View Full Version : Anyone go to tanning salons?

04-02-2004, 07:09 AM
I do,well,I usually go to get a base tan so I don't burn/peel the first time in the REAL sun.

They have this new teeth whitener stuff (saw a girl getting a clear tube) I guess the lights in the tanning bed activate it. New to me.

What tanning lotion do you use? Right no i am using Tattoo or Oxygen.I like the hot/tingle ones!

I also like to go,because it's like I told Tom (T) it's my 30 minutes of sanity/sleep away from the lil one :D

04-02-2004, 07:15 AM
I used to go and I loved it! Like you said, it was my quiet time from the kids but I haven't been in about 2 or 3 years. I just burn so easily and it takes me forever to get up to 20 & 30 minutes. Plus the money situation hasn't been so good here lately. But hopefully I can start going again soon.

I can't think of the lotions I used. lol

04-02-2004, 07:15 AM
i usually buy 100 minutes at the beginning of spring and use them all and then am done for the year. i never bought tanning lotions or anything until last year. they had a bin of individual lotions for sale in basket and i very carefully explained to the girl that i don't tan easy and have very sensitive skin. she sold me some kind or another and five minutes into my tan, i felt like i was on fire. i got out and my skin was bright red and it hurt. this other girl at the front was like "that is the tingle factor" i about smacked her. i said "this doesn't tingle this hurts like &(*^!!!!!" so i rushed home and took a shower and have not used any lotions since.
whew. but, i told dh i need to go buy a package soon, so i am on the lookout for non-tingling lotions, apparently my skin can't handle it!

04-02-2004, 07:21 AM
Oh I remember!! I always used Australian Gold. It didn't get hot or have the tingle factor in it.

halvarado, Wal-Mart also has a lotion for tanning beds but I've never used it. Maybe you could check it out. :)

04-02-2004, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Tasha405
Oh I remember!! I always used Australian Gold. It didn't get hot or have the tingle factor in it.

halvarado, Wal-Mart also has a lotion for tanning beds but I've never used it. Maybe you could check it out. :)

Yhere was a big sign up "DUE TO DAMAGING THE BED" australian products are not permitted.

Heather~get one with a cooling affect,Holly my best friend is a red head she uses a cooling factor one.

Since I tan easy I go the first two times at 15 minutes after that 20

04-02-2004, 07:47 AM
lol i did one time and I told the gal I burn real easy, and she put me in for 15 MINS! OMG!!!!! I was burned in places I didnt know existed, and I had to bowl on league that night LOL

04-02-2004, 08:38 AM
I havent went to a tanning salon in years ... I burn, peel, turn white again and start all over. I never tan(barely) so I dont seee what the sense in me going and spending all that money when I can go outside and do the same thing free.

BUT, the very first time me and my 2 other friends went, we didnt know any better and NOBODY told us, we went in for 30 minutes. Can you say OUCH?!?! ..lol
We had school the next day and we all 3 had to bring thin pillows to sit on and lean against. Thankfully the teachers all liked us and sympathized with us. A hard lesson well learned..lol

04-02-2004, 09:23 AM
They allow australian gold here, because it doesn't have mineral oil in it, and it's the mineral oil that damages the acrylic on the beds. I tried a packet of the astralian gold, with a small tingle factor. Didn't like it much, so I got Swedish intensifier. I figured I had to do it when I had money, cause normally I can't afford $25 for a small bottle of tanning lotion. They had some for $60 and I guess that's an uppity thing, cause I sure couldn't blow that much money on that stuff. :eek:

Anyway, paid $30 for one month, and can go as often as I choose. I've been going everyday, for 10 minutes, and have now gotten up to 15, but came out with streaks on my back where the lights were brightest where I was laying. I think I'm going back to 10 for another week lol.

04-02-2004, 09:29 AM
I have not been lately but when I worked 3rd shift I'd go when I got off and it was the best sleep I got all day.
I'm hoping to go back soon but all my 3 DD's wanna go too and that could get real expensive. I wish I could afford to buy me one but even if I could I'd have to build a room to put it in lol
I used several different lotions when I did go I cannot remember the names.
Have any of you tried the pills? I know people that have but I was always afraid to use them.

04-02-2004, 09:45 AM
Once this baby comes I want to find a place that has the stand up booths. I hate the coffin type but that is because of the germ factor. The stand up booths also have a fan on the floor that kind keeps you cool. The max time allowed in the booths back home was only 10 so I would go before work.

04-02-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by JewRican
Once this baby comes I want to find a place that has the stand up booths. I hate the coffin type but that is because of the germ factor. The stand up booths also have a fan on the floor that kind keeps you cool. The max time allowed in the booths back home was only 10 so I would go before work.

I tried the stand ups for awhile but hated having to hold on to those bars with my arms up in the air lol
As far as the germ thang I always wiped down the beds myself before and after just in case they didn't

04-02-2004, 10:32 AM
Due to Medication I take it makes my skin extra sensitive to sunlight. I get alot of sun in the summer lots of sunblock when i take DD swimming we usally are out for about 6 hours

04-02-2004, 11:05 AM
I LOVE going to the tanning bed!! I cannot wait for Jacob to hurry up and make his apperance b/c I will be going there just for the quite time I get! I use the Tattoo Hot tanning lotion (it has the tingle factor in it). I do enjoy the stand up booth a lot more b/c I do not have to stay in there as long and for me it is a lot easier!!

04-02-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by DAVESBABYDOLL
I do,well,I usually go to get a base tan so I don't burn/peel the first time in the REAL sun.

