View Full Version : Sunless Tanning Lotion

04-22-2004, 10:56 AM
Does anyone here use this? What is the best kind to use without looking to dark, orange or streaking? I'd like to have just a light tan but I burn so easily and bad that I can't do it in the sun and I don't have a way (or the money) to go to a tanning bed.

Also, Any tips on how to apply this without looking like a freak?

04-22-2004, 11:00 AM
I have never had good luck, even with the expensive stuff. Avon apparently has a new sunless tanning lotion that everyone is raving over, but I havent personally tried it.

I have REALLY pale irish/german skin. I actually use Carrot Oil and lay in the sun for just a few minutes a day. Its been so hot here I actually am burned, but its so light it may turn into a tan. But personally the carrot oil has worked best for me and its cheaper than the sunless tanning stuff.

04-22-2004, 11:07 AM
I use store brand spray on sunless tanning for my legs when i wear shorts.
My face and arms tan from being out side but i dont wear dresses or shorts often so when i do i use the stray for a light base tan.
You have to use trial and error and just learn what is enough and what isnt IMO
I have streaked, bloched and just plain looked funny but i learned how after time to do it right.
Good luck

04-22-2004, 11:10 AM
I've used Coppertone & its really good. The trick is how you apply it. You need to use a light layer and before you put it on put lotion on your elbows and knees - that will keep them from becoming freakish. you need to rub it in so it doesn't streak and then let it sit for awhile. I have the new avon stuff & its ok... I did one calf to see the color and it really didn't do much. i have an evening of exfoliation - applying the sunless tanner and watching a movie tonight - so i'll let you know. BTW - I have pale irish skin that only burns - never tans.

04-22-2004, 11:11 AM
very good post..I have been wondering the same thing, I take so much medication and cant be in the sun. and living in Florida I dont want to go around looking like a ghost..I used to lay in the sun every summer and get a great tan..we have water all around us..I thought about trying sunless tanning this year also..
Marcia :confused:

04-22-2004, 11:45 AM
I don't know any good brands, but definitely remember to EXFOLIATE beforehand or it will definitely end up a patchy ole mess.

04-22-2004, 12:17 PM
I exfolliate, too. I use make up sponges to keep it even,( no finger streaks) so that will put you back a buck, only one layer, on elbow's, knees, that is so true..I use, Coppertone and Hawaiian Tropic, I also use AreoTan Spray, you could go to a tanning bed, they have the spray tans, to get a base color, and then improve on it, though that tan lasts 4-7 days, but you would get a better idea, but they cost $10+ and I mean "+"..like the above, if first you don't succeed, wait for Halloween, you will fit right in!!!! :)

04-22-2004, 12:36 PM
I tried the Neutrogena foam and it spread really easy and it looked natural and I am very very pale. You also have to be committed to putting it on at least once a week or its not worth it because it will fade.