View Full Version : Update on Crazy Neighbor Beating up his GF

03-04-2004, 01:48 PM
I don't know if anyone here remembers but I posted not too long ago about the night the neighbor's GF came banging on our door, begging us to call the police and said he beat her. Well, guess what>? She is back with him. Now, he has not bothered us at all since the incident, although he threatened us for helping her. But, I will be hard pressed to really help her again, should it happen again. I will call the police again, but I will not let her in here. I am sorry if I sound heartless, but I am not willing to risk my kids again for someone who obviously doesn't care enough for herself to dump the jerk. I feel for her for not being strong enough and I pray for her, but I just cannot go out on a limb again.

03-04-2004, 01:52 PM
You did the right thing then and you're doing the right thing now. The fact that you are at least willing to call the police if need be is good enough. Do not endanger your family because of her stupidity. Glad to hear he hasnt been bothering you and your loved ones though :) Thanx for the update!

03-04-2004, 01:58 PM
you don't sound heartless at all!!...If she is stupid enough to go back to a loser like that, then she made her bed , let her lie in it. I have a neighbot like that, he pushed her down the stairs and she put a knife to his throat, they took him away and guess what?? 2 weeks later she'd back with him. Yesterday they had another fight and she threw him out.. I suspect by the weekend, he'll be back

03-04-2004, 02:52 PM
Boy I have been where you are. We had neighbors from hell. Even said they would kill my husband (personally I didnt think he had it in him) HOWEVER. He killed his wife and burned down the house. Scary, Scary. He is in prision now however I say call the cops and try to stay the rest of the way out of it. People like that are crazy. Don't not call the cops though because you will feel quilty if something happens.

03-04-2004, 03:52 PM
I have a friend who was in the spot. She was the one married to a guy that did that to her all the time. She would come to work with bruises all over. He didnt bother to deny it either. She was to scared to do anything for a long time. Didnt matter what we all said or tried to do for her. She would come in and tell us what he would do to her. They were living in sub-housing. One day she came in and told us how he chased her through the house and out into the back yard yelling and hitting her. He tore off most of her clothes and hit her a few more times, all this with her 3 little kids and almost all the neighbors watching out their windows. No one did anything for her. Didnt call the police...Nothing. The kids will never forget that

Then she meet a guy that changed her world. He loved her, It gave her the courage to stand up to her dh. One day when he was at work she throw all his stuff outside, changed the locks and didnt let him in at all. The new guy moved in with her not long after, they got married. They are still married. Happly.

My point in all that {lol} is that you did the right thing, If I were in that position I would have done the same thing. It makes me sad that she and the kids had to go through all of that over and over because no one would help her or call the cops. Also no I dont blame you for not wanting to let her back into your house, some people are just plain crazy you just never know.

03-04-2004, 04:43 PM
Told ya she would go back.......they almost always do :(

I feel sorry for her because more than likely it'll happen again.....stupid girl!(her not you)

03-04-2004, 04:52 PM

03-04-2004, 07:00 PM
I have been there before with a gal whose boyfriend beat her. She spent many a night at my house with her car hidden talking to me. Tokk over a year to get her to see the light and realize what trash he really was. She is now happily married for the last 6 years and getting the quality of life she deserves. Funny thing is i am friends with both of them to this day. You are doing the right thing and the saying "Love is blind" well in some cases that is so true.

03-05-2004, 09:13 AM
It has nothing to do with love. It has to do with self esteem and those who think that they are "nothing without a man" and feel that they can't get anything better.

Anyone who stays in a relationship where there is violence, is someone who is not mentally healthy themselves. It takes so much to finally see that this is not normal and that you as an individual can survive without the relationship.

I feel sorry for her but you are doing the right thing.

03-05-2004, 11:58 AM
:( Poor girl.

I would do the same thing if I had kids. There's no sense in putting yourselves at risk to help her when she's not going to even try to help herself. If she comes to your door and you call the police she'll be safe anyway.

03-05-2004, 12:15 PM
I hated to hear she went back to him, glad he is not bothering you all though, I dont blame ya either, why put your family at risk, wne she will just keeep going back anyhow, thats so sad...

03-06-2004, 01:23 AM
momfromTN you are NOT heartless. I do NOT feel sorry for that girl. She deserves what she gets for going back to him. I feel that I can honestly say that, since I personally was in that kind of situation. The only excuse that I had was I was young and dumb. As someone else said...she made her bed, now let her lie in it.

03-06-2004, 05:15 PM
nope. U r not heartless. At least u are willing to call the authorities. The less that the bf knows that u did, the better. She obviously wants to be w/someone who beats her so u are doing the right thing. Call the cops if u hafta again, but don't go out on a limb like u said. Never know what crazy bf will do.

03-08-2004, 10:32 AM
i must say you did the right thing and would do the right thing again.... and I as an abuse survivor must stress the fact they do take threats seriouslly... don't ever hesitate to get the heck out of there!!!!and call the police.

03-09-2004, 08:53 AM
i think some ppl dont understand this is a mential disorder when ppl stay . They for some reasson or another feel they can not get any better. it does not mean she wants this. It may be difficult to understand but maybe she Fears she has no where to go and would reather live getting beat then homeless and no food( ppl always dont think straight)
I am glad she has you as a neighbor!:) sounds like you have a big heart and you are doing the right thing!:)