View Full Version : Atkins people checking in...

06-17-2004, 11:17 AM
Just curious--Katt, Tina, DBackFan, texasgander, shancopp, and umm....anyone else on LC journey--how's everyone doing?

I have been hopping on and off the wagon for awhile, but so far 22 lbs. gone--Forever!!!! :D

I am really interested in how you are all doing...please check in with your progress....it's always been an encouragement to me. Thanks!

06-17-2004, 12:28 PM
I started Atkins a year ago (June 2nd to be exact). I started at 212 lbs and wearing a size 22....as of today I am 150 lbs and wearing a size 12 and just bought a size 10 bathing suit!!!!! I love this way of eating. :)

06-17-2004, 12:30 PM
I'm still doing good! Last year at this time I was in 10/12....now I'm in 4/6/8.........I'll never stop this WOE!

06-17-2004, 12:42 PM
Hi guys! Just posted in the SB thread, but I am down 49 since 1/1 and now in a 14 or tight 12 (very tight! lol!) and a L or M top. Even some of my shoes are too big too! I've added in strawberries the last few weeks, mmmmm! Here's a lc recipe that is delish!

Chipped Beef Cheese ball

8 oz cream cheese (8 carbs)
2 pkgs Buddig sliced beef (2 carbs)
2 oz onion finely chopped (4 carbs)
1.5 tbsp Worchestire sauce (2 carbs)

Chop onion very finely. Cut beef into small pcs. Mix all ingredients and shape into a ball. Makes 4 good size servings at 4 carbs each. This is yummy on pork rinds!

06-17-2004, 01:23 PM
I started atkins on 3/1/04 and so far I am down 47 pounds I love this WOE

06-17-2004, 01:59 PM
WOW bears! that's great!

06-17-2004, 02:12 PM
I'm still trucking along. The scale has moved 8lbs since monday. (Yes Cliff, you might be wrong about your fat theory before too long :D) Anyway, I'm 12 lbs away from a very major, very huge first goal. I'm chugging water like crazy trying to get rid of the keto breath, but it's so worth it, cause I haven't lost like this since I first started ;)

06-17-2004, 02:22 PM
I have never been so happy with what I can eat and how much I lose. :) I eat like I am in maintenence now and keep losing! I am down an even 50 lbs as of yesterday since 1/6. I havent been this thin since high school and that was MANY moons ago. :) Just had some veins taken care of and another 10 lbs and I am getting a lift and maybe a little extra..lol I deserve it. :D

06-17-2004, 07:26 PM
I have never been so happy with what I can eat and how much I lose. :) I eat like I am in maintenence now and keep losing! I am down an even 50 lbs as of yesterday since 1/6. I havent been this thin since high school and that was MANY moons ago. :) Just had some veins taken care of and another 10 lbs and I am getting a lift and maybe a little extra..lol I deserve it. :D

lifting what?

06-17-2004, 07:28 PM
lifting what?

(.) (.)


06-17-2004, 07:30 PM
Tell the doc to pin those suckers up to your chin LOL

06-17-2004, 07:30 PM
what's the extra??

06-17-2004, 07:37 PM
Congrats everyone! Yall have done a great job and this really encourages me to want to make this diet work. DH & I are starting on Monday. :) I went to the store today to stock up on things I know we will need (like butter, spices, water and things like that) and I'm going Sunday to get all of our fresh vegetables for salads. We both really want this to work so please wish us luck. lol

Congrats again! :D

06-17-2004, 07:41 PM
I forgot to ask a question...

How often does everyone get on the scales? I'm an anxious person and will have to fight the urge to weigh myself everyday. LOL

I was thinking maybe once a week, if I can hold off that long. :rolleyes: :o

06-17-2004, 08:27 PM
I have always weighed myself everyday, just don't get discouraged!

DBD, I have always wanted a little more cushion with a lil less sag so I am going to do small implants and a lift. :)

06-17-2004, 08:41 PM
I have a major hint for anyone just starting: Get rid of ALL of the illegal foods in your house! Do it now, don't wait thinking maybe the kids will eat it or whatever. You are setting yourself up for failure if you keep that stuff handy. I bagged up all the sugar, flour, Bisquick, syrup, corn muffin mix, snacks, anything I could not eat and gave it to my sister. My kids do not NEED that stuff to survive and are doing very well eating legal foods with my finacee and I. It is very easy knowing I can eat anything in my house. I also stocked up on cheese, eggs (several dozen), tuna, meat, brown rice (not for Atkins but I can have it on SB), plenty of fruit and veggies and whole wheat bread (again, not for Atkins). It is also a good idea to have things handy to snack on, like cheese, yogurt (depending on your WOE), etc. If you can grab sometihng legal when you are hungry, you will be less likely to cheat.

I know you have heard this before, but DRINK YOUR WATER. I can't stress this enough.

06-17-2004, 08:47 PM
You have earned it Tami!

06-17-2004, 08:58 PM
DH and I have just started this diet like 2 weeks ago and I want pizza soooooooooo bad. Anyone know how I can have pizza and it still be low in carbs?

06-17-2004, 09:02 PM
Yeah, use hamburger meat as the crust, and don't use tomato or marinara sauce ;)

There was a recipe floating around here somewhere. I use portabellas as my crust, and make personal pizzas.

