View Full Version : Speaking of getting tattoo's

05-27-2004, 09:52 AM
Great now ya'all have me wanting to get another one.
I have always wanted to do something with the small 2'inch scar i have on my lower back from my back surgeries and now i have come up with what i want.......


A small little zipper done on my scar...whatcha think????
I think it would look cool

05-27-2004, 09:58 AM
I think it would work LOL!! You'd have to get us pics though, I definately would want to see that! (I've never seen a zipper on somone like that :eek: )

05-27-2004, 10:03 AM
I thought it would be cool to get too....a zipper on my back like i could just unzip my skin.....lol
I'll have to see if its possible to tat over a scar..not sure!

05-27-2004, 10:08 AM
go for it why not do it and soon as i get the money i'll get mine fixed lol they started something

05-27-2004, 02:28 PM
Hee hee! Go for it! I heard of a woman who had a rose vine tattooed on her mastectomy scar, so I think they should be able to do a zipper! :D

05-27-2004, 02:58 PM
That sounds cool! I want to see it, too, if/when you do it. And if they can tattoo over stretchmarks, I'm sure a scar wouldn't be any different.. unless it's too tender for you.

I thought of doing that, too... thought more about having a real zipper installed because of my 4 c-sections lol.

05-27-2004, 05:26 PM
thats a pretty good idea! sounds cute. after gettin mine today I thought of covering some of mine up.

05-27-2004, 11:37 PM
That's a cute idea! :)

05-28-2004, 05:34 AM
That's a neat idea! :)

I have had stretch marks on my stomach for quite a long time from losing and gaining weight. Back when my Dh and I were dating, I was complaining about them and suggested (only in jest--he is NOT an insensitive person) that I could cover up the stretch marks with flames! lol ;)

05-28-2004, 07:01 AM
Here's some info about tattooing scars.

Yes, scars can be covered but it is a difficult and tedious process. Also, if the scar is raised there will be an indistinct area in the tattoo (where the scar is) that will be raised. Below is what is involved in covering a scar.

1. It is time consuming. Depending on the individual's skin or scar texture, a single line may require two or more passes with the needle before it takes.

2. It can be, and often is, more painful than the average tattoo. Scar tissue is very sensitive since the nerve endings are closer to the "new skin" (unless the nerve ends were destoyed when the damage occured).

3. Once set within the scar or graft tissue, black will stay. However, color will bleed or fade from the skin. There is always a slight possibility that the black may blot or run beneath the tissue, but if a very fine line is used this problem can be virtually eliminated.

4. I often recommend to my clients who wish to have their scar or graft tissue tattooed that they get a very small tattoo within the area first, as a test to determine if their skin will accept the pigment. Then, if all is well, the small tattoo can be covered or incorporated when the major artwork is applied.

5. Last, but certainly not least, it is very important that the scar and/or graft tissue be at least one year old before tattooing is attempted (the older the scar, the better). Destroyed tissue takes a long time to heal, so the older the scar, the better it will take the pigment.

05-28-2004, 07:06 AM
thanks for the info

Mine is below the skin and only like maybe 1-2' so i think it could be done
First surgery i had stitches and the second surgery they "glued" me .......yep looked like a had a big booger on my back.....lol Left the scar smoother tho!