View Full Version : Verdict Reached for Martha

03-05-2004, 01:07 PM
They haven't released the verdict yet but one has been reached...

What do you think they decided?

I personally don't know enough of the details to have an educated opinion on her innocence or guilt but I know stock buyers think she's innocent... her stocks went from 1.63 to 15.66 w/in a half hour of the news that they had reached a verdict.

03-05-2004, 01:11 PM
She was CONVICTED on ALL counts!

03-05-2004, 01:11 PM
I'm confused by this whole situation. I don't understand why she's the one in trouble. Shouldn't the stock broker or whoever gave her the tip be the one in trouble?

03-05-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by catssass
She was CONVICTED on ALL counts!

Was she? Can you tell me where you read that... my local webbie says the verdict hasn't been released yet and so did cnn.com 10 minutes ago.

Edited: I see it on cnn.com now... it wasn't there when I posted or I would have just posted the article.

Evidence allowed against ex-broker

Judge rules on key evidence as jurors deliberate for a third day in the Martha Stewart trial.
March 5, 2004: 1:09 PM EST

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The judge in the Martha Stewart trial -- in a technical ruling that was a blow to Stewart's ex-broker Peter Bacanovic -- ruled Friday that jurors can consider a telephone log plus the testimony of a witness in deciding if Bacanovic committed perjury.

Under federal law, finding someone guilty of perjury requires the testimony of two witnesses. The jury had asked Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum if a phone log kept by Stewart's assistant, Ann Armstrong, is independent of her testimony at the trial.

The judge ruled before the start of deliberations that the answer was yes. Considering her log independently makes it in effect a second witness and would allow the jury to consider whether to convict Bacanovic on Count 6 of the indictment, which accuses him of perjury.

The jurors, whom the judge called"extremely intelligent and probative," also had requested the transcripts of testimony from an investigator for the Security and Exchange Commission concerning interviews with Bacanovic and e-mails between the former broker and Stewart and Stewart's business manager, Heidi DeLuca.

The panel of eight women and four men began weighing the evidence Wednesday afternoon as they sought to determine if Stewart and her ex-broker lied about her sale of ImClone Systems Inc. (IMCL: Research, Estimates) stock in late 2001.

Stewart and Bacanovic are charged with lying to investigators about the circumstances surrounding Stewart's stock sale on Dec. 27, 2001, the day before regulators rejected the company's application for ImClone's experimental cancer drug -- news that sent its stock tumbling.

The prosecution alleges Stewart sold her ImClone stock only after Bacanovic told his assistant, Douglas Faneuil, to tip her off that ImClone founder Sam Waksal was trying to sell.

Stewart and Bacanovic have told investigators they had an arrangement to sell once the stock fell to $60.

Bacanovic was broker to both Stewart and Waksal, who is serving a seven-year prison term after pleading guilty to securities fraud over his family's sale of ImClone shares.

Last week, Judge Cedarbaum dismissed a securities fraud charge against the 62-year-old Stewart. The four remaining charges she faces, and the five faced by Bacanovic, each carry a possible sentence of up to five years.

03-05-2004, 01:15 PM
The stockbroker was also on trial at the same time. June 17 is the sentencing date.

Jurors have convicted Martha Stewart of all four counts against her, while her broker was found guilty of all but one count. Update soon.


03-05-2004, 01:16 PM
Yes...she was convicted on all counts. However...the one count which would have sent her to jail for 10+ years was dismissed by the judge.

She was charged because you can't profit from insider information...which she did. The jury didn't believe that she didn't lie and obstruct justice as well...these were additional charges.

03-05-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by MrsSpeed
I'm confused by this whole situation. I don't understand why she's the one in trouble. Shouldn't the stock broker or whoever gave her the tip be the one in trouble?

He got convicted too... but Martha was convicted for committing perjury, making false statements and obstruction of justice... if I remember correctly, they dropped the charges that pertained to the actual sale of the stocks.

03-05-2004, 01:50 PM
Now to see if she actually goes to jail or not. Or maybe she will be sentenced to make napkin rings out of common things found in a jail cell.

03-05-2004, 01:56 PM
I just read on AOL news where these convictions will probably mean prison for Martha.I just can't picture Martha Stewart in prison.:eek: It's definately not a good thing.:)

03-05-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Hillbilly
I just read on AOL news where these convictions will probably mean prison for Martha.I just can't picture Martha Stewart in prison.:eek: It's definately not a good thing.:)

I have a hard time picturing it myself... I don't know if it's true but ppl do say that Federal prison is a cake walk compared to state prison (well, the non hard core prisons I guess?)... I don't know if she'll do much time but they can give her a max of 20 years. Just goes to show that any of us can get in trouble at any time... even those of us who are as perfect as Miss Martha (note sarcasm before yall jump on me).

03-05-2004, 02:03 PM
She is facing 20 years but legal experts believe she will only get 12 months, plus a huge fine....
...the sad part is if she would have told the truth in the beginning she probably would have only got a stiff fine but it was the LYING to the investigators that is why she was on trial and also the stock tip to dump the "Imclone" stock ended up being wrong and if she would have kept the stock she would have made alot of money...sad

03-05-2004, 02:03 PM
Poor Martha.

charge against the 62-year-old Stewart
62?! Nuh uh! She looks like she's in her 40's.

03-05-2004, 02:18 PM
She's been getting ready for this. This is the plan she has for her new home. If u are getting a red X for a pic, u gotta right click on the red X and then do Show Picture.


03-05-2004, 02:24 PM
There's still the appeal.


Text of Martha Stewart Statement
Text of Statement Issued by Martha Stewart Following Guilty Verdict

The Associated Press

March 5 — Dear Friends:
I am obviously distressed by the jury's verdict but I continue to take comfort in knowing that I have done nothing wrong and that I have the enduring support of my family and friends.

I will appeal the verdict and continue to fight to clear my name. I believe in the fairness of the judicial system and remain confident that I will ultimately prevail.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the words of encouragement I have received from thousands of supporters. It is your continued support that will keep me going until I am completely exonerated.


Martha Stewart

source: www.marthatalks.com

03-05-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by *Amanda*
Poor Martha.

62?! Nuh uh! She looks like she's in her 40's.

I would to if i had all her money! ;)

03-05-2004, 02:28 PM
I think if you break the law you have to deal with it. Sorry Jmo

03-05-2004, 03:45 PM
But it seems people with money can get away with FAR more then us poor folk.

03-05-2004, 03:51 PM
well I for one am glad she was found guilty. I cant stand her and I still to this day think her products have all but RUINED KMart.
Hmmmmmm Wonder if they will pull her stuff now? Gee guess she can use it to decorate her jail cell. LOL. awwwww poor Martha finally found out things are not always the way SHE wants them.

03-05-2004, 09:43 PM
I feel sorry for her and hope they don't send her to prison. I've never been a big fan of hers and though I know being a former stock broker herself she should have known better I still feel that in a sense she is being made a scapegoat. There have been many others who did worse than she did and were not even investigated, they also walked away with a ton more money.

Jolie Rouge
03-05-2004, 10:55 PM
MARTHA STEWART FOUND GUILTY -- She'll Be Decorating A Jail Cell


03-05-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Lilpetie
well I for one am glad she was found guilty. I cant stand her and I still to this day think her products have all but RUINED KMart.
Hmmmmmm Wonder if they will pull her stuff now? Gee guess she can use it to decorate her jail cell. LOL. awwwww poor Martha finally found out things are not always the way SHE wants them.

Not to be ugly, but I really hope this isn't the reason you're glad she was found guilty... on evidence, yes, but because you don't like her products? Wow...

03-05-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by mesue
I feel sorry for her and hope they don't send her to prison. I've never been a big fan of hers and though I know being a former stock broker herself she should have known better I still feel that in a sense she is being made a scapegoat. There have been many others who did worse than she did and were not even investigated, they also walked away with a ton more money.

I think I agree... had she made a ton of money I could understand it but considering what she's worth compared to the very tiny amount she got out of it it seems like she is definitely being made an example... America loves to hate her, I know, but there are REAL criminals out there.

03-06-2004, 08:16 AM
Nope not because I cant stand her. There are alot of celebs I cant stand...... But honestly she did wrong. And she KNEW it. She has always thought she was above it all. For once Justice may be served and maybe this just might make some of these celebs that think they can break the law and get by with it think twice.
As for the the making money thing. I personally think Martha wouldnt have her hand in anything that didnt make her money and I am sure KMart pays her handsomely. She is horrible to the people that work for her and acts like the QUEEN. To bad big headed celebs forget where they came from. Anyway. Do the Crime Pay the Fine and possibly TIME.
Now as for the other criminals out there YEP alot go past the system. I have always been a firm believer that the TIME SHOULD REFLECT THE CRIME..... And murders, rapist, molesters, etc should have it hard. No I dont think she should get 20 but still serve time. But too bad they didnt get the other IMCLON CEOS's they are also guilty all $#@!