View Full Version : I got my surgery date YES!!!!

06-18-2004, 06:11 PM
Okay I went to the doctor today and we set my surgery date it will be Aug 9th at 11:15am I will be having a LAVH I did not think that I was going to have it this way but he said that he does not see any problems with doing it this way. I was also told that it will be a complete Hysterctomy and I am opting not to take any HRT because my mother had pre cancer and I do not want to take that chance! I can not wait now to have it done and over with. I am no longer scard about it I am excited now that I know when and what is going to go on. I will go in for my pre op on July 28th that is 2 weeks before my surgery but the doctor will not be in the week before so I am no longer going to worry about this I am going to celebrate my last period next month and love this!!!!

Okay I know that someone is going to ask LAVH is Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy

06-18-2004, 06:20 PM
That is great Crystal...i am glad things are progressing as they are! It will be a big relief when it is all over .........

06-18-2004, 06:27 PM
Thats great I am glad you finaly have it scheduled. I had the hysterectomy done 11 yrs ago It is great not have to have a period and it is great not ruining anymore clothes. good luck. any questions you can pm me

Angel Lips
06-18-2004, 06:32 PM
thats great that you have a date set now, Best of luck hun... ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

06-18-2004, 07:09 PM
Thats great!!!

06-18-2004, 09:04 PM
I am glad you have a date set. Have fun celebrating your last period!!!! I am sure you won't miss that!

06-18-2004, 09:38 PM
I am glad you have a date set. Have fun celebrating your last period!!!! I am sure you won't miss that!

You are so SO SO SO right LOL I might just have to though a going away party LOL Thank you everyone for the kind words and for the people that have offered to talk to me about this it mean's alot to me and I am sure that I will need someone to talk to as the date get's near as I know that I will become a little more scard about the surgery in general. Right now I am just excited to have my date and to know that it is not going to be as major as I had once thought that it was going to be. However the doctor did say that if he can not do it this way that I will have to be opened up and I told him that was fine I just want this pain to go away and this is the only way that I can ever see it going away. I have had this ongoing pain for over a year now and at times I think that I am going to go crazy from it. I know that this is a TMI but I have been having my periods for over 10 days at a time every month for over a year now the only thing that has kept me from being animic(sp) is the fact that I take iron pills every day and once a month go in for an Iron shot and let me tell you something that is no fun at all because my hips hurt all of the time and they look like they are brusied but the doctor said that is not a bruise it is from the med's and that he is sorry that they hurt so much but they are needed. Everyone here is so great and helpful and I want to say a BIG BIG Thank you to everyone.

06-19-2004, 06:15 AM
i am glad they have finally got every thing on a roll, and that your surgery is soon. good luck.

06-19-2004, 03:47 PM
some people have all the luck!!!good for you!!!at my last exam ,i told the dr that i read about how our eggs are not replaced with new ones and each ovary hols xx amount of eggs.let's see istarted when i was 12 yrs old and now 45 shouldn't they all be gone by now!!!

06-19-2004, 03:55 PM
Great that surgery is scheduled! Relief!

I do believe that 1tiredmom and I are twins! 12 years old to 45! LOL!

06-19-2004, 04:10 PM
I tried to talk my OB/GYN into doing a hysterectomy instead of a tubal when he had me opened up for my c-section. He said the insurance wouldnt pay. I told him to just sneeze, accidently cut something he shouldnt have and then BOOM, there we go-the perfect reason! I went back two weeks ago for my yearly pap and it came back bad so I have to go back in 6 months. I told the nurse when she called to tell me that I was looking for a hysterectomy and so far, my plans were working out WELL!;)

Good Luck! I have an aunt who had that type of surgery after being told by 3 doctors she couldnt have it done that way. She was at Wal-Mart three days later-moving slowly, but there! Hasnt regretted having it done at ALL!

06-19-2004, 05:28 PM
congrats on your surgery date. I will be having one soon as well. Although I will be cut for mine. I cant wait.

ahhhhhh to be.... pain and period free..... LOL :D

06-19-2004, 08:46 PM
To all of you that are in waiting I wish you good luck and I hope that everything comes out right for you. I have one problem now that I just relized I go in on aug 9th and will get out on aug 12 well that is the first day my kids go back to school I don't know how I am going to work this on out my mom is taking the kids while I have my surgery and she lives 35 miles from here so It would be hard to get them up that early to get them to school. I am going to see if some of my friends can keep them for me so that they can get to school. I wanted to do this earlier so that I would not have this problem they might have to wait a couple of days to get back to school.