06-18-2004, 04:25 AM
Yeah, use hamburger meat as the crust, and don't use tomato or marinara sauce ;)

There was a recipe floating around here somewhere. I use portabellas as my crust, and make personal pizzas.
Thanks!!!!!!!!! :D

06-18-2004, 08:42 AM
We have a place here that serves "no dough pizza" for the low carb customers. I think its Donato's or something like that. The Philly Cheese Steak one is pretty good. :) Its just like a pizza but without the crust.

06-18-2004, 08:49 AM
I picked up a magazine (called First) last night at the store and on the front it says...

Can't stick to low-carb? Your female hormones may be to blame!

It has a females guide to Atkins but it just pretty much tells ya what the book does. :confused: lol Anyway, one of the women they have pictured (and telling her story) is a woman from the lowcarbfriends website. She talks about how everyone kept putting the diet down but that she turned to that site for advice and everything.

Cute little stories. Just thought I would share. lol

They also share success stories from other women and even some recipes.

06-18-2004, 09:24 AM
She's an admin, or maybe mod, on the site. She's done a great job on her journey. :D

Another one, had her story in a magazine, but it's one that likes to bash lc. She was hoping to make a difference, but instead, they took her story and everywhere it said lowcarb, they conveniently put in lowfat. I do believe there is a lawsuit taking place now though ;) One reason why Self Magazine, will not be gracing my house anymore lol.

06-18-2004, 11:10 AM
Katt, I thought that was Shape mag?? Are you talking about SugarFreeSheilia?

Which mod/admin was the other article about? I'll have to check it out.

06-18-2004, 11:52 AM
I know this is off topic but Shancopp I just watched the video you have in your signature and I just had to say that was great! I cried my eyes out though. Thanks for sharing it with us. {{{Hugs}}}

06-18-2004, 02:25 PM
You are right shan, it's Shape.

I think the admin was shellyw. I can't remember, it's been a hectic day and I read the thread ealier there lol.

06-18-2004, 09:24 PM
I read it too (from the LCF newletter) and I think all three of them are affiliated w/ LCF. And they all look great !!!! Can't wait to get to goal my self!

Tasha, thanks for checking out the video..it is a tearjerker, for sure. Just nice to see it through a soldiers' eyes rather than the media's.

06-21-2004, 06:37 AM
Well i just started atkins i'm still on the induction phase but so far i've lost 9lbs.

i have bought all kinds of low carb foods, but i have to keep the regular hubby wont even think of giving up his favorite foods. I think i'm doing good though. I made him and the kids a cake with strawberry icing, been several days and i havent touched it. Hubby brought home taco bell thursday and i didnt eat a bite. Just made myself some chicken . Gave up coke and switeched to Diet Sprite.

The only problem i am having is getting in 8 glasses of water. i've been getting about 5 .

I've been walking a little over 2 miles a day on the Treadmill and i've been taking Centrium carb assist , and the fish oil pills .. is there anything else i should take?

just wanted to add Congrats to those of you who have been on this and are sticking with it, and also for loosing the pounds.

06-21-2004, 07:13 AM
Treasurymae.......It sounds like you are off to a great start!!! As for the water, I"m guillty of it too...it is hard. Have you put a little lemon or lime wedge in it? Make sure you are carry a bottle or glass of water with you from room to room...so you always have it (in the car too) Good luck!

06-21-2004, 08:02 AM
Way to go Tina! You are off and running again! :) treasurymae, hang in there you are doing great!

As for the water and vitamins, I think it is a YMMV thing. I USED to drink a lot of water and take lots of supplements but now I maybe drink 3-4 glasses of water a day and take vitalert (Multi with herbs) and thats it!! I have lost 51 lbs and keep right on a goin'!

I had leg cramps real bad from drinking too MUCH water the Dr said so as soon as I quit they died off. I tried everything....magnesium, calcium, pottassium, etc tec but nothing worked for me until I decreased the water and I lose just fine. :)

06-21-2004, 09:55 AM
Hey guys! Has anyone tried the new Coke C2? It is DELICIOUS! It still has carbs (18 for 8 oz.) BUT as an occasional treat after you have been on the plan and maintaining, I think it's fine.......I've been on this WOE since last August, and am within 5 lbs of what I want to be, so I bought myself some! Can't wait to make a Coke float with some low carb ice cream!!!

06-21-2004, 10:57 AM
Thanks guys, i'm gonna go get some more vitamins that u guys listed here. i havent tried putting lemon in it either , but i will try it.

Nope cant have the c2 right now to many carbs.. I'm afraid if i try it after induction i might get hooked again.

They were giving out free samples at my walmart saturday .. i wanted to try it so bad. I think coke is the only thing i miss, but Diet sprite or frescha is working fine.

06-21-2004, 01:50 PM
Another trick for getting the water down is to drink through a straw. I seem to get a lot more that way. I also add 3 caps of lemon juice per 36 oz cup, throw in some splenda, and count that as part of my water. Hasn't hurt me yet.

I don't like coke, so I'm not even tempted to try the new one lol. I don't think I'll be going back to regular soda anyway, even reduced cals and carbs. I just don't think my body will tolerate the sweetness after all this time.

Congrats on the broken stall Tina :D