View Full Version : Does anyone know about Reicarnantion or Past life experiences??

01-12-2004, 03:01 PM
I am trying to help my DD get over her fear of fire. She is deathly afraid of them for some reason, I can not figure out why either. But anyway, I thought maybe she was having some kind of memeory that maybe was not real ~ or even possibly a past life. I donno if I actually beieve in past life but we can not think of any other reason she would be so afraid of fires.

Any help would be taken seriously. I would really appreciate anything you could tell me.


01-12-2004, 03:04 PM
some people are put under hypnotsis I am deathly afraid of spiders I have seen shows where it worked.

01-12-2004, 03:10 PM
Could it be she is afraid of fires because they had a fireman come to her school? That is what happened to my daughter and now she is afraid there might be a fire and she won't get out from her upstairs window.If that's the case, then maybe you can reassure her by practicing fire drills at home and show her the best exits. Aside from that I'm sorry I can't help you, because I really don't believe in past lives. I think once you are dead, you go to heaven or hell, but not back to earth. JMO.

01-12-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Tadbit
Could it be she is afraid of fires because they had a fireman come to her school? That is what happened to my daughter and now she is afraid there might be a fire and she won't get out from her upstairs window.If that's the case, then maybe you can reassure her by practicing fire drills at home and show her the best exits. Aside from that I'm sorry I can't help you, because I really don't believe in past lives. I think once you are dead, you go to heaven or hell, but not back to earth. JMO.

I know how you feel about heaven and hell I thought that to before all this realy got me thinking. Anyway!!
No the fireman was ther in kindergarten and she was afraid before this. She knows she can get out of our house safetly with the "plan" we have. She has been afraid of this from the beggining. I donno why but intend to find out.

01-12-2004, 03:19 PM
Hypnosis is really not an option here She is only 7 so I doubt I would want her to do that!! TY anyway!!

01-12-2004, 04:40 PM
I strongly believe in reincarnation. I was going to regression therapy but the therapist had moved to another office so I only got to see her three times. There are a lot of books about it. I don't really have any suggestions as to what you can do to help your daughter. You might want to get a book about it and see if there are any suggestions in the book.