View Full Version : Help me make a drink, alcoholic beverage

03-22-2004, 09:29 PM
I'm not a big drinker but a friend gave me these two ingredients, she is helping someone clean their house and they gave her a lot of alcohol as they are moving. OK I have Caffe' Lolita and it says beneath it Licor De Cafe it is 48 proof, also says imported from Mexico. I also have Creme De Menthe Syrup, can I put these two things together or what should I mix with the liquor, I have not had a mixed drink for about 4 years and feel like I want one since its here.

03-22-2004, 09:31 PM
I'd add them to a cup of coffee! mmmmm!! Or blend w/ ice cream (both) for a treat.

Jolie Rouge
03-22-2004, 09:41 PM
www.crazydrinks.com should be able to give you some ideas ;)

03-23-2004, 01:48 AM
is that it? (ok so the bartending me is asking):D :D
The Licor De Cafe, I'm going to guess is like kahlua or kapali, a coffee licor? great with just cream, just vodka, or vodka & cream (so I'm a fan of Kahlua), good in coffee or blended with ice cream.
(if you have other ingredients I could keep going..might even to be able to keep going w/o...)
The Creme De Menthe Syrup can be used on ice cream (I'm assuming it's the non-acholic version) for a creme de menthe parfiat.
Add a bit w/ milk & the coffee licor, add in choco syrup for a bit more chocolate-mint flavor...
Have fun: experiment :D

03-23-2004, 02:41 AM
Thanks everyone I'm more the coke (coca cola) and bourbon type so I can't imagine mixing any liquor with milk based products, I'm afraid I would get sick, I'm old (48) and my tummy can't take what it used to. Would a small amount work in some coke and ice, I guess it is true the old dog and new trick thing.

03-23-2004, 06:43 AM
I'm just not sure about putting either with a soda product. You can sip the creme de menthe over crushed ice. It's often served that way as an after-dinner drink, soothing. The other liqueur is a coffee-flavored liqueur.


03-23-2004, 07:04 AM
I don't have a link to offer you but sometimes I just look & see what liquor I can make desserets with-the coffee type one you could try for brownies-if I can locate the brownie recipe i will let you know