View Full Version : ??? About Electronic Hook-up

01-11-2004, 09:29 PM
My son recieved a game for Christmas. I think it's called Intellevision. You hook the controller up to your TV and can play Atari type games...no game counsel; just the controller.
Our dilemma is this: The type of hook up on the game is a 2 prong red and yellow hook up. I believe they call them patch cords. His TV is set up with only a single cable hook up...for coaxial. Does someone know? Is there a converter so he can play this on his TV? He really wanted this, and now is pretty disappointed that he can't play it.
I've looked online and have yet to find what I need. Please tell me they make something to convert this!


01-11-2004, 09:33 PM
It might possibly be the RFU adapter they can be bought at walmart for $9.95