I have 3 of them and they are my "other" kids, just as spoiled rotten and happy as can be! Unconditional love is a wonderful thing :)

06-22-2004, 10:57 PM
As my user name says, I'm a dog person.