View Full Version : Anyone planning any "April's Fool" jokes ??

Jolie Rouge
03-24-2004, 11:06 PM
I am looking for some ideas; here are some we have tried ....

This is a simple, harmless, and hilarious practical joke, that has claimed me as a victim. The setting is a pool hall, bar, or anyplace else with a pool (billiards) table. Place any ball at one end of the table and give your victim the cue ball. Challenge the victim to focus on the cue ball while walking around the pool table three times. At the end of the third time, the victim is to place the cue ball on the table, take a cue stick and hit the cue ball so that it stikes the ball at the other end of the table. This is very difficult to do; not because of a loss of coordination from walking and staring at the ball, but because while the victim is concentrating on the ball, you lick your finger and wipe chalk off the end of the cue stick. The victim will miscue almost every time. It gets funnier, because if the victim is like me, he/she will be determined and try it again.


Take one of those musical greeting cards (the type that play a song when opened) and carefully rip out the part that actually plays the music. This is only about the size of a quarter. When the victim isn't watching, plant this somwhere near him/her. Since it is so small, it is relatively easy to hide in a pocket, purse, etc. Afterwards, watch the victim become maddened by the recurrence of Jingle Bells, Happy Birthday, etc. in the background.

I was a victim of this one, and at first I thought I was hearing the muzak at the restaurant I was eating at. After I was done, I returned to my car and the music followed me. I thought I was going insane.


This reminds me of a similar stunt we used to enjoy at the dining hall in my undergrad days. The food service used opaque plastic salt and pepper shakers with pop-off tops that could be pried off with a knife blade if you were persistent enough.

PREPARATION (in a restroom nearby): (1) Empty salt ( or pepper) from a previously 'acquired' container and fill about 1/3 full with concentrated lemon juice. (2) Place a thin tissue across the opening, poke it down a bit to form a depression, and fill the depression with about a teaspoon of baking soda. (3) Cover (from the inside) the holes of the top with tape of the appropriate color. (4) Replace top on container and trim visible tissue from around the top.

Carry the device to dining hall (upright and as stable as is possible... for your own sake).

After discretely placing the shaker on your table (only place it near to you... see caveat \#1 below), observe the next person to use the salt (pepper). (S)He will shake lightly at first, then harder as nothing comes out. Due to the breakdown of the tissue and the pressure resulting from the classic acid/base reaction, the top will pop off (quite spectacularly) amidst a shower of foam. Your victim (as will as everyone around) should have quite a reaction, since one does not usually observe this type of behavior in a salt (pepper) shaker!

CAVEATS: 1. The top will come off with some force. If the holes are sealed well, this will happen on about the second or third shake. Once, though, due to poor sealing, it took about 5 seconds, during which time our victim started looking at the shaker to examine the "foamy stuff coming out" of the holes... we quickly grabbed the shaker from her to direct the top towards the ceiling before it went off. So, watch carefully!

2. The "foam shower" (lemon juice \ soda) may ruin you victim meal... be prepared to pop for another one.

3. Don't do this if your victim or anyone near ground zero is dressed up (this joke will flop at board meetings and the like).

Anybody have some *NEW* ideas ?

03-24-2004, 11:18 PM
I love 'em!!!!! Thanks for the ideas!!!!!

Jolie Rouge
03-24-2004, 11:22 PM
no no -- *I* need ideas -- please ....

Found some stuff for the computers ... http://www.thefreesite.com/Seasonal_Freebies/April_Fools/

03-24-2004, 11:44 PM
Sorry,I can't help you.I hate April Fool's Day(11 years ago,my dad passed away on this day).I hope you are able to find some.

03-25-2004, 01:29 AM
Those are good Jolie! LOL A couple I have used are one, my hubby was taking a shower and I took a pan of cold water and sneaked in the bathroom and poured it over the shower and got him with it. You should of heard him yell. LOL Another is getting a rubber snake and putting it in the tub so the first person that takes a shower in the morning gets a nice surprise. Make sure they don't have a weak heart, because this scared the begeebies out of me when it was played on me. I hate snakes, but it was funny. LOL Another one you can do is put bubble plastic under the lid of your toilet, so when the next person uses it, they get a nice little popping sound, or fill your bathroom cabinet with a bunch of marbles or a bunch of small balls, like golf balls, and wait for the next person to open the door. This is also good for nosey guest, because you can tell if they have been snooping in your cabinets. LOL

03-25-2004, 08:26 AM
You can also put plastic wrap on the toliet under the seat. The next person to use the toliet will not even notice it is there and when they sit down to use the toliet, they will get a nice wet surprise. We did this in college and did that stir up a few feathers. LOL

You can also use a white shoe polish that does not dry quickly and rim the toliet seat with it. It tends to leave ring around the butt!! :)

This one is an oldie but goodie: put sugar in the salt shaker, salt in the sugar shaker.

If you have a friend who is pregnant, you could always give your significant other a real scare, that is if the two of you are not expecting planning for a child, by giving him a positive pregnancy test.

