View Full Version : Looks like we are going to find the puppy a new home

06-15-2004, 11:22 AM
When we first went over to look at the puppys we were told that they wouldnt get very big, prolly about the same size as our dog we have had {Rocket} Well the puppy is now 3 months old and she is as big as Rocket. We dont want a big dog, we want something about Rockets size or smaller. Dh has been saying that he doesnt think we should have gotten her and that we should find her a new home, so today I finally agreed. I do think she will make a great dog, she is great with other dogs, cats and kids. But she is going to be to big for us. I am going to make up a sign and take it down to our vets office, and go from there.

After we move {in the next 2 months} we are going to look for another dog, not a puppy but a full grown dog. That way we dont get a suprise like we have now.

I kinda hate to get rid of her because we are the only family she has known {granted she is only 3 months old} but we have had her since she was 5 weeks old. :( At least I know she will make some family happy.

06-15-2004, 12:17 PM
My sister recently got a Golden Retriever/Shep mix from a rescue. She was basically a bad match for the family and they had to recently give the puppy up. It was not an easy decision. My sister has 4 boys, and the youngest is only just going to be one next month. We all said she was crazy to take on a dog, but she did her best. This dog was definitely a "special needs" case. Sometimes you don't get a good match.

The puppy they had was under a year and already huge. She would not be housetrained. She hated people! She was probably abused. :(

People stink sometimes...good luck to you with your puppy.

06-15-2004, 12:22 PM
Good Luck I hope you find a good home for the pup. What kind of pup and about how big will it be. my son lives in NJ :D and he is coming to visit in 18 days. :D

Angel Lips
06-15-2004, 12:29 PM
good luck at finding a home for her