View Full Version : Ughhhhhhhh

04-12-2004, 04:03 AM
I am having problems with my siggie.
This is what I have:(which is what is showing now)
* (((
* ( *)>
* ( ) )
QP & CAG lover

this is what I want(actually, I would have loved to have one of the birds facing the other way too, but...):
* (((
* ( *)>
* ( ) )
Quaker Parrot & African Grey lover

Do you guys see more than 75 characters? I don't

04-12-2004, 04:14 AM
Since the 75 characters also include spaces, it could be that the limit is counting the empty space after your parrot as characters.....honestly I don't really know for sure. Sorry:(

04-12-2004, 04:16 AM
Not sure if that is or not, am going to try to put it at the end of the bird and see what happens

04-12-2004, 04:21 AM
Worked, I actually had a line of several of the birds, but when the side ads were put back in, it scrooged them around, when I edited this am, I just copied what I had, and may have left some spaces in (I had to remove 3 between the crest and my title to get it to finally work, might play a little more and see what I can come up with. I know with the old program, I had big probs getting the birds to line up in the first place, lol, maybe the bugs were taken out of this one, and I dont nee the spaces with more than one bird,lol

04-12-2004, 10:30 AM
i think it looks neat no matter if one bird or many birds......you did a great job

04-12-2004, 10:44 AM