View Full Version : Need help with headlice!!!

02-26-2004, 07:15 AM
My daughter had to have her hair cut off last week b/c of headlice. It WAS down to her butt....now it's just below the top of her shoulders. I have treated her hair twice in 8 days to no avail. The stuff just flat isn't working. I read some of you say to use mayo then a vinegar rinse. Do I need to use a specific type mayo? I am at my wits end*sobbing* I have done everything I am suppose to do, treated her hair according to directions, washed all bed clothing in hot water then dried on hot setting. Sprayed all furniture and vehicle seats. Vaccumed extensively. Heat treated all pillows, stuffed animals etc. It is so bad at school that they sent 48 kids home Monday b/c they had it. Someone PLEASE tell me how to get out of this living he**!!!!!!

02-26-2004, 07:21 AM
im not sure of the mayo thing,but i do know when things got bad in my area alot of girls kept getting it over and over again.The mothers were advised to tie their daughters hair up,or put it in braids and put hairspray on it.Apparantly the lice dont like hairspray,and the school nurses said they can jump,so it is easier for them to get into girls hair because of it being long,and usually left down.Good luck!

02-26-2004, 07:23 AM
Tea Tree Shampoo, & or tea tree oil (you can get the shampoo at Sally's, and the oil at Walmart) It will smother them,) and I would use it on her hair at least once a week while she is in school(if she goes) and after each time she spends the night somewhere, or has someone over. Another key, be sure to get all the nits(eggs) off. If the egg is brown in color,the egg has either hatched, or it is dead. shiney egg equals live nit inside.
Be careful with the bedding spray, it can be very dangerous with younger children, and shouldn't be used. It has gotten to where rid and all the other treatments are not very effective.

02-26-2004, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by bigbunny
the school nurses said they can jump,so it is easier for them to get into girls hair because of it being long,and usually left down.Good luck!

Actually, they are realated to fleas, but a common misconception, is"they can jump" that is not true. they travel through contact, or from brushes or hats, (or even laying your head down where someone else has, that is infected)

02-26-2004, 07:25 AM
Why did you cut her hair,most headlice stay at the nap of neck,behind the ears,basically on the scalp.

When Dave's girls came to live with us,the youngest had it BAD,adult ones and nits.I treated her hair,washed everything in sight,throws that were on the couch,pillows,bedding etc...then I nit picked for a few weeks,it was a chore but it worked.

Also start putting hairspary or gel in her hair, they hate it!

So far so good NO LICE HERE :D

Lice sucks!! Oh I believe it is regular mayo,I have also heard olive oil will help

02-26-2004, 07:30 AM
that olive oil works pretty well. Coat her hair, wind it up, and wrap her head in plastic wrap. Do this in the morning, and leave it on all day. That night, scrub her hair-this will take a bit of doing. Olive oil is tough to get out-and then comb the hair with a lice comb. It may take a couple of tries, but I've heard mom's swear by it. And you'll need to keep up with the pillows, etc. Just once won't do it. Even one critter left will start the whole process again.
Our school nurse swears by the hair spray thing. Anything with an alcholol base is good. Mousse, hair spray, whatever. Good luck!

02-26-2004, 07:32 AM
A few years ago when Teenie got it I didn't cut her hair, she has really long hair too, I did just about the same thing that DAVESBABYDOLL said to do and it worked for us too.
I know it really sucks - so good luck!

02-26-2004, 07:32 AM
When I worked at HeadStart there was one little girl that kept getting lice. Finally her mother used olive oil. She soaked the little girl's hair in the oil and covered it with a plastic cap overnight. Supposedly the olive oil smothers the head lice. Anyway this is what worked for her. She did have an oily head for a week or so but it did work.

02-26-2004, 07:52 AM
Thanks everyone. And to answer DBD, I had to cut her hair b/c of the length and curl it was impossible to comb out. Believe me I tried.

02-26-2004, 07:54 AM
Here are some sites with info on the Tea Tree oil(you don't have to buy it from them, but it will give you the info you need if you want to use this method):




02-26-2004, 08:30 AM
When all else fails have your doctor prescribe an antibotic that is used for bladder infections. Its a sulfa drug and you use it for 3 days then in 2 weeks use it again for 3 days. Lice have grown immune to all the stuff that is normally used to treat/kill them.

02-26-2004, 09:05 AM
I was told by the school, health dept R.N., and the kids ped that the nits that are brown in color are the ones that are fixing to hatch. Once they hatch, they lose the color and become white or opaque looking.

