View Full Version : anyone here with insomnia?

03-30-2004, 09:52 PM
does anyone here have insomnia? i had it about a year ago and its back, been back for the last few months. the doctor used to prescribe me ambien but turns out i'm allergic to that, i hallucinate when i take ambien. so doctor wont prescribe anything else. do you use any over the counter sleep meds? if so what? and does it work well?

03-30-2004, 10:16 PM
My insomnia comes and goes...I can't take ambien either b/c it makes my depression worse when I am on it, and my dr wont prescribe me anything else since I didnt do too well on the ambien. I have used nytol (I think thats what its called) in the little blue gel pills. It worked pretty well for me, but I did sometimes have problems getting up in the morning.

03-30-2004, 10:20 PM
Alot of Dr.s have told me to take Benadryl. It makes alot of people really tired, and I'm one of them. Just take two pills about half to one hour before you want to go to sleep. But, for me at least, it seems to only work for a few months, and then I guess I start getting used to it, and it doesn't work as well any more. Also, do you stay indoors alot? I have recently discovered that I can sleep alot better, get up earlier, and feel much less tired through the day if I spend enough time outside in the sunlight. Good luck, I know how much insomnia can suck!

P.S. Also, have you asked your Dr. about other prescription sleep aids? Because I know they have many different kinds, and it doesn't seem like you would be allergic to all of them.

03-30-2004, 10:22 PM
Tylenol Simply Sleep or there is one that starts with a Z..these are both OTC meds that my uncle recommends as they are nonhabit forming. Then again, I have a friend who takes Benadryl for insomnia cause it knocks the crud out of her (knocks me out too..I wont take it)

03-30-2004, 10:27 PM
My Mom has a hard time sleeping and she takes Tylenol PM, it works for her...