View Full Version : Has anyone ever gone on this type of vacation before?

03-25-2004, 12:54 PM
I got a call from this guy yesterday and he told me I won a vacation. I was like uh huh... and he said "Blah. Blah blah blah! Blah blah. $69 blah blah." So imediately I thought *WOOT WOOT NEEENU NEEENU ENH ENH ENH* Warning! Scam alert! But come to find out it's one of those sit through a presentation vacation packages, where they try to get you to buy a time share. But it's for 4 day/3 nights at the good place and then I get transfered to Best Western Oceanside for 3 days/2 nights. I get 2 passes to Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure, and admission to Kennedy Space Center - this is in Florida obviously. I'd only have to pay the $69, airfare, and about an hour and a half of my life for all this. So I'm wondering if it's worth it? Basically it's just a free room. Has anyone done a presentation vacation?

My roommate said he knows someone who does them and he told him it's actually more like 6 hours. Hour and a half for the actual presentation but there are other things, like going to the presentation area and back, tour of the resort, etc. So even if it's one whole day I'd still have 6 other days.

I'm thinking since they want you to buy a time share they'd put you in a nice room for the 3 nights you're actually in that resort and even the Best Western is right on the water so it wouldn't be all that bad.

So has anyone ever done one of these? What happened? Is it worth it?

03-25-2004, 12:57 PM
I have done 3 of these.. 1 for 3 nights in Orlando at HOJO... 1 time for disney world tickets and another for six flags tickets and hotel in valencia california..

The time share presentation is REALLY boring.. and they really try to push sales on you when you're there.. they usually serve you what they call a breakfast which is really a donut and coffee or OJ LOL... if you get a discounted rate on airfare or free hotel/amusement park tickets.. its well worth the 4 hours of "pitching" you have to sit through.. LOL just my opinion of course.. I know the vegas area resorts do this often.. as do the Orlando/Kissimmee Area resorts.. Make sure to ask them ANY and all questions you might have about this (ie: terms & conditions) before you agree to their "services"

Good luck... hope it is a legit offer.. and you have a great time on your "FREE VACATION" lol

But definetly paying 69.00 for hotel and tickets is great!! tell them to call me LOL we're going to Orlando in August for our engagement party (where our parents finally meet each other :) )

03-25-2004, 01:00 PM
I have done the *timeshare* presentations to get free tix to Universal....I agree the are BORING but free breakfast and tix are worth it

03-25-2004, 01:16 PM
Thanks! What should I ask them before I set the dates with them? The certificate I got (they emailed it) says that if you miss the presentation I'll be charged for the room, and I can only reschedule once and be charged $50 if I do it again. I won't miss it. I just want to do it the first day to get it over with. The only other thing it said really is that I have to be 21 or older.

03-25-2004, 01:18 PM
Thats about it if they gave you a list of terms & conditions with the certificate... usually there is a fee for rescheduling (etc) and I know each one is 21+ but good luck I hope you have a great trip :)

Stay safe! & Enjoy! :D

03-25-2004, 01:22 PM
I did that for our honeymoon. Ok, we did that. *LI think it was supposed to take 2 hours & it ended up taking 4 hours.
We're not doing it again, let's say that!
Plus, there was car rental, etc...

03-25-2004, 01:32 PM
well if you do go I hope you have a nice time

03-25-2004, 01:56 PM
Thanks everyone :) I have 18 months to take it, but I'm thinking maybe this fall.

03-25-2004, 03:16 PM
We did this too - ours was to Gatlinburg, TN for $39 for two nights hotel stay and tickets to an attraction of our choice (we chose the Aquarium). It was a great deal, but I agree w/ everyone else...be prepared to stay more like 2-4 hrs (depending on how PUSHY/NEEDY your salesperson is) LOL. But, I would definitely get all the fees in writing just to be on the safe side (i.e. what they're agreeing to pay for).

I guess I'm a bit biased though (I actually liked the darned thing), b/c we did buy into our time share and are loving it. We're going down to Florida for a week this year staying in a GORGEOUS beachfront townhouse.

03-25-2004, 11:04 PM
Take a copy of the confirmation and a watch with you. If it says 90 minutes, tell them "you have 90 minutes and it starts now" Once your 90 minutes is up, tell them, "your time is up, thank you"

Double check the offer, all of the ones I have seen say you have to make a certain amount of money. Make sure you tell them you make at least that much. They don't ask for proof, feel free to lie a bit if you need to.

The timeshare places in Florida are HIGHLY regulated, so you should not have any problems.

My finacee are gonan do this for free Disney tix.