Also, don't use the cheap dollar store type of majo, nor miracle whip. Just use regular kraft or best foods.

Hope you get it taken care of. It's a pita for sure. Kelsey's hair was almost to her butt when she got it in pre-k and I had to cut it too, because it's virtually impossible to get the comb through it all without hurting them. You did the right thing by making it shorter. Sitting there for hours is just as bad on the kids as the trauma of getting the lice too. :)

02-26-2004, 09:13 AM
I have a $1.00 coupon for RID lice killing shampoo / Egg&Nit comb-out Gel /Home Lice control spray put out by bayer.
I don't know a thing about this product.
I ROAK you the coupon if you pm me your address.

02-26-2004, 10:51 AM
Awww thanks Nanc I really appreciate it but I have already did the whole RID thing and it didn't work:( The dr called in a rx of something but the pharmacy was out of it, suppose to have in by morning.

Hey Katt thanks for the tip on the nits! And for the support on the hair cut.:) Oh and I got REAL mayo lol so we'll see.
Well time to go make a Nikki salad;)

02-26-2004, 11:01 AM
Denorex Extra Strength works pretty good as a follow up (once a week) and as a treatment. Lather it up on ther head, pile hair, let it sit for about 30 minutes, then re-lather and wash out.

We couldn't get rid with my older daughter, and were fine with our other kiddos after a couple of washes with the denorex, but finally after a few days (and a hair cut. she couldn't stand having her hair combed for so long) the shampoo worked. We tried RID, and another brand that I can't recall, but the shampoo was what finally helped.
(It sounds bad, but no matter what, we couldn't get rid of it with her. It was sooo frustrating!) We moved to another rural area and again one of my kids came home with lice. The shampoo worked great that time too, and stopped with the one kid.

It's such an annoying problem. :(

Good Luck!

02-26-2004, 11:12 AM
soak her hair in vinegar, and wrap a towel on her head and leave it there for 20 minutes or so, than rinse. this will smuther any lice and realy helps losen the nits so they can be removed, than remove the nits. nits can stay alive if in certain phases of thier deevlopement even thru any of these treatments so it's really important to get rid of them and keep retreating the hair, the vinegar is good for her hair unlike the chemicals so it does not hurt to keep redoing the treatment every few days. leave her hair dirty and use lots of products to prevent reinfestation. unlike the sterotype that dirty people have lice, it's actualy the opposite, lice prefer clean washed hair. if it's greasy or full of product they are not as likely to invade. also they hate hair dryers, use a hair dryer on her after every hair wash as a prevention.

make sure you take all of her toys especialy stuffed animals and tie them up in a trash bag for a couple weeks. make sur eyou throw away or boil your brushes and combs.

did you decontaminate your car? grandma's house? or any other people she has contact with?

02-26-2004, 11:53 AM
Another thing is this . Send a trash bag to school with her to put her coat in.A lot of schools have all the kids coats together during the day and this can be a problem .

02-26-2004, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by NINK

make sure you take all of her toys especialy stuffed animals and tie them up in a trash bag for a couple weeks. make sur eyou throw away or boil your brushes and combs.

I was just getting ready to give her this advise..lol.... but only thing is make sure it is a BLACK garbage bag. Something about the white or clear ones letting light in, etc. Then put the garbage bags in a dark area for atleast a couple weeks. :(

good luck hun

02-26-2004, 12:55 PM
LOL I knew I should have stayed out of here, I'm itching just thinking about lice! We've been lucky enough so far for the kids NOT to get lice (KNOCK ON WOOD) but I've heard that Crisco will work.

02-26-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by THEpouty1
Denorex Extra Strength works pretty good as a follow up (once a week) and as a treatment. Lather it up on ther head, pile hair, let it sit for about 30 minutes, then re-lather and wash out.

We couldn't get rid with my older daughter, and were fine with our other kiddos after a couple of washes with the denorex, but finally after a few days (and a hair cut. she couldn't stand having her hair combed for so long) the shampoo worked. We tried RID, and another brand that I can't recall, but the shampoo was what finally helped.
(It sounds bad, but no matter what, we couldn't get rid of it with her. It was sooo frustrating!) We moved to another rural area and again one of my kids came home with lice. The shampoo worked great that time too, and stopped with the one kid.

It's such an annoying problem. :(

Good Luck!

