View Full Version : Whats the difference in highlighting and streaking?

06-09-2004, 05:10 PM
Long story short I want a different hair color then what I have and since sil dyes her hair alot I asked her what would look best and she said something about streaked blonde. I know what highlighting is but how is streaking different? My hairs light brown right now(natural color).

06-09-2004, 05:25 PM
When you take all your clothes off and run in front of a crowd...... that's streaking!!!!

Sorry, just had to do that!!!

*Tech streaks back out of thread*

06-09-2004, 05:26 PM
Streaking is when you color random strands of hair. I've never had my hair streaked but I have had it higlighted and colored. I prefer the highlight over the color. What a highlight does is basically just lightens your hair color. The first time I had it done they did it with the cap method where they pull strands of hair through holes in the cap but I don't like the frosted look so I wasn't really happy with it. The stylist said if you don't want the frosted look then you need to have the foil method done. I wish I had known that before. lol

06-09-2004, 05:35 PM
Has anyone ever used the new streaking stuff that comes with the comb and you just comb it on your hair?

I would like to have streaks in mine but I want thin ones, not big fat ones. Can you get the stuff to do this in the stores? I've never done anything like this to my hair so I don't know anything about it. lol

So to ask so many questions in your thread. :o

06-09-2004, 05:48 PM
After what I went through last week I will never try coloring my hair at home again. lol A couple of years ago I used one of those Natural Instincts hair colors. The ones that are supposed to wash out in 28 shampoos. It was a shade of red and I liked how it came out but I'm afraid of over processing my hair so I don't color it a whole lot but my natural color was starting to get dull so I figured I would get that same color but they didn't have the one I was looking for so I tried a similar shade. Well my hair turned bright orangy red. It was awful. I had to go to the stylist and have them fix it. I was born with strawberry blonde hair so my hair pulls red no matter what color I use. There are certain colors I shouldn't use. The stylist told me that anything that has a purlple tint will do that to my hair. On the back of the box it shows the different colors and numbers and she told me which ones to stay away from but I will never color my hair at home again. I had to pay $60 for corrective coloring. My hair is now a dark auburn. They had to do it a dark shade to get rid of the orange. lol

06-09-2004, 06:17 PM
I did one of those wash out ones too, and my hair was magenta for a few days, LOL. Then it faded to a really good color. I had the frosted thing done too, and it took my heair from the really oily state it had just become to super dry (and really hard to comb through.) So watch out for that.

06-09-2004, 06:23 PM
I did one of those wash out ones too, and my hair was magenta for a few days, LOL. Then it faded to a really good color. I had the frosted thing done too, and it took my heair from the really oily state it had just become to super dry (and really hard to comb through.) So watch out for that.

Yes, the hair color will give your hair texture. lol My hair is very fine and kind of on the thin side so I don't mind it too much.

06-09-2004, 06:28 PM
Has anyone ever used the new streaking stuff that comes with the comb and you just comb it on your hair?

I would like to have streaks in mine but I want thin ones, not big fat ones. Can you get the stuff to do this in the stores? I've never done anything like this to my hair so I don't know anything about it. lol

So to ask so many questions in your thread. :o

I've used the Loreal Colour Expert and love it. :)