They have this new teeth whitener stuff (saw a girl getting a clear tube) I guess the lights in the tanning bed activate it. New to me.

What tanning lotion do you use? Right no i am using Tattoo or Oxygen.I like the hot/tingle ones!

I also like to go,because it's like I told Tom (T) it's my 30 minutes of sanity/sleep away from the lil one :D
So there really is such a thing as sanity???:eek:

04-02-2004, 12:41 PM
You all keep talking about tingle factor but all the tanning bed products I have tried didn't have a tingle factor! Those mofos had a burn factor! I remember one "Jamaican Hot Jam," used it for my regular 10 minute session and felt like I was in an oven on broil!

04-02-2004, 12:45 PM
Heck no! I'm white as a ghost. :p

04-02-2004, 12:49 PM
I bought a promotional package in January - full year for $99!! This is the best tanning place I've ever been too (real clean, friendly people, etc). I use a cool/tingling lotion that's about $20/bottle, but it lasts me about 4-5 months.

Totally agree w/ everyone else - I just turn up the radio real high, lay back and enjoy the serenity while I get 'browned'.

04-02-2004, 12:54 PM
I also like using the booths. I use the lay down beds until I work my way up to 20 or 30 minutes and then I use the booth. I think its gives a better all around tan.

It's so hard for me to go because like someone else said.. I burn, blister, peel and I'm white again. It takes me forever to tan. I get burned so easily though. I was out in the sun the other day for 2 to 3 hours max and my face was blood red and it still is. lol

04-02-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Katt
I can't afford $25 for a small bottle of tanning lotion. They had some for $60 and I guess that's an uppity thing, cause I sure couldn't blow that much money on that stuff. :eek: I hear ya! That's how I am too. I have friends that will spend that much on it but I just can't.

04-02-2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by JewRican
You all keep talking about tingle factor but all the tanning bed products I have tried didn't have a tingle factor! Those mofos had a burn factor! I remember one "Jamaican Hot Jam," used it for my regular 10 minute session and felt like I was in an oven on broil!

The tingle factor feels like the top layer of skin is asleep,lol,make sense? For me the hotter the better!

JWWB2000~ I use the tattoo in the red bottle *went today at 11:30 aaawwww,west and wewaxation :D

04-02-2004, 01:58 PM
I just bought another 350 tanning units today.... I'm such a happy camper. I just feel better after tanning. I vary which lotions I use. I can't remember exactly what the new lotion I bought is called...something cappucinno. It has a bronzer in it and also something that continues to deepen your tan for 3 hours after using it. Kind of pricey at $30 a bottle but I like it. Tried those tingle lotions and don't much care for them.

04-02-2004, 03:32 PM
I usually tan for about a month starting about now to get a good base tan then through the summer Im out at the pool enough I keep a great tan.
I havent tried any lotions in years. I usually tan better without the lotion. I went today on my lunch break and it was a wonderful break in my day!! :D

04-02-2004, 07:26 PM
I bought a month unlimited for 23.97 :)

A good lotion with bronzer is called Double Dip, really nice and a good scent.But like with any bronzer remember to wipe it off between your fingers!!

04-02-2004, 08:34 PM
What exactly is a tingle/cool/etc. factor? lol What's it do? Is it ok tto use in the regular sun?
I've never been in a tanning bed because I don't really want to cause any damage on my skin. One time I was at an amusement park and i didnt wear any suntan lotion because I've never had a sunburn in my whole life. Let's just say I was red like a tomato in the face with blisters on my shoulders when I came home lol I didn't even feel it till hourslater.

04-02-2004, 10:47 PM
I use the Wal-Mart lotion - but not Australian Gold. They have another brand called LA Expresso. It's great.

I HATE The tingly ones! They give me the biggest rash!

04-02-2004, 11:00 PM
I used to work with this girl who went to the salon every day at lunch, she was orange, so that totally turned me off. I'd rather be fish belly white than orange.

04-03-2004, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by Vertigo
I used to work with this girl who went to the salon every day at lunch, she was orange, so that totally turned me off. I'd rather be fish belly white than orange.

She probably used self tanners.No one I know including myself have turned orange.

silvermist~cooling is a lotion that make your skin feel cool,tingle hot

04-03-2004, 07:23 AM
I have a neighbor who goes tanning too much and she is definitely orange.

04-03-2004, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Linus1223
I have a neighbor who goes tanning too much and she is definitely orange.

I didn't think of that...true if you go every day 365 days a year.you look like leather and orange lol You can only get so dark before it looks ugly.I do my base in the fake bake,then in the summer,we are at the lake every weekend :)

04-03-2004, 07:54 AM
No, I don't fake tan .. I have before though .. 10 years ago my one sister and I went everyday for a couple months. I also went twice in one day too and regretted that one .. lol/

I tan very easily and rather take my chances in the sun .. there is just something I don't trust about tanning beds. I also think it looks funny to see tan people now being it is only April and not very warm or sunny out .. lol.

Anyone ever hear the myth about tanning and cooking your insides? You know the one about the girl who died cause she overdid it trying to get a killer tan for prom? Well, they had that on the show "Mythbusters," and that one is false .. just so you all know .. :)

04-03-2004, 08:44 PM
I go to Darque Tan....it's $18.88 a month. I feel better when I tan.....I always say tan "fat" looks better than white "fat"! LOL!!!!!! I tan VERY easy....always have.......have only been going for the last couple of weeks, about 3-4 times a week and am already brown..........

If I get skin cancer....it will be from the days of baby oil and iodine on the beach at Galveston when I was in high school!