View Full Version : What is it about Men and toilet seats??

05-30-2004, 05:07 PM
You would think that with havin to females in the house, my DH would remember to put down the toilet seat. I just got done puttin my DD in the tub for her bath and before she got in she had to go potty and neither one of us where payin attention and she fell into the toilet! OMG! I laughed my tush off and she says "Mommy! Its not funny!" Of course, I just laughed harder. DH comes in and says "Whats so funny?" and our poor DD says "Its all your fault!" LOL I then had to explain to him how she got her tush all wet before even gettin in the tub. To make her feel better I let her use a bit of my bubble bath. *sighs* MEN! LOL :eek: :eek: :eek:

05-30-2004, 05:13 PM
My hubby is trained well... I taught him how to sit and tinkle not long after we married. He only stands when he's pressed for time (on his lunch break), but he has his own little half bath, that I pretty much refuse to enter, so it's just fine if he leaves the seat up. Only company has to worry about fallin in, but I don't let many ppl in our house so don't even have to worry about that often... lol ... Sorry your dot fell in!

05-30-2004, 05:18 PM
:D the lid works both ways ;) LOL

05-30-2004, 05:38 PM
I always thought the whole seat needed to be put down by male and female. Gals can lift the top lid or guys can lift the lid and the seat. Everything down just looks nicer. The only one of my 3 kids that ever fully learned that is my oldest son :) I have fallen into the toilet in the middle of the night when I'm not thinking about where the seat is in the middle of the night in the dark...GGRRRRR!!!!!

05-30-2004, 05:39 PM
I just had this conversation the other day with DH, For the longest time he took care of it no problem, Then for some reason for the last 3 weeks its' never down when I go in. Come to find out it was our 3 year old DS who would put it down LOL. I told him to "Take a lesson" LOL :D

05-30-2004, 05:41 PM
Print this out for your menfolk:

Learn How a Toilet Seat Works

1--Lift the movable oval cover into an upright position.

2--Then lift the movable oval seat beaneath it into an upright position. They will both automatically lock into place. (that's so you can use BOTH hands)

3--Aim, hold, release, return to pants.

4--Take one hand and gently return oval seat and its top to their lowered positions. No audible sound of the seat hitting the ceramic bowl should be heard.

5--Grasp the little silver handle at left and FLUSH. (this is NOT an option, even in a public restroom) IF the first flush doesn't take, you may NOT leave the scene; stay there until you are looking at a clean bowl.

6--Wash hands. Dry them on the towels provided, not the shirt or pants you are wearing. Throw the paper towel into the trash receptacle -- or, if the towel is made of cloth , place it BACK on towel rack (usually a metal or plastic rod protruding from the wall near the sink).

05-30-2004, 05:46 PM
Jaybird - you are too much ;) :) That was perfect, right on the mark :D

05-30-2004, 05:49 PM
Speakng of 'on the mark...'

Got another little tip for you younguns (and olduns with grandkidlets)

Drain your toilet bowl, dry thoroughly. (don't ewwww me, it SHOULD be clean in there, right?) Take some red fingernail polish. "Paint" a target or bulleye in the bottom. In 30some years as a mother and 24 years of running a daycare, this WORKS. Your hotshots will aim for the mark.

Actually, in Japan, they are manufacturing toilets with 'flies' or other small bug-type thing, embedded into the ceramic. Has been proven to improve aim and reduce 'tinklespray' by like a gazillion percent.

05-30-2004, 06:03 PM
Speakng of 'on the mark...'

Got another little tip for you younguns (and olduns with grandkidlets)

Drain your toilet bowl, dry thoroughly. (don't ewwww me, it SHOULD be clean in there, right?) Take some red fingernail polish. "Paint" a target or bulleye in the bottom. In 30some years as a mother and 24 years of running a daycare, this WORKS. Your hotshots will aim for the mark.

Actually, in Japan, they are manufacturing toilets with 'flies' or other small bug-type thing, embedded into the ceramic. Has been proven to improve aim and reduce 'tinklespray' by like a gazillion percent.
My aim is just perfect..it is the toilet that keeps moving...........

05-30-2004, 06:14 PM
My aim is just perfect..it is the toilet that keeps moving...........

Hmm, sounds like my husband. I always try to get him to clean the toilet since hes the one who messes it up so much but it never seems to work. LOL

Jaybird~ I read that to him and he says "hm." Thats it nothing else. lol

Angel Lips
05-30-2004, 06:22 PM
my dad and my bf both do that. and when i want to go potty in the middle of the night, im to lazy and sleepy to turn on the light so trust that they put the seat down, but noo i always end up falling in, and you think i would learn by now. plus my dad says "you never put the seat up so why should i put it down" its annoying...lol and he has his own bathroom too but insist on using ours.

05-30-2004, 06:24 PM
RULES for women...


All other rules are optional....

2--If oval cover / oval SEAT is in the upright position, return oval seat to its lowered position.

I don't care what you do after that.... :D :)

05-30-2004, 06:33 PM
that bullseye idea has me thinkin of doing that. Wonder if it'd work for my boy. I've had my share of falling into the toilet myself. Not so much in the last couple years, but it's happened.