View Full Version : It's baaaack! The MyDoom e-mail worm ....

Jolie Rouge
02-25-2004, 10:19 PM
that targeted personal computer users a few weeks ago has returned with a vengeance. Unlike previous versions, this newest variation is destructive. Called MyDoom.F, it randomly deletes Microsoft Word and Excel files, as well as photos and movies stored on the infected computer. Most worms and viruses don't delete files; instead, they turn the computer into a zombie machine that will carry out commands issued by the virus writer. This worm does that, too. It's programmed to unleash a denial-of-service attack on Web sites belonging to Microsoft Corp. and the Recording Industry Association of America.

The message title: A variety of subject lines have appeared, including
automatic responder,
Current Status,
For your information,
hello, hi,
it's me, hi,
Information Warning,
Love is Love is...,
Please read,
Please reply,
Re: Approved,
Re: Thank You,
Re:, Read it immediately,
read now!,
Read this,
Recent news,
Something for you,
Undeliverable message,
You have 1 day left,
You use illegal File Sharing...,
Your IP was logged,
Your account is about to be Expired,
Your credit card,
Your order is being processed,
Your order was registered,
Your request is being processed,
Your request was registered.

The From Line: The sender name will likely look like a familiar e-mail address.

Text message: The text in the body of the e-mail varies and may say things such as:
Check the attached document,
Details are in the attached document,
You need Microsoft Office to open it,
Here is the document,
Here it is,
I have your password :),
I wait for your reply,
I'm waiting Okay,
I'm waiting Information about you,
Is that from you?,
Is that yours?,
Kill the writer of this document!,
OK Everything ok?,
Please see the attached file for details,
Please reply,
Read the details.,
Reply, See the attached file for details,
See you Here it is,
See you,
Something about you, Take it,
The document was sent in compressed format.,
We have received this document from your e-mail.,
You are a bad writer, You are bad

The attachment file name varies: The attachment name varies and often arrives in a zip archive. Examples include: creditcard.bat, creditcard.zip, details.zip, mail.zip, notes.zip, part1.zip, paypal.zip, photo.zip, textfile.zip, vpf.zip, website.zip, %random characters%.zip

Protect your computer and files. Never download an attachment that you are not expecting.

Visit the Virus Central Support Forum to get information and download programs to protect your computer from viruses.

02-26-2004, 12:47 AM
I got 4 of those emails TODAY. TG that I can scan them before I open them. 2 were from addys that I've gotten mail from before (family n friends).

02-26-2004, 01:30 AM
Rule of thumb, never open an attatchment, unless a friend or family member tells you they sent it, and then be sceptical. I NEVER open attachments anymore.

02-26-2004, 03:03 AM
I have recieved them before and never opened them before and still got the virus.......

02-26-2004, 06:38 AM
I got it in my email yesterday, subj line 'is this yours?' Virus program caught it and I deleted the email, ran a scan and all's fine.