View Full Version : Ebay question... yep, another one! :D

03-28-2004, 09:49 AM
Ok, last night I was bidding up til the last second on a pair of hockey inline skates... well at the last second, I did win the auction... BUT the reserve was still not met.... does this mean I dont get them, or I do??

I really need them, my bf broke his last week. I'm still figuring out this whole ebay dealy-o... I am selling my very first thing ever on ebay this week. LOL :D

So do you think I will get them, or what should I do?


03-28-2004, 09:57 AM
I think if the reserve is not met then there isn't a winner. :(

03-28-2004, 10:00 AM
I was afraid someone might say that :*( has anyone ever had this happen AND gotten to buy the stuff??

man, if you are going to put a reserve on the thing, wouldn't it make more sense to put your bottom price for the starting bid, rather than spend the extra money putting a reserve on an item?? that way I wouldn't be disappointed either. :D

Thanks Patchouli! :D

03-28-2004, 10:08 AM
You're welcome. :) I never bid on anything that has a reserve price set. I think what happens is the item will be relisted. You could always email the seller and ask but I'm pretty sure that's what happens. I'm sorry. :(

03-28-2004, 10:14 AM
occasionally they sell the item anyway. i guess it just depends on how bad they need the money or want the item out of their house.

03-28-2004, 10:22 AM
Here is some info that might help.....

Some auctions have a reserve price, a hidden minimum price, on their item.

How it works:
A reserve price is the minimum price a seller is willing to accept for the item.

As a buyer, you are not shown the reserve price, only whether or not the reserve has been met.

The seller is not obligated to sell the item if the reserve price is not met.

The winning bidder must meet or exceed the reserve price and have the highest bid.

03-28-2004, 10:33 AM
ok thanks you guys, he hasn't emailed me, so I think I will email him and ask him about it... maybe he will jsut want to get rid of it... I won them for 41$ and in the description it said the reserve was 65... so it's kinda close LOL.

03-28-2004, 10:37 AM
Maybe he will let you have them for $41 then. Good luck! Let us know what happens. :)

Kyla Kym
03-28-2004, 11:31 AM
I wouldn't even try to get them at $41, because if you do talk him into selling them to you for that price, you won't have ebay's protection. You won't be able to leave feedback either. Because the auction has closed and since no one meet the reserve then it's like there was no winners.

Tina, I've seen allot of people put their reserve price in the listing like that. I never realized they were doing that to avoid sellers fee's. :)

03-28-2004, 11:46 AM
If he does let you have them for $41 have him start a new auction with that as the Buy It NOW so you can officially win it and have the ability to leave feedback.

If he won't do that then it's not worth the risk. You can probably find some more on there! I've paid for things w/o ebay protection and it's always worked out, but I don't want you to get screwed, so don't do it! :p

Usually people who set reserves are firm with their price. I've never had anyone be like "eh, okay you can have it for $X." They usually don't say anything at all and act like no one even bid.

03-28-2004, 11:54 AM
these were realllllly nice skates... i should have known I would get them for a steal... well 65$ is probably still a great deal on them, my bf said they were 300$ skates at one point... :( He wanted those too... they were in good shape. Oh well. :(

03-28-2004, 04:15 PM
If it's a good selling item I start the bid low with a reserve because it will attract more bidders

03-28-2004, 05:23 PM
argh... he put them back up on ebay, with the starting bid at 9.99 and the reserve is still 65$... geez... what's the point?? Now I have to wait another 3 days, and what if they still dont hit reserve... ok now I am just venting... but geez!

03-28-2004, 10:50 PM
First of all he didn't list his reserve price in the description, you don't find out the reserve price until after the auction has ended.

Secondly, just because it has a reserve price does not mean he was avoiding any fees or doing anything wrong according to ebay rules. If I put a reserve price on an item then it probably because someone has offered me a price on an item, but I want to see if I can get a highr price for it through ebay. I don't want to sell an item for less money than what someone else was willing to give me.

Thirdly, even on the ebay hints and tips they tell you to start your bidding price low, so that it attracts more people to look and bid.

Just so that you all know that he was not doing anything wrong, he's being a very smart Seller.

03-28-2004, 10:59 PM
the reserve price was in the description... as far as a low bid price and a reserve price, it just bothered me that what if the reserve is never met? Will he just keep listing them over and over? I guess I will have an answer to that, because I emailed him and asked him LOL... so I guess we will see ;D

03-29-2004, 12:10 AM
They might keep listing them till they get it, maybe they knwo what they are worth and thats their bottom line price, maybe eventually he will lower it.