View Full Version : Is this crazy? Got banned from another

05-11-2004, 06:51 AM
board defending a girl from Peta. I'm not even vegetarian. But I am glad I was because they were treating me HORRIBLY and I don't need that. So I'm not upset anymore about it. It was kinda comical. One person said people who didn't eat meat were loonies! LOL Another one called me a teenager. She said, I'm not going to "argue " with a teenager. LOL I was really upset because I posted like +700 posts but now I'm glad I won't be treated like dirt.
It didn't help the owner of the board was best buds with the few people that gave the other girl & I a really hard time. gee whiz! LOL Whatever!
The only chat topics they EVER talked about was: the weather, what's for dinner and not much else.
I am free! Woo hoo! LOL LOL LOL

05-11-2004, 07:00 AM
There are so many more positive things you can do online. Don't dwell on negatives and boards that you are unhappy with! Stay at BBF and check out some interesting conversation. Or search for freebies. :D

05-11-2004, 07:03 AM
but doncha know your not allowed to have your OWN opinion LOL. As soon as ya say something different from everyone else, your the outcast lol....and if the owner/mod is making it personal then they shouldn't be in control of the board.

05-11-2004, 07:07 AM
but doncha know your not allowed to have your OWN opinion LOL. As soon as ya say something different from everyone else, your the outcast lol....and if the owner/mod is making it personal then they shouldn't be in control of the board.

05-11-2004, 07:11 AM
but doncha know your not allowed to have your OWN opinion LOL. As soon as ya say something different from everyone else, your the outcast lol....and if the owner/mod is making it personal then they shouldn't be in control of the board.

That's true at a LOT of places.

05-11-2004, 07:16 AM
I'm not worried anymore! They aren't worthy of my freebies finds anyway!
I don't fell bad. I'm happy now. LOL Tired because I haven't been to bed.
I love it over here. This is more my style & speed.

05-11-2004, 09:14 AM
I hate to rain on the parade, but what happens at other boards needs to stay at other boards. BBS does not need members from the one being talked about coming here to cause trouble because they feel the need to "defend" themselves. It is for this reason, this thread is now being closed.