View Full Version : Can you answer this?

03-09-2004, 12:50 PM
A friend and I want to open up a store, and i would like to know what would you like to see in it????? I really need some ideas what the public would like, and since i know this forum is great and loves to help people out, i know you can tell me ............WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?????


03-09-2004, 12:51 PM
silly question............


03-09-2004, 01:12 PM
lol sex sells.... sex toys, videos, books etc

03-09-2004, 01:16 PM
He he Mama!!

Hmmmm somthing I would like to see in a store?? Well, right now I would love to be able to find the Diet Coke with Lime! I LOVE IT and cant find it hardly anywhere.

In a covience style store I would like to see fresher sandwiches. They always seem to be soggy or dried out.

In a general store type setting I would like to see more Animal print items, I have a hard time finding items with animal prints.

In a clothing store I would like to see more plus sized items!

I think you may want to expand on what kind of store you are opening so we may give you better answers here!!



03-09-2004, 01:25 PM
fresh baked cookies,brownies

dollar deals (any and all) people love them

Good Pizza LOL,Good Fish Fry ....hmmm good food LOL

03-09-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Unicornmom77
He he Mama!!

Hmmmm somthing I would like to see in a store?? Well, right now I would love to be able to find the Diet Coke with Lime! I LOVE IT and cant find it hardly anywhere.

Have you looked in wal-mart? I'm sure you have... I just know they have whole fridges of it (by the checkout) here... we saw it and were like 'well there's another new one'!

03-09-2004, 01:54 PM
Unique items! Well, normal items, but in unique styles. Like a weird-shaped pen or something. Novelty items. Love 'em!

03-09-2004, 07:25 PM
great ideas so far, keep them coming, thanxs

03-09-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Unicornmom77

In a clothing store I would like to see more plus sized items!



03-09-2004, 10:17 PM
Not only more plus sized clothes but ones people actually want to wear! It seems like the stores think once you get over an 18 you don't care what you look like anymore and want to wear big ole flowered moomoos all day or clothes that look like they were made from the reject material! No offense to any flowered moomoo wearers that may be here on BBS :)

I am no longer a bigger size, well I am a 12 so it is kinda in between, but I am just appalled still yet at the change in clothing once it hits 16/18 and above.

03-10-2004, 07:11 AM
i'm on the other end of the scale and would love to just be able to buy underware in anything smaller than a size five, for some reason stores like walmart stop at size five and don't sell anything smaller, and even thier fives are large for a five. the only time i can find any there is when they have the novelty ones for each holiday, for some reason those tend to run smaller. i mean something as simple as undies and i can't buy any.

you really need to tell us what kind of store you are opening though, i mean i wouldn't wantto buy underware at a bakery or 7-11