View Full Version : Can't judges use common sense anymore. How stupid.

01-27-2004, 10:56 PM

DEAR ABBY: You printed a letter from "Shot in the Heart," a 17-year-old young man who was in love with a 15-year-old "girl of his dreams." His 18th birthday was approaching, and he was worried that he and his girl would have to separate because he would be an adult. He asked if there was anything he could do.
You advised that because his girlfriend's parents had not yet objected to the age difference, they probably would not -- and told him to talk to them.

Abby, although your answer had merit and was logical, our laws are not always so.

In this country there are thousands of boys in prison who had this same problem. If he has intimate relations with her, which could be as simple as kissing and touching, he could find himself in prison. The girl or her parents could have a change of heart. All it would take is for them to call the police.

There are many cases of parents allowing their daughter's boyfriend to spend the night, only to report the boy to the authorities later. -- EX-CORRECTIONAL OFFICER WHO HAS SEEN IT ALL

DEAR EX: Thank you for an important letter. The implications are chilling. Read on:

DEAR ABBY: "Shot in the Heart's" story is a familiar one. Let me tell you what happened to my sister-in-law's nephew, "Nicky."

When Nicky was 17, his girlfriend, "Andi," was 15. Andi's parents liked Nicky and were fully aware of her sexual relationship with him.

Andi was still 15 when Nicky turned 18. Then Andi got pregnant. When she told her parents the news (she felt she had very cool parents and could tell them anything), they filed charges against Nicky because he was now an adult.

The outcome? The ruling of the court was that for the rest of Nicky's life, no matter where he moves, he will be required by law to register as a sex offender. (He is also forbidden to have any contact with Andi, whose parents made her get an abortion.) The law enforcement agency that Nicky registers with is legally required to send out fliers letting Nicky's new neighbors know that a sex offender has moved into their area.

This will follow Nicky for the rest of his life. Everywhere he goes, people will regard him as a sick and evil person. They won't bother to find out the specifics of what occurred.

"Shot in the Heart" needs to consider his future, get counseling, and above all, realize that it could happen to him!

Please Abby, spread the word. People need to be aware. -- FURIOUS IN FLORIDA

DEAR FURIOUS: That girl's parents were as much at fault for what happened as the young man was. That they would turn on him, and that he must now carry the label of "sex offender" for the rest of his life, is wrong.

I have two letters on my desk from men responding to the letter from "Shot in the Heart," relating that they have been happily married for 48 and 50 years, respectively. One man was 22 and the other 18 when they fell in love with their wives, both of whom were in their early teens. However, that was long ago, and times have changed.

01-28-2004, 04:49 AM
Originally posted by janelle
This will follow Nicky for the rest of his life. Everywhere he goes, people will regard him as a sick and evil person. They won't bother to find out the specifics of what occurred.

I don't necessarily agree with this, but, nicky made a choice, full well knowing what could happen.
The law is a well known law. He wasn't blind sided. He should have aired on the side of caution, he choose not to.

01-28-2004, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by flute
I don't necessarily agree with this, but, nicky made a choice, full well knowing what could happen.
The law is a well known law. He wasn't blind sided. He should have aired on the side of caution, he choose not to.




01-28-2004, 06:23 AM
I myself was 15 and pregnant. DH was 17 at the time. Things were hard to get through but my mother never charged him with anything. If he had been one year older though, The police would have been brought in no matter how any of us felt. We're still together after 4 and a half years though :D

01-28-2004, 06:34 AM
Sometimes the rules for these types of cases are just silly. This is JMO though. If the parents knew what was going on in this relationship and allowed it, why would his birthday make a difference? Just plain silly.....

01-28-2004, 09:47 AM
I think the parents should have been held just as responsible as he if they knew about the deal. Not only that but seems that if a couple are dating then he turns 18 that should be taken in account, just because he turned 18 shouldn't have made a difference if the situation if they had been dating way before that and the parents allowed it.

01-28-2004, 11:57 AM
Just think how this is going to affect his wife and children in the future. This makes the sex abuse list meaningless. I don't think people will take it seriously when they find out a man can be put on it for something like this.

Jolie Rouge
01-28-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by janelle
This makes the sex abuse list meaningless. I don't think people will take it seriously when they find out a man can be put on it for something like this.

Whenever I have recieved one of these notices in the mail, I call the Dept of Probation and Parole to inquire to the nature of the offense. I explain that to the staff there because there is a huge differecne in the range of crimes covered under the statutes.

01-28-2004, 12:37 PM
But just think of how many people won't and you know how cruel children and heck most people can be. Talk about having to wear a scarlett letter everywhere. This is going back to the dark ages.

Jolie Rouge
01-28-2004, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by janelle
But just think of how many people won't and you know how cruel children and heck most people can be. Talk about having to wear a scarlett letter everywhere. This is going back to the dark ages.

Oh - do not get me wrong -- I am 100 % behind the laws that require notifying neighbors if there is a sex ofender in the neighborhood... It is mt responsibility to check them out. There is a world of difference between a 18 year old boy getting in trouble because of a "relationship" with a 15 year old girl and a 56 year old man pursuing "relationships" with 8 to 10 year old boys ... We live near a trailer park which has "transitional housing" and had both living there at the same time :mad: -- two blocks from the local grade school no less ! I get tired of worrying about the crriminals' civil rights ... don't I have the right to let my kids play in our yard with out worrying about which of my neighbors are pedophiles ??

01-28-2004, 03:04 PM
we've had several parents try this in my dept, but most times if the parents knew about the relationship and "sudddenly" comes upwith a problem then the DA refuses to file charges...now if the parents can prove they had a problem with the relationship before then its another story but in alot of these cases the don't have a problem with it till there is a problem in the relationship

01-28-2004, 03:16 PM
I agree with the notification Jolie. I'm saying these judges are making this stupid and no one will pay any attention to it when they put young guys on there that made a big mistake when they were teenagers. If the judge can't see that it's the parents out for revenge then people will just ignore it.