View Full Version : Thoughts on the South Beach diet -

06-17-2004, 08:29 AM
I started this diet on Saturday the 5th. I have lost almost 10 pounds. The nice thing is that I am never hungry, but I would KILL (Well, no really, but almost) for some chocolate! You can have all of the eggs, cheese, steak, fish and chicken you want in phase one (lasts two weeks) but NO white flour, white sugar, or fruit. anyone else doing this? I think it is easier than atkins.
My fav receipt ( I am kind of doing it myself - got the book from the library) is thin sliced baked steak with fresh mushroom, lemon pepper, and worchest. sauce.

06-17-2004, 09:24 AM
Okay...hubby and I are starting it next week. We had family visiting from N. Carolina and they had all lost weight from South Beach. And...it appeared as if it wasn't too hard to follow.

These are people who eat huge portions of food normally. We vacation together all the time and it isn't uncommon for hubby and I to split a sandwich at a restaurant for lunch. They will order dinner entrees. And it's not as if they don' t have a big dinner later either. Plus...they eat dinner extremely late in the evening.

But, South Beach is working for them.

I am dreading the first two weeks...but I'm willing to give it a shot. Nothing else seems to be working for me.

We have the book...and many of the recipes actually seem like they would be good.

I'm interested in comments as well.

06-17-2004, 09:52 AM
I think both diets sound about the same. You can't have fruit, sugar, white flour and so on with each of the diets (during induction). A few of the allowed foods may be a little different (like bacon & canadian bacon) but they seem pretty much like the same thing.

DH & I tried the South Beach but I couldn't handle the headaches from no caffiene. They were killers. Hubby wants to try the Atkins diet so we are gonna start that on Monday. I'm just going to have to alter mine a little to gradually stop drinking the caffiene instead of quitting cold turkey. lol I told him that it seems about the same as South Beach but he said on Atkins he could have REAL bacon. LOL

Good luck to yall. :)

06-17-2004, 09:58 AM
Hey- we laugh about REAL bacon, but when you are on a diet, things like that can make a BIG difference. I am still drinking coffee, but with no sugar, and I have cut the amount I drink in half. My aunt, who has been at least 200 pounds overweight as long as I can remember, got me started on South Beach. She has tried every diet under the sun, and this one is the only one she can stay on. She has lost 18 pounds in less than a month.

06-17-2004, 10:02 AM
Tasha, I never cut myself off of caf. completely, the withdrawl from so many bad carbs, along with the caf. made me sicker than a dog. I did significantly lower it, but a diet dr. pepper every now and then, or my new fav, diet code red did the trick to help the headaches ;)

06-17-2004, 10:05 AM
She has lost 18 pounds in less than a month.
That's great! I lost 5 pounds in the first 3 days of the South Beach diet! I was so excited but then the migraines set in and I just couldn't do it any longer. I know I'm not supposed to have any coffee or soda on these diets but thats all I drink 24/7. So to quit cold turkey makes my head feel like its going to explode. I'm going to get some of those new low carb cokes and just allow myself one or two a day instead of seven or eight. lol I've already been working on my cutting back my coffee but I want to get to where I don't drink it at all. I like mine with sugar and milk (or coffee mate) so I've been TRYING to use Splenda. lol It takes a little getting used to but we have got to do this. We both want to lose this weight for many different reasons (mostly health) so we are going to work hard at sticking to it.

06-17-2004, 10:07 AM
Tasha, I never cut myself off of caf. completely, the withdrawl from so many bad carbs, along with the caf. made me sicker than a dog. I did significantly lower it, but a diet dr. pepper every now and then, or my new fav, diet code red did the trick to help the headaches ;) Thanks Katt. :) My chioce for a diet drink is also diet dr pepper. I haven't tried the diet code red though. I know I like the regular one though. ;) lol

06-17-2004, 11:43 AM
I've lost 25+ lbs on the South beach diet and I have to admit that I didn't follow it "exactly" ;) the first two weeks. The caffeine part was hard and worst was no alcohol cause we had a big party to go to the weekend in between the 2 weeks.


oooo...I made the Phase 3 crispy peanutbutter crust chocolate pie....YUMMMMMM!!! Recipe is in the new cookbook

Also, you can have 1 banana a day in Phase 2 now. I get their online newsletter and this was last weeks' announcement!!

06-17-2004, 12:37 PM
I don't know much about SB, but wanted to wish you good luck. I am doing Atkins and have lost 49 since 1/1. Once you get through the first 2 weeks, it should get much easier. I switched to instant as it has less carbs than brewed coffee (per Fitday) and I use liquid saccharin (1.89 at Kroger) ... it has 0 carbs and is waaaay cheaper than powdered Splenda (which has 1 carb per packet or tsp). Good luck and hang in there!

06-17-2004, 04:42 PM
You can have chocolate on phase 2 of South Beach. You can get fat & sugar free pudding mixes. You can also have chocolate dipped strawberries and pistachio bark.

South Beach is a better diet overall because they limit saturated fats.

06-18-2004, 04:25 AM
Way to go people!!!!!! :)

Just want to say hooray to you folks trying hard to lose weight...it's very difficult to lose, even harder to keep off....I have opted for eating heathier (no fad diets) and working out but after awhile I have been bored with it.

Good luck!! :D

06-18-2004, 09:26 AM
I have opted for eating heathier (no fad diets) and working out but after awhile I have been bored with it.

That's what I do, fortunately, there is enough variety in my eating patterns, that I haven't had any boredom problems though.