View Full Version : People who don't disclose ALL the details!

04-09-2004, 11:45 AM
THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE HERE ON BBS - I am just so frustrated that I have to vent!

My daughter tried out for cheerleading. In order to try out, parents had to attend a parent meeting. At this parent meeting, the cost of being a cheerleader was brought up. It will cost $470.00 to be paid to the school for bloomers (2 pr), socks, shoes, poms, and Cheer Camp -in addition to any incidentals (like ribbons for hair, etc). We parents were told that we could make payments and that a $50.00 deposit to be applied to the $470.00 amount would be due at the time that those who made cheerleading was posted after tryouts.

Well, my daughter made it (HOORAY :D ) and turned in her $50.00 deposit and brought home a packet of information. In the information it said the next payment is due on April 26 and that payment amount was $255.00. I couldn't believe it. That means that I have to come up with an unexpected $305.00 this month!

If someone told you that you could make payments on the $470.00, wouldn't you think that it meant that it wouldn't mean that OVER HALF was due in two and half weeks time?????

I am soooo happy for my daughter that she made it, but I am just SOOOOOO frustrated over the financial strain - we knew to expect it, but just were lead to believe that it was to be stretched out a little more.

Luckily we had been saving for a new furnace and have the extra money right now - usually we wouldn't- but now we will have to start saving again for a furnace.


04-09-2004, 11:58 AM
Wow, that bites! I would contact the school and let them know what a strain that payment is going to make and ask if other arrangements can be made. It's worth a try.

Congratulations to your daughter! :)

04-09-2004, 03:03 PM
I know how you feel. Im not on quite the same scale you are, but I still understand.


04-09-2004, 06:44 PM
I totally understand what you are dealing with! My DD was a cheerleader all 4 years of high school (she is senior this year). It cost us that much or more every year. The darn coaches would tell us one thing and then do another, they act like we all have money growing on trees in the back yard! Just be prepared next year if she makes the squad!


04-09-2004, 07:10 PM
Glad your DD made the cheerleading squad..........More and more schools are feeling the pinch and need the funding quicker these days...........but to not let a person know what is going on is not very good

04-10-2004, 01:56 PM
I'm sorry but that is ridiculous. This means that cheerleading excludes any young woman who could not afford the "extras". I just don't understand what schools expect from their students. Somewhere along the line there should be a fund that supplies uniforms for all of these events. What if you're in a band? Do you supply everything that you wear as well?
There has to be a cheaper way.

04-12-2004, 11:30 AM
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you that responded and thanks to those who offered congratulations.

I did talk with the coach and she said that other payment arrangements could be made, but they were trying to pay for Cheer Camp upfront. I said that this year we would be able to manage it because, luckily, we were saving for something else, and next year we would know in advance, but it would have been nice to know that they really wanted that much that quickly when we attended the parent meeting.

I am not quite as frustrated now, even though we are still going to make the next payment of $255 when it is due, it is nice to know that if we hadn't had some money stashed she would have still been able to be a cheerleader. I am just glad she didn't go out for SaltShakers (the high school drill team), my friend's daughter is in that and they ended up spending over $2000 last year for her to participate. Makes ya' wonder how girls with lower incomes can ever get into any of these neat programs!

04-12-2004, 12:19 PM
Makes ya' wonder how girls with lower incomes can ever get into any of these neat programs!

they usually can't, and it's often reflected in that drill teams in many schools are elitist. Sometimes other groups get that way too.

since someone mentioned it earlier...in the band, the school provides marching uniforms, sometimes concert uniforms (plus dry cleaning expenses for them), you are out a lot of school and personal money for wear and tear on intruments and other equipment, instrument rentals (unless your program privdes them, in which case more band fundraisers), sheet music (scores cost a small fortune) and your consumables (reeds, oils, cleaning kits) private instructions, clinicians, travel to and from games, contests, auditions....

sadly, many schools can hardly afford textbooks, let alone fund all extra programs. And they are good programs that kids need to be involved with.