View Full Version : any one potty training

03-27-2004, 07:47 AM
well i thought it be a good idea to start this potty training topic! who is having luck and who needs some ideas- my 3 yr old kind did the monkey see monkey do type as she copies me - and my 18 month old will go only if i put her on it before a bath- so who has ideas?

03-27-2004, 07:58 AM
only advice I can give, is don't be in a hurry. Its not unusual for a 2, 3 or sometimes 4 year old to not be potty trained. They will eventually do it, but kids are funny... they will do it when THEY are ready, not when we are! My kids were both VERY different in that department. My 6 year old was about 15 months ( my dr was shocked ) but my 8 year old was about 4 when she got the very basics of it down (shes disabled so all laws don't apply here).

Just depends on the kid! You can also run the bath water a little several times a day to see if the lil one will go LOL :)

Good Luck to ya!

03-27-2004, 08:01 AM
brooke has just started

we put her on before bed and when she gets up and when we change her diaper

03-27-2004, 09:32 AM
well good luck! i find it a challange!

03-27-2004, 09:36 AM
I am really finding it a challenge this time around (last time I potty train was 14 years ago lol) Dawson wants no part of it,she knows when she goes,will grab her diaper.She will sit on potty chair before bath etc..and if I am in the bathroom will use the potty chair as a "chair":rolleyes: I am so ready,but she isn't.

03-27-2004, 10:15 AM
well I guess when she is ready she will suprise you! that is what my oldest did! I can't believe she is a big kid now! auh how fast they grow!

03-27-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by hotdoglove
well I guess when she is ready she will suprise you! that is what my oldest did! I can't believe she is a big kid now! auh how fast they grow!

I remember the excitement when my last one used the big potty lol.I know time goes by so fast when they are little.

03-27-2004, 12:27 PM
my sis is potty training my nephew as we speak... LOL, today is his 2nd birthday and while I was over there, he was running around in his cute undies :D But he took a big ol' poo in one pair right after I got there.... I just laughed and laughed at my sister LOL... After it was over, all she would say was, "now that was a skid mark"

LOL... i think he gets the idea of it, just dont wanna do it yet. well that, and he's afraid of the big potty. LOL.


03-27-2004, 12:45 PM
Dawson is afraid of the BIG potty too.I plan on really starting to get her to use it,but if I sit her on it(her potty) she screams,any suggestions?

03-27-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by DAVESBABYDOLL
Dawson is afraid of the BIG potty too.I plan on really starting to get her to use it,but if I sit her on it(her potty) she screams,any suggestions?

We have a little potty, with the lid and everything. I brought it out a while ago and left it in the living room. Tori was still in diapers, but I left it out for her to get used to. she would use it as a seat when she was playing or just watching tv. Then one day she took her diaper off and went pee in the potty, you can not believe how happy that made me LOL Now she is pretty much potty trianed {working on the #2 though :eek: lol} I didnt rush her into it, let her do it on her own.

BTW tori turned 2 last October.

03-27-2004, 03:06 PM
caide is playen around with the idea. he has gotten where everytime he wets his diaper he wants it off. i try to tell him we will have to take it outta his college fund cause papmers are not free. he had tried to flush them down the toilt!! so i ordered him 8 pair of those handy trainers from one step ahead. they are in the washer right now. i think he just wanted to be nekkid. it would not be so bad if i didn't find wet places around the house and also have a baby crawlen around. we were thinking of replacen our carpet but i think we will be holden off on that for awhile!

03-27-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by ttistin
We have a little potty, with the lid and everything. I brought it out a while ago and left it in the living room. Tori was still in diapers, but I left it out for her to get used to. she would use it as a seat when she was playing or just watching tv. Then one day she took her diaper off and went pee in the potty, you can not believe how happy that made me LOL Now she is pretty much potty trianed {working on the #2 though :eek: lol} I didnt rush her into it, let her do it on her own.

BTW tori turned 2 last October.

That's a good idea.Hers has a lid too.I don't get it she is always flushing the big potty lol

03-27-2004, 06:01 PM
this is the potty we have http://www.tot-co.com/
by tot co, it makes a flushing sound and looks real

03-27-2004, 06:23 PM
PRIMO Freedom trainer. It's a potty chair that attaches to the regular toilet. It has handles and steps for the kids to get up there by themselves. And it's sturdy and doesn't shift. There's nothing scarier than a shakey potty. ;) And it only runs around 25 bucks. Much cheaper than pullups in the long run. Also, keep a supply of books to read to them. Two birds, one stone, as it were.

Just don't stress out. It's tough on everyone. Mine were rewarded with M & M's with success. With a few thrown in for mom...:p

03-27-2004, 06:26 PM
I like the rewards with M&M's,she loves those so maybe she will "go" for me.Not a bad idea of some for mom too :p

03-27-2004, 06:28 PM
My 5yrold was easy as pie except he wouldnt use the big potty. When we moved to MN we "forgot" the potty so he had no choice but to use the big potty on the drive over. My 2 yrold started about 4 months ago and uses the big potty but if you put panties on her she will likely have an accident but if you let her run around naked she always will ask to use the toilet.

03-27-2004, 07:08 PM
I reward my 3 yr old with Tootsies. Although i must say, he doesn't get very many.:( We have been fighting with #2 for about 4 months and its starting to get old, cause i know he CAN do it.
We also have a little potty in the living room, that is one of the best times for him to go, he just sits on it and plays with toys or watches tv and all of a sudden,POOP!