View Full Version : April Fools Day just ain't funny....

04-01-2004, 01:15 PM
I am ready for this day to be over! My son had a Social Study project that we worked for what seemed like forever and we won't even go into how much money was spent and wasted on materials that just didn't work while building King Tut's tomb.

He turned this project in yesterday so I ask him if they had been graded on them. This project was worth 100 points. He tells me they received their grades, and he scored a 37......all I could think is why the h*ll did he bother. So here I am about to go over the edge....one step away from calling his teacher...when this BRAT child of mine says....April Fools. I was not amused.

He goes on to tell me that when the teacher passed out the sheets with their grades that everyone had scored low and had failed except for one student. Half way through class his teacher announces to the class that the scores they received were a Aprils Fool joke......son said not to many thought it was funny.

Oh and by the way.....my son received all 100 points for this project.

04-01-2004, 04:25 PM
OH,OH that teacher is asking for all her books to be glued closed. Shudder. LOL

04-01-2004, 05:03 PM
Sounds like a prety cool teacher :)

COngrats to your son on the 100!!

04-01-2004, 06:42 PM
LOL A sense of humor that is great.Congratulations to your son on a great job.

04-02-2004, 07:59 AM
wow 100% great:)
we had a teacher once who told us in december just before the holiday break that he was not going to be our teacher any more this year and was not coming back again until next year and he did it real sad and almost every one realy believed he was leaving for that school year and we'd have a substitute. but he was joking, he was not coming back until the next year because when we got back from vacation it would be a new year. there were girls crying over this and everything and he had to apologise for teasing us, and this wasn't even april fools! i couldn't believe the kids falled for it, but i was always mature for my age. this was in 6th grade.