OMG your story sounds just like mine!!!! No one here has it except for my daughter and I just can't get rid of it with her! I have tried every daggum otc remedy there is and nothing works. After treating her hair, I do the combing thing and the lice are still alive! Why bother even buying the otc products if they don't kill the things?! Obviously you and I aren't the only ones that have had this problem, check out this site. http://www.safe2use.com/lawsuit/stats-info/responses.htm
My pediatrician called in a prescription for me and in the meantime he told me to do the Denorex extra strength thing:D He said that obviously the lice are becoming immune to otc products....ugh! Thanks for verifying the Denorex thing:)

Thanks everyone for all the tips, I REALLY appreciate it!:) Lord willing SOMETHING will work! I hate to see my daughter miserable all the while knowing that I am doing everything within my power to get rid of these things.:( Oh and I have already done the whole garbage bag thing so that is taken care of, and I bought new brushes and combs AGAIN today.
If this other stuff doesn't work I will try the tea tree oil next. I am willing to do just about anything to get rid of these things! I only have a little over 2 weeks till we leave on vacation, I sure don't want to spend my vacation dealing with lice:(
If anyone has anymore tips please let me know! Thanks again:)

02-26-2004, 01:18 PM
Being on vacation with kids and lice? NOT FUN!!!! We were on vacation with 3 kids that had it!!!! NOT FUN!!!!! We thought the one child's lice were gone ... NOT FUN!!!! We had to treat the kids and did ourselves just as a precaution.

Luckily, the OTC treatment worked for my daughter ... My sister did the OTC treatment and it didn't work. She did the mayo thing though...and they were gone! Also, spray the inside of your car seats, child seats, furniture the whole 9 yards!

Unfortunately, it is really frustating for parent and child as well. Hope everything works out for you and your dot!

Haircut was my next alternative too ... nothing worse than combing through that long hair for such a long tedious period of time ... OUCH for the child!! :( :( :( :( :(

02-26-2004, 01:32 PM

I have heard that curly hair is harder to rid lice of,so I would have cut her hair too,she prbably likes the new look :)

Angel was the only one to ever get it,none of the other kids did,so I can understand the fustration with it being one child,thankfully it wasn't all of them,but then again,it's just as bad because you still have to treat everything.

Just have her sit in front of you at night watch t.v. while you "nit pick"

02-26-2004, 04:02 PM
ok Alexis had lice and her hair is SUPER curly and long. Avocado shampoo helps and so does using olive oil. Put it on and just leave it there. It's not that hard to wash out. Don't forget to get her stuffed animals and toys and clothes and everything that you own. We had to steam clean the rug. Good luck!!

02-26-2004, 05:19 PM
Keroscene, that is what my mom used and she couldn't get rid of it on me either, nobody else in my family was involved with it, just me. I don't know if I spelled keroscene right. Anyway, it worked after one treatment.

02-26-2004, 05:26 PM
Tea tree oil did the trick in this house along with all the other tips here also use a hair dryer to dry the hair they cant stand the heat and throw the stuffed animals in the dryer just the ones that arent flameable lol

02-26-2004, 05:26 PM
:eek: Putting a flamable substance like karosene on a child's head is a good way to kill them, or get them taken out of the home by the CPS.

Head Lice
Bulletin 893-01


Dangerous Home Remedies
Do not resort to desperate measures in an attempt to kill head lice. Do not apply kerosene, gasoline, isopropyl alcohol, or lighter fluid to the hair; do not use veterinarian products, agricultural or lawn-care chemicals, and any other insecticide that is not labelled for head lice. Each year, such home remedies kill or maim some children. In misusing such products, safety is ignored. As an example, kerosene is not only extremely flammable, but it is absorbed through the skin and can be toxic, even causing death. Human safety always should be the main concern.

I'm sorry, but we've had children severely burned and even killed because of using this on them. It's so not worth the risk.

02-26-2004, 06:13 PM
I fortunately, along with my brother, have never contracted lice while at school, but I have heard that keeping some type of hair product in one's hair prevents the lice, as they cannot survive on hair that has product in it. I am a future teacher so I need to keep a heads up on lice, but I'm safe as I always have some type of product in my hair due to the fact I need to spike the back up. Good luck!!

02-26-2004, 06:41 PM

Speak with your family Doctor about this and see if he will give you a prescription for Kwell, I have used this many times myself years ago when I worked for the State Medical Examiner. This was the best medicine on the market then, but you need a script.

I don't know if you have to be a certain age, but tell your Doctor that head lice are running rampent at your daughters schoool. And when you get rid of them you may want to send your daughter to school with a nylon stocking covering her head (this is what people would do years ago) until they get this under control.

Hope this will be of help...

Tell your daughter to hang in there, they wont last for ever...
