View Full Version : Knock On The Door First !!!!!!!!!!!

04-28-2004, 07:04 PM
Today I went to Target to get me a new swimsuit , anyways I get into the changeing room lock the door or so i though it was locked :rolleyes: , then this teenage girl comes bargeing in the door :eek: , I was like WTF , don't you know how to knock , better yet didn't you see the freakin ' sign on the door or even my sandels that you stepped on .......... ohhhhhhhhhhhh I was and still am beyond livid , then she say's ohhh sorry and shuts the door , I just dressed and went out and told the lady they need to fix their changeing room doors , because I was just walked in on , while trying to try this suit on and she was like soooooo what do you want me to do . I told her to call maintance and have them fix the door . I walked away and the mother of the girl heard what i said and says to me , why make such a big deal their just boobs and from what my daughter said not much to look at anyway :eek: :mad: , I told her that you should teach your child manners, and learn how to knock on a Freakin door and she was like well don't get so bent ........ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH People can be so , so ..... Oh I just don't know about people anymore..... Then to top it off this family was shopping and the same girl that had walked in on me was laughing and pointing at me ......... I wish the floor of the store would have just opened up and swallowed me . I know I shouldn't have gotten so bent outta shape . I"m still sooooooooo mad I could chew nail's . Ok deeeeeeeep breath ...... Ok i'm done venting , petty as it may be it helped alittle .

04-28-2004, 07:08 PM
awwww. I hope u feel better now.

04-28-2004, 07:17 PM
Wow, I gotta say you handled that better than I EVER would have. Screw having the floor open up and swallow you, Have it swallow her :D :D :D I cannot stand dealing with teenagers, Most of them are....Well, Not good (To say the least) :rolleyes: Sorry you had such a bad experience, I would definately go back and leave a report with the manager about that lady back there.

04-28-2004, 07:18 PM
Take A Deep Breath And Calm Down. I Would Have Been Pissed Off Too, If Anybody Had Walked In On Me. The Girls Mother Should Have Been More Senceable, Then To Damn Near Laugh About Her Childs Bad Manners, She Should Have Said Something To Her. And Darn It The Floor Never Opens Up And Swallows Us When We Want It Too. Now Smile, Don't You Feel Better.

04-28-2004, 07:20 PM
Well, I am sorry it happened to you. However, it is a just little funny :) ...sorry he he.

04-28-2004, 07:41 PM
I tell you the sad fact is you cant blame the girl for acting that way. I mean look how the mother acted. Parents have a hard time teaching kids to respect others when they dont. I am sorry your shopping turned out so bad. Last week we had a boy walk in the dressing room while my DD was trying on clothes and then he tried it again. Poor DD was so upset.

04-28-2004, 07:59 PM
I tell you the sad fact is you cant blame the girl for acting that way. I mean look how the mother acted. Parents have a hard time teaching kids to respect others when they dont. I am sorry your shopping turned out so bad. Last week we had a boy walk in the dressing room while my DD was trying on clothes and then he tried it again. Poor DD was so upset.
Hope they made that boy leave the store!

04-28-2004, 08:53 PM
OMG! Sounds like your day was about as good as mine. I had Physical Therapy today. I always wear pants that let me roll the leg up (I go to therapy for my knee) Anyways, today I didn`t. I`m putting on my johnny & another Therapist completely walks in on me. She says she`s sorry. i`m like we`ll at least i wasn`t sitting on a toilet (have had that 1 happen before) she`s totally apologetic. After al this, I`m fully clothed & out doing my excerises. Who comes in...you guessed it!

04-29-2004, 04:06 AM
I don't blame you for being upset! I hate changing rooms in places. I always expect some jerk to walk in. They used to have one big room at one store and I refused to shop there.

I'm so paranoid, I think the mirrors are 2 way...lol...poor them if they want to look at me..

I hope you have a better day today...

04-29-2004, 12:03 PM
Thanks all ! I do feel alittle better ..... I had to go back yesterday to the same store , since I didn't get to try the first suit on , I had to go back and try another , so I went to the changeing room and asked the same girl did the locks get fixed , I don't want another episode like the one the other day and she proceeds to tell me that " The door's were fixed your royal highness" WTF , I went to the manger and told her exactly what i had just been told and she asked the young lady if it were true about what she said and she bold faced lied to her and said I came in there mouthing off ... . I told both of them I tried to be nice about it now i'm taking this matter to a higher level........ took their names and went stright home to file a complint at corporate level . So we shall see what happens . But thanks all for your nice thoughts !!!!!!!!! Ciao

04-29-2004, 12:07 PM
WOOO HOOO!!! You go girl!!!! Teach them all a lesson. If they chose to work in the public they can darn well do it right!

04-29-2004, 12:08 PM
"Your majesty?" she said that???? Go forth and complain...what nerve....sounds like you get the same lousy service in CA as we get here in NY...all anyone ever wants to do is be on break....good luck..

04-29-2004, 12:40 PM
Your Majesty was uncalled for. I would complain also at this point. I hate it when people lie right to your face.

04-29-2004, 01:29 PM

Where exactly is this? I wouldn't ask but since you probably live real close to me, I'd like to know. Thanks.

04-29-2004, 08:02 PM
Hello , I live in Anahiem . The Target I'm talking about is on Harbor and Chapman .......... Thanks all I do feel better now .