View Full Version : tired of being sick

02-25-2004, 07:20 AM
I am so tired of being sick. I have been sick for almost four years, I have r. arthritis, ddd, osteoarthritis, gout, panic attacks, depression, fibro. thyroid problems, bursitis, I am sure I am leaving about half of it out..I hurt all the time. I know that stress makes it worse and my son being in Iraq I am sure adds to alot of it..sometimes I just sit and cry cause I hurt so bad..I had to give up driving and working. my husband is good to me or I would surely go crazy he is good about taking me to the beauty shop and stuff like that..I have no friends they all gave me up when I had to start using a cane..dont know why I decided to write this all down but it sure did make me feel better..
hugs and prayers to all,

02-25-2004, 07:36 AM
Cane or no cane,sick or not...I'll be your friend :)

02-25-2004, 07:43 AM
Looks to me like you have two friends me and DAVESBABYDOLL.

02-25-2004, 07:46 AM
me to count me in I will be your friend to :)

02-25-2004, 08:12 AM
Thank you so very much you made me cry. ( good tears) I just dont understand when someone gets sick seems like the people they thought were there friends all leave them after I got sick and my husband would take me to the store I would see someone I used to work with and I would start towards them and with a cane I was really slow they would look and me and turn and go the other way..this was people I used to work with and really enjoyed being friends with and it happened more than once. I am glad to have my new friends, :)

02-25-2004, 08:17 AM
Marcia, it goes to show you who your "real" friends are, it seems people are mean, when I was little in my teens, I moved to a different school in 10th grade, My supposed "friends" spread a rummer around about me being preggy thats why I had to move. well that want true and it hurt to no end, but as I look back on it I truly found out who was my "friend" and who was just a jerk LOL