View Full Version : I am so tired of fund raisers for DD

03-18-2004, 02:00 PM
I just got done selling ( actually more like buying) friggin cookies so DD can get a GS patch. Now today she comes home and not with one but two friggin more fund raising papers for school. One for subs (which I will buy) and another for flowers ( I will buy some too) BUT I am sure the people who just bought the cookies will not buy from her. Why do they not space these things out better?? UGH!!!

On top of all this we just found out today we (our school district) still may be going on strike!!! :rolleyes:

03-18-2004, 02:01 PM
((((Hugs)))) to you Brandy. I know my days are coming with this one!!!

03-18-2004, 02:03 PM
I know what you mean, it seems like every month or so they are doing fundraisers for something. And I know my family and friends get tired of me asking them to buy something.

03-18-2004, 02:17 PM
I just got done helping my daughter (high school) with selling candy bars to get new band uniforms and fudge to get new soccer uniforms. I know just what you mean....at least she isn't in GS anymore. :)

03-18-2004, 06:16 PM
I have a question that never seems to get answered. I can see fundraisers for private schools, and sports programs for public schools, but fundraisers just for supplies, etc in public school, I cannot see. WHERE is our tax money going? Where is all that money from those magical lotteries (where there ARE lotteries) that were supposed to be the cure all for EDUCATION?

03-18-2004, 06:32 PM
My sons school just got done selling pizzas and pizza rolls, to earn money for a new playground and new computers for his school.

03-18-2004, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by momfromTN
I have a question that never seems to get answered. I can see fundraisers for private schools, and sports programs for public schools, but fundraisers just for supplies, etc in public school, I cannot see. WHERE is our tax money going? Where is all that money from those magical lotteries (where there ARE lotteries) that were supposed to be the cure all for EDUCATION? I agree!! seems like the kids are always bringing notes home saying we need to buy them this that or the other thing!

03-18-2004, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by momfromTN
I have a question that never seems to get answered. I can see fundraisers for private schools, and sports programs for public schools, but fundraisers just for supplies, etc in public school, I cannot see. WHERE is our tax money going? Where is all that money from those magical lotteries (where there ARE lotteries) that were supposed to be the cure all for EDUCATION?

Most of hte fund raises at our school go for stuff like building improvements, new play ground equipment, uniforms for teams so parents don't have to pay out of pocket, new computers/computer software, and some even goes toward feild trips, so we have less and less field trips we the parents actually have to pay out of pocket for. BUT my kids usually do not do these fundrasiers, since they send home SOO many..I DO NOT/WILL not buy from a fund rasier, unless it is somethign I actually want or need. Otherwise the stuff usually goes into the trash. My kids do do some fundrasiers, but not all by a long shot.

03-18-2004, 07:49 PM
I had a hard time selling fundraisers when I was younger, they always sent them home. I like the fundraisers where they give you the goods first- like a box of suckers- and then you sell them. Those are way easier to sell, especially since you can stand in front of the grocery store and people like buying stuff they get upfront not something they have to wait weeks for.

03-18-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by suziebee20
I had a hard time selling fundraisers when I was younger, they always sent them home. I like the fundraisers where they give you the goods first- like a box of suckers- and then you sell them. Those are way easier to sell, especially since you can stand in front of the grocery store and people like buying stuff they get upfront not something they have to wait weeks for.

03-18-2004, 09:45 PM
You think it's bad now? Just wait until the fundraisers start for prom...

03-19-2004, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by Linus1223
You think it's bad now? Just wait until the fundraisers start for prom...

Hmm We never had fundraisers for my prom (I lived in ID.), and neither did hubby (is is from IL).

03-19-2004, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by momfromTN
WHERE is our tax money going?

NOT to schools, HUGE tax cuts coming to all MO state schools. We've got teachers who have been teaching for 15 years afraid for their jobs! for the 2003-2004 school year our teachers (in my school district) got NO raise whatsoever, and now they're saying "one teacher from every grade level will be fired' but the principal is assuing the teachers that this is not true. There are teachers who haven't gotten their contracts yet for next year! The cut off is April 15, if the school hasn't given you a contract by that date, you automatically have one, and if you have tenure, you CAN be fired, all the school has to do is give you a reason why.
((for teachers without tenure, they can fire you for NO reason & they do not have to tell you WHY you're being fired!!))

FArmington or Central is actually giving incentives to their teachers who are close to retirement for them to retire, so they can hire us right out of college & pay us nothing, so they can save $$ that way.

It's REALLY BAD right now! Least that's how ms. wampler put it. (the teacher with 15 years of experience)

BAD BAD time to go into Education!!!!

03-19-2004, 09:37 AM
I am having a similar problem. My son is grown so no school fundraisers. What I am getting hit with is fund raisers from work. I work at a hospital and it seems almost weekly our volunteer group is having some kind of sale to get stuff for the patients. And the volunteers make it easy too, way too easy. They will let you do a payroll deduction till you get the stuff paid off. And, it works in your best interests to buy over $50 worth of stuff because they will take it out of more paychecks than one. Now I admit they do some really nice things for the patients, but the fund raising has gotten a bit out of hand.

Sorry to have vented in your vent.

03-19-2004, 10:44 AM
Sometimes it almost feels as if you should write a check to the school at the begining of the year and then tell them not to send any fund raisers home with your kids because you have done your part.

03-19-2004, 10:57 AM
I already donate to our school. Plus do tons of volunteer work, and the real stupid thing about it is. The may go on strike in May and they might be closing it down. We woulnt know till early May or so!! :rolleyes:

03-22-2004, 09:20 AM
Gee, too bad you don't live closer to me. For some reason, I'm the first person ppl come to when their kids are selling stuff. Let's see, I've order 50 boxes of GS cookies, a bunch of candles, and a bunch of chocolate within the last month!