View Full Version : Some companys suck!

04-08-2004, 10:56 AM
WARNING! Very petty whine ahead...

I signed up at stamps.com - partially because of the free scale, but also because printing my postage from home and sending packages with my mailman would save me A LOT of time! So today I get my "Welcome package" and it's this flat envelope, so I'm thinking WTF! I open it and I have to print postage from their website and mail a postcard back to them to get the scale. I know it's to try to keep people from ripping them off, but here I'm going to be a legitimate customer and I have to go thru this hassle. Who knows how long it'll be until I actually receive the stupid scale, and in the mean time I've still got to make a trip to town several days a week to mail my packages. GRR!

04-08-2004, 11:00 AM
Why not just buy a postage scale or even a food scale and weigh your packages that way? Then get your postage from the post office. At our office we do it through Pitney Bowles and they just download more postage into our meter when we need it. Plus they do supply a scale.

There has to be another way.

04-08-2004, 12:42 PM
I got $5 free postage for signing up and they sent me 2 postcards for $10 free postage each, so I'm definately going to stick with them for the trail! I get a lot of checks and money orders, so I'd hate to only accept paypal and my big problem is packing up all the kids to go to town too. I can either take them all or call one of my Grandmas to come and watch them so I can make the trip, but if I do that the kids have the whole "I don't have to mind because Grandma is here" attitude and it's so NOT worth it! I figured I would probably still save money with stamps.com with free delivery confirmation and saving the gas/hassle of running into town every other day. In the town I live in you have to be careful about buying any sort of scale because the drug dealers use them to weigh out their product and generally the scale purchase is the first sign of a new/re-start up. I could just see someone telling my family I was selling drugs LOL [that's what my BIL is in jail for]!

Thanks for the suggestions though!