View Full Version : question about littel house on the prarie.

03-09-2004, 03:18 PM
does anyone know if a harvest of friends is the pilot for little house on the prarie or is it something totally different? tia

03-09-2004, 03:24 PM
it's the first regular episode, not sure if there was a pilot alos or just this

03-09-2004, 03:25 PM
here i found this for you:

Little House on the Prairie: A Harvest of Friends
***Synopsis: This is the first regular episode of the series. In it, the Ingalls family comes to settle outside of the small Minnesota town of Walnut Grove. Charles buys land, and lumber to build his house and barn from Mr. Hanson, and a plow and seed from Mr. O'Neil. To pay for them, he strikes a deal with both men to work at Hanson's mill in the afternoons, and for O'Neil in the mornings, repairing his storage shed and stacking dozens of feed sacks. O'Neil insists on a chattel mortgage. If the job is not done by a certain date, he takes back the tools and Charles' team of oxen, which he forces him to put up for collateral.

Caroline is worried about her husband spending so much time working. He is working in town all day, working his field in the evenings, and his family hardly sees him. When they do he is tired and snappish, so once he finishes the job at Hanson's, Charles apologizes to his wife and children with an all-day Sunday picnic. Everyone has a marvelous time until Charles foolishly chases a kite up a tree and falls out of it, breaking several ribs. The doctor orders him to stay in bed a couple of weeks and everyone is very understanding except Mr. O'Neil. Figuring Charles will never be able to finish stacking the grain sacks on time in his condition, O'Neil comes out and collects the oxen and plow. Infuriated, Charles hobbles all the way into town and tries to do the job anyway. He cannot, and Laura and Mary try to do the job in his place. The men around town see what is going on and rally to aid the Ingalls, all of them shooting cold looks at O'Neil as he tries to convince them that he meant no harm and planned to give Charles more time. At the end, the men even volunteer to finish plowing and harrowing the Ingalls' land since Charles will be laid up awhile, and he realizes that without even trying, he has somehow made a wealth of new friends.***

Review: I've always had a particular fondness for this episode. Maybe because it predominantly features Charles, or maybe because it so neatly introduces us to the citizens of Walnut Grove without the false-starts and clunkiness that most television shows have in their opening episodes. Through our own observation, and the affect he has on the people of Walnut Grove, we get a very clear picture of what kind of a man Charles Ingalls really is. He's not perfect, he's shown to have a strong temper, a mile-wide stubborn streak and a tad too much pride at times, but he is clearly a decent, loving, good person who is trying hard and doing his best for those he loves; all on-going traits of the character and the series.

Because Michael Landon was the man wearing all the hats in this series, it's interesting to note how it reflected his view from year to year. In the first season or two, and in this episode particularly, Charles is full of hopes and dreams. He's starting over in new territory, excited by the prospect of where it might lead. In the middle seasons, the show was often given to comfortably familiar yet interesting episodes that took in the possibilities of everything: where they had been and where they might go. In the final seasons, the show took on a slightly cynical viewpoint at times, with several shows about families breaking up or people getting hurt in some deep fashion, but often repeating the lesson that life goes on no matter what and that you have to make the best of it. "Harvest of Friends" lets us glimpse the beginning and a future that had not yet been written, and all profound stuff aside, it's a very enjoyable episode in its own right.

I give it 5 Stars

Reviewed by Helen Adams.

03-09-2004, 03:31 PM
The Pilot is available on DVD on amazon. Search Little House on the Prairie Pilot

03-09-2004, 03:38 PM
thanks :)

03-09-2004, 03:49 PM
I actually always thought that the pilot was the movie...where then lived on the prairie...made friends with indians, met Mr. Edwards. Then they finally had to move because the land they were homesteading was being returned to the indians. They moved to Plum Creek which was near Walnut Grove...and thus began adventures which I watch to this day.

I LOVE Little House on the Prairie.

What's interesting is the the episode "Harvest of Friends" takes place after they have moved.

The second episode tells about them buying the land for their house and building it, plus the girls starting school. It should have aired first (in my opinion) because chronologically, it happened before "Harvest of Friends".

03-09-2004, 04:32 PM
oh, I remember this episode. I liked Little House.

03-09-2004, 05:38 PM
I love little house on the prairie, I read all the books. So awesome!!

03-09-2004, 06:58 PM
I really enjoyed reading your review...
brings back fond memories of the show.

03-10-2004, 10:20 PM
my son loves them
he has the first two season on dvd and hunting for the 3rd they are great for everyone of every age to watch

Kyla Kym
03-10-2004, 10:29 PM
sweetberries, didn't you get the whole first season for Christmas from your dad? Or am I thinking of someone else on here. I just remember thinking how much I would love to have it too. :)

03-11-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by TX_Cowgirl
my son loves them
he has the first two season on dvd and hunting for the 3rd they are great for everyone of every age to watch yes that was me:) I went and bought season 2 and three now I just have to buy season 4 :) http://www.golala.com/forums/uploads/StarShine/post-7-1078963731.jpg

03-11-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Kyla Kym
sweetberries, didn't you get the whole first season for Christmas from your dad? Or am I thinking of someone else on here. I just remember thinking how much I would love to have it too. :) yes that was me :) I went and bought season 2 and 3 now I just have to buy season 4 now. :) :D

Kyla Kym
03-11-2004, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by sweetberries
yes that was me :) I went and bought season 2 and 3 now I just have to buy season 4 now. :) :D
Congratulations to you! Man I wish I had all those. I bet you have loved every min. of watching them too. :)

03-11-2004, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Kyla Kym
Congratulations to you! Man I wish I had all those. I bet you have loved every min. of watching them too. :) I love them I have watched every single one more then one time lol :) I bought the 2nd and 3rd season from e-bay at a pretty good price I went to suncoast in the mall and they want $50 for just one season. :eek: :eek: