View Full Version : ????? About Ants

03-09-2004, 01:58 PM
Everytime I turn around they are pooping up somewhere else. How or what in the heck can you use to kill ants. Besides raid which I don't want to use because of my kids. Any info is greatly appreciated.

03-09-2004, 02:08 PM
I was having a problem a couple of weeks ago with the little tiny ones (sugar ants maybe - actually we call them piss ants and I don't know why) and they just seemed to be everywhere! I got ant baits from Raid that look like little roach motels and **knock wood** after about 3 days the little buggers were gone! Being in Florida I totally expect them back (or some other bug) but I will get more of these thingys

03-09-2004, 02:09 PM
They make ant Bait traps any store like Walmart have them and also umm I believe there is stuff you can use like stakes outside HTH

03-09-2004, 02:20 PM
I've used those ant traps too, we can't spray anything inside because of the cats, and they seemed to work well.They have adhesive on the bottom so you can stick them to the floor or counter or wherever- good for us because it means that they won't get used as cat toys, lol.

And my mom found something in a natural remedies book that said to sprinkle crushed bay leaves around places where you think the ants are getting in, and that will keep them out. We did this by the kitchen window, and it seemed to help. I know I've heard something similar about something else, borax maybe?

03-09-2004, 02:28 PM
just don't try to microwave them. they can survive.

03-09-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Syrinx
I've used those ant traps too, we can't spray anything inside because of the cats, and they seemed to work well.They have adhesive on the bottom so you can stick them to the floor or counter or wherever- good for us because it means that they won't get used as cat toys, lol.

And my mom found something in a natural remedies book that said to sprinkle crushed bay leaves around places where you think the ants are getting in, and that will keep them out. We did this by the kitchen window, and it seemed to help. I know I've heard something similar about something else, borax maybe?
It's Ajax you're thinking of.

We went camping at the beach once, and they had major ant problems. The little campsite store sold TONS of Ajax, and you would see Ajax trails around tents and campers.

03-09-2004, 02:48 PM
I spray Vinager (just the regular stuff, White) Around door jams and in window sills. They hate the stuff and wont go past it!! Cut back on the ants last year for us.

03-09-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by captorquewrench
just don't try to microwave them. they can survive.

LMAO! You've tried this???

03-09-2004, 03:12 PM
If you can find where they are coming from outside, they make a gel type bait that you can put near where they are coming in outside. They will carry it back to the colony and they'll die.

03-09-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by JKATHERINE
LMAO! You've tried this???

it's one of the things I actually have *not* microwaved, because i knew i'd be cheated of the ant doom i'd like to see, so no, I haven't bothered trying it.


but ask me about microwaving something else. chances are, I have.

03-09-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by JKATHERINE
LMAO! You've tried this???

LMBO, he probably found out when he was microwaving those gremlins.:D

03-09-2004, 08:03 PM
I have two ideas. I saw on some show the other day that ants will not cross through a line of flour so maybe if they are coming in a window , you could put some on the sill and see if that helps.Also I have heard many times that if you put equal parts Borax and sugar in a container ( out of reach of kids of course) that the ants will take sugar and Borax back into the hill and eventually feed the queen Borax.This will kill her and soon all the ants will die because they cannot survive without the queen...

03-09-2004, 10:09 PM
If you just put a clove or two where they are coming in, they will leave. I'm in Florida & had a problem with them coming in my cabinet. I put a couple cloves in the corner & never saw another one.

03-09-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by amysusi
LMBO, he probably found out when he was microwaving those gremlins.:D

he who?

03-09-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by babymaniac
I have two ideas. I saw on some show the other day that ants will not cross through a line of flour so maybe if they are coming in a window , you could put some on the sill and see if that helps.Also I have heard many times that if you put equal parts Borax and sugar in a container ( out of reach of kids of course) that the ants will take sugar and Borax back into the hill and eventually feed the queen Borax.This will kill her and soon all the ants will die because they cannot survive without the queen...

I don't think the flour would work. Weevils would show up then. :rolleyes:

03-10-2004, 04:57 AM
My MIL swears by oatmeal for a quick home remedy(I have never tried it myself, but she suggested it)

03-10-2004, 07:16 AM
lol Ive tried. Microwaving ants will not kill them.

03-10-2004, 08:13 AM

1 part boric acid
2 parts mint jelly or cracker crumbs

Mix, then place the bait in a container with ant-size holes in the lid. Place away from children because boric acid can be harmful if swallowed. Dispose of the container after use.

The worker ants enter the trap, feed on the poison and carry it back to their nest. Once inside the nest, they feed bits of the poisonous material to the queen and immature ants, and the entire colony is eradicated.

3 cups water
4 teaspoons boric acid
2 cups granulated sugar

Mix, then pour half a cup of the mixture into three or four empty jam jars wrapped with masking tape and loosely packed half full with absorbent cotton. Smear the bait along the outside of the jar and set along ant trail. The ants will swarm into the jar. Some will carry the mixture back to the colony, where it will kill other ants.

CAUTION: If you have small children or pets, screw the lids onto the jars, poke several small holes through the lid and smear some of the bait on the inside of the jar.

1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 envelope dry yeast

Mix all ingredients together. Place a few drops on pieces of cardobard, then place wherever ants are coming in.

1 or 2 cups of grits
I am from South Georgia, and in the South we have "fire ants." These ants actually inject small amounts of venom into prey, so that's why they hurt so bad when you get bitten by them. This also explains why a lot of people have allergic reactions when they encounter these pests. You could go out and buy expensive ant killers but they are very harmful to children and pets. Instead this method works great. All you need is something you may have in your kitchen: Grits. just take a cup or two of grits and sprinkle them around the ants mound in the yard. When ants see food, they immediately tell everyone in the colony and then start working to feed the colony. An ant's body is made almost entirely of water. Grits are food that soak up water. When an ant eats these grits, his body gets all the water soaked up out of his little body and dies. This is a much better alternative to getting rid of ants in your yard than wasting money on expensive bags of ant killer or bills from your local pest control.

ant traps
1/4 C granulated sugar
1/2 C molasses
1/4 C baking yeast
Mix all in a small bowl. Smear a thin layer on a 3x5 " card, both sides. Place cards, sticky side up, where ants travel. (copies it as it states)

03-10-2004, 06:01 PM
borax works every time...i put it in the crack between my floor and walls (putting in a new floor) and have not had the problem since.