If I think of anymore, I will be sure to post.

03-25-2004, 09:16 AM
Ooooh, there are some EVIL people here! I love it! :)

03-25-2004, 09:29 AM
You could also get some of the fake dog poo and put it on the floor (this will only work if you already have a dog in the house). Sometimes this even fakes out the dog!!

You could also make up some ice cubes with real looking critters inside (use the plastic spidars, flies, ect that look real but are not). This will make someone look at their glass of what they are drinking twice! :)

03-25-2004, 09:35 AM
I'm sure captorquewrench will find her way into this thread.......she's very devious......:D

Jolie Rouge
03-25-2004, 09:40 AM
Weeelllll ... in another thread we discussed the various ways of leaving messages in someones' lawn ... salt ( which kills the grass leaving the message ) fertilizer ( causes the message to grow taller and greener ) and cutting the letters out of the sod entirely ( labor intensive - but very effective ! ).

03-25-2004, 11:01 AM
oh i love it! i think I'll do that pregnancy test one to my hubby!!! or maybe not!!!

03-25-2004, 11:12 AM
I'm going to tape the trigger on your handle on the kitchen sink with clear tape, so when hubby turns on the water, he gets soaked :p

03-25-2004, 02:35 PM
oh gee let me count the ways

there's simple yet classic, like sugar in the salt shaker, or saran wrapping a car. tailpipe whistles. vaseline under the car door hande, which usually results in the hand sliding straight out and hitting yourself...i have some ink soap somewhere

the fake spill made using glue and food coloring with an overturned cup (if you've got kids who drink kool aid in the hosue, use a kid cup and red food coloring)

switch your kids around while they sleep so they wake up in a different bed than what they woke up.

gross looking food, like the cat box cake, which really works well if you have cats in the house

old purse, briefcase, mug, etc SECURELY attached to the car roof using high powered magnets (liek speaker magnets) to make other drivers flip out when they see that you drove off but left your stuff on the roof while you got in.....

for my brother once i sewed the fly shut on his whitey tighties/ he uses the fly, and also is in public mens rooms and locker rooms frequently, so the first time of not being able to manipulate the fly with a crowd of other guys around can be funny

baling wire around the drive shaft (bad noise, but no real problems) try only on mechanically inclined who will look for a prob without running to a mechanic, or it can get costly

using alligator clamps do something like connecting the brake light relay or turn signal to the horn so that when they turn on the signal or hit brakes, the horn also goes off.....

03-25-2004, 02:50 PM
dh wants to do something at work to fool the people he works with, mostley girls. they work at a horse stable. they are always doing stuff to him so he really wants to get them back good lol Anyone have any idea what he could do to them at work? something funny but not really mean.

03-25-2004, 02:57 PM
rubber cockroaches. you can get some pretty realistic looking ones for not much money. place them strategically in lunchrooms, bathrooms, etc.

OH snap pops the little things wrapped up that look like an onion, you throw down and they pop? here's agood use for them. gently place them between the "feet" of the toilet seat and the rim of the bowl. wait for someone to sit down.

03-25-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by captorquewrench
OH snap pops the little things wrapped up that look like an onion, you throw down and they pop? here's agood use for them. gently place them between the "feet" of the toilet seat and the rim of the bowl. wait for someone to sit down.

OMG! :p I want to try that one! Any idea where to buy them? I think the ones we had were used up.:D

Jolie Rouge
03-25-2004, 03:09 PM
email header = underclassmen creep lancaster colosseum ??

03-25-2004, 03:09 PM
i think most spencer's stores have them year round. make sure when you put them there, you leave the tail off to the side and just put the "bulb" of the snap po there, the tail can act as a cushion and prevent full popping actionn

03-25-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by ChristiNate
I'm going to tape the trigger on your handle on the kitchen sink with clear tape, so when hubby turns on the water, he gets soaked :p

This is what I plan on doing too :)

Jolie Rouge
03-26-2004, 10:04 PM
need .... more ..... pranks ....

03-27-2004, 06:14 AM
I found these :D:

Take out the centers of some oreo cookies and fill it up with white toothpaste. Tell someone it's new mint flavored oreos and be sure to have a real oreo in case they ask you to eat one too!

This April Fool's practical joke is old but it still works. Superglue some coins to the sidewalk or any spot that has a lot of people walking around. Make sure it's an appropriate place, then clean the area and watch people break fingernails to get the coins

Here's another April Fool's practical joke disguised as a coordination test. Ask a victim to put a quarter on a piece of paper and, without removing their finger, trace the coin with a pencil. Repeat the "test" with a few fingers. After that's done, get the victim to pick up the quarter and roll it along the bridge of their nose. Then quietly snicker behind their back as they walk around with a black line along their nose.

Get a balloon and put it on the tailpipe of a car. (Make sure the car isn't already on!) When it is started up, it will sound like the tire popped.

Jolie Rouge
03-29-2004, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by VenusA423
I found these :D:

Take out the centers of some oreo cookies and fill it up with white toothpaste. Tell someone it's new mint flavored oreos and be sure to have a real oreo in case they ask you to eat one too!

This April Fool's practical joke is old but it still works. Superglue some coins to the sidewalk or any spot that has a lot of people walking around. Make sure it's an appropriate place, then clean the area and watch people break fingernails to get the coins

Here's another April Fool's practical joke disguised as a coordination test. Ask a victim to put a quarter on a piece of paper and, without removing their finger, trace the coin with a pencil. Repeat the "test" with a few fingers. After that's done, get the victim to pick up the quarter and roll it along the bridge of their nose. Then quietly snicker behind their back as they walk around with a black line along their nose.

Get a balloon and put it on the tailpipe of a car. (Make sure the car isn't already on!) When it is started up, it will sound like the tire popped.

LOL -- I like the way your mind works !

03-29-2004, 04:38 PM
I have a few planned for my kids, hubby and my sons girlfriend.

For my older two boys, as they are sleeping I am going to put rubber snakes on their beds and in their hands. They both will be shocked when they wake up. Then I am going to fill my husbands car up with balloons at night so when he leaves to go to work he will have a car full of balloons. I will start getting the balloons ready starting tomorrow. For my younger two ( 6 and 7) I will just put balloons all over their beds and in the morning before they wake up and when they roll over the balloons will pop. And for my son's girlfriend it seems like when she comes over for dinner we usually have meatloaf. So I am going to make meatloaf cupcakes that are frosted with tinted mash potatoes and serve it to her for desert. I also found a mock sushi recipe made out of rice crispy treats rolled around a gummy worm and wrapped with fruit roll ups. They look cute. I will probably send them into my dots kindergarten class as a treat.

Jolie Rouge
03-29-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by CABANN
... I also found a mock sushi recipe made out of rice crispy treats rolled around a gummy worm and wrapped with fruit roll ups. They look cute. I will probably send them into my dots kindergarten class as a treat.

WHERE did you find this ???


:p ;) :D

03-29-2004, 09:41 PM
No more AF Jokes for me anymore LOL I ask hubby every year to please not play one on me! You see he did me in one year to the point I hate them.. Ok lets see it was about 6yrs ago when we where first dating been together about a year. He called me up from work "never calls usually" and started talking to me as he usually would talk to me. He then got all serious/quiet like and said I have to tell you something that is going to upset you and I can't help it though because it's my job! I called to let you know that I am being deployed and am leaving tomorrow AM! He said that this call was his last to talk to me for a while and that he wanted to tell me he loved me, will miss me and see me when he returns! Of course you can imagine my reaction not expecting him to have to leave and then getting that call..LOL..I was in shock and about in tears! All I remember saying was "ok you do what you have to I can' control it will see you when you et back I guess" Then I sat on the line in shock and about i tears. After about 10 minutes of letting this go on he said to me honey and I said yes then he said April Fools I am just messing with you! I will be home it's a joke! UGH talk about horrible pranks to pull! Every since that one I have always asked him please not to pull one on me!

LOL it's funny looking back on it now, but not when he had pulled it on me! And of course stupid me had forgotten what day it was when he did it. I sure do love my hubby more than anything, but whenhe goes to play pranks he sure can play mean ones!


03-30-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Jolie Rouge
WHERE did you find this ???


:p ;) :D

Here you go Jolie,

1/4 butter
4 cups mini marshmellows
6 cups crisped rice cereal
20-25 gummy worms
1-2 boxes of fruit leathers

Mock Sushi

Step 1: Grease a 12x17 inch baking dish

Step 2: Melt 1/4 cup butter in small saucepan over med. heat

Step 3: Add 4 cups mini marshmellows ans stir until smooth

Step 4: Remove mixture from heat and stir in 6 cups of rice cereal until it is evenly coated.

Step 5: Turn the baking sheet so that the shorter ends are at the top and bottom. Then press the marshmellow mixture on the sheet, distributing evenly.

Step 6: Starting at one side and 1 inch up from the lower edge, place gummy woms atop the mixture end to end in a horizontal line.

Step 7: Gently roll the lower edge of the marshellow mixture over the gummy worms

Step 8: Then stop and cut the log away from the rest of the mixture. Use the same method for 4 more logs.

Step 9: Slice each log in 1-inch-thick "sushi rolls" and then wrap them with a strip of fruit leather.

I can't wait to make this, sounds like fun.:D

03-30-2004, 10:27 AM
Mine is gonna be a DOOZIE this year! I have a friend who does the website for a local tv station. He is going to make me a "mock" news site, identical to our local stations, that has all these news stories about how women who had their tubes tied around the time I did are getting preganet. He's going to do a whole schpeel about how the bands that the drs used were defective etc... then my OBGYN is going to make up a fake pg test for me and have it turn positive LOL

My DH is gonna FLIP! :D I have been working on this for a year LOL!!

Jolie Rouge
03-31-2011, 07:28 PM
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: