View Full Version : need ideas - planning for 1st baby

03-03-2004, 08:59 PM
this is YEARS away unless i win the lottery, but we're gonna go ahead and start planning.

what should i have for a baby, other than basic things like food/clothes/carseat/toys? and about how much does it cost? any reccomendations on brands? what about healthcare costs? how many diapers/cans of formula do you go through? and, should i buy a few things now and then when i have extra money, like clothes or small toys?

please give me any advice you can, i want to be well prepared in case things go better than expected and this happens sooner than planned.

03-03-2004, 09:16 PM
first thing i would suggest is going to a dr and getting a complete physical, find out if you are low on any vitamins or iron.. Make sure you're in the best condition possible when you get pregant.


03-03-2004, 09:23 PM
stock up on diapers, wipes, onsies, recieving blankets. The onsies is what I go through more than anything. I put them under clothes, under sleepers, everything..lol

Baby swings are a godsend... I'd get one of these!! bottle warmer if your going to bottle feed, diaper holder, stroller. I'm sure others will post what I've not got on here. its late and i'm not thinkin' straight. ..lol

I like Graco as far as a brand, but its just what best suits your financial means i believe.

03-03-2004, 10:29 PM
by all means play lullbies from the time you take them home, or better yet invest inone of those projector type things. It produces images on the ceiling. My daughter loves hers & shes 3 now. I`ve been playing lullbies for her since she came home from the hospitl & she has slept through the night since she was about 6 wks. old. Of course, I leave them on all nite that way if she wakes up in the middle of the nite she hears what she went to bed listening to & very seldom does she come into my room in the middel of the nite. maybe 3 times if that. Good Luck!