View Full Version : I'm becoming obsessed!

01-10-2004, 06:57 AM
I've always entered sweepstakes...a few here, a few there. About 4 months ago I started entering what I would consider full time. We're talking several hours daily entering instants, dailys, single entries, etc..
It's getting worse. Now I'm entering the LiquidLoot and Coke decibels. We drink some soda, but not a lot. No worries. I stop at the bottle return every time I go to the grocery store. Most of them request you to remove the cap before putting the bottles into the machines. So I'm back there picking caps out of the garbage, and asking people if I can have their caps. And if I see a red or yellow cap across the parking lot, you can bet I'm heading over there to check it out.
Yes, it's an official obsession. I shudder to think how bad it'll get when I actually win (notice I said "when", and not "if") something big to encourage me further.

Anyone else on here an unofficial member of Sweepstakes Annonymous?

My name is SHELHOP and I'm a sweepoholic

Edited to add: I won another Goldfish wallet this morning, and pizza and a movie from Pizza Hut and Amazon.com. Yay me!!!!

01-10-2004, 07:09 AM

01-10-2004, 07:17 AM
i am becoming obsessed myself,i never did much like that before, but now i just want a better life, i want money, i would love to win it big like millions of dollars and than i would ofcorse buy a nice house and car and stuff for my family but i would have the money to adopt 2 more kids and i would start a mission, it would be mostly a food bank but also i would take in household donations like goodwill does but there would be no cashregisters! any one who wanted to come and rumage thru the stuff could, regardless of income, and take home a days,weeks,or months worth of food too. i would just build a pole barn next to my house and do it right from there, i would love to do it! and i would love to adopt! and i would love for my family to have a nice house,you wouldn't be able to tell i was a millionare by looking at it, but it would be real nice, and we'd have cars that actualy run every time you get in them and could actualy pass an e-check! so now i have started entering like crazy trying to win big money, i also enter little ads too but mostly just the big bucks ones. may be God will bless me with a big win!

01-10-2004, 07:23 AM
I WISH I was obsessed. I started entering a while ago but I can't do it everyday. I want to win something! :mad: I had a dream I won something big but I forgot what it was. I hope it was a premonition! :D

01-10-2004, 08:50 AM

01-10-2004, 08:56 AM
My old roommate was obssesed with marlboro miles... she didn't smoke, so when we used to go out she'd go around the club begging people for thier miles. I was once forced out of her car in a parking lot to crawl under a parked car and retrieve a pack that someone had thrown on the ground! LOL

01-10-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by buttrfli
My old roommate was obssesed with marlboro miles... she didn't smoke LOL
I am not a smoker but several yrs ago i also had this problem. An ex of mine collected the miles and would take them from "anywhere also"

After we split up i still picked them up occasionally and also had a brother/SIL who smoked like chimneys so i snagged their miles.
I ended up getting the Malrboro Canvas Jacket(nice coat too) that year(2500 miles) and it hangs in my closet un worn........lol
I never saved another mile :)

I enter sweeps usually on my days off all day and still have yet to even win a G/F wallet. I did win a camera at the AOL instant win but it never took my info said it would contact me when contest ends???'

01-10-2004, 09:23 AM
COUNT ME IN!! I enter these every day.. Won one instant in the past month!!! But then I read how everyone wins and I know I have to keep trying!!!!!

What is liquidloot and decibels?

01-10-2004, 09:39 AM
i don't smoke either and when i was a kid i got a cool butane lighter from palmal from my grandpa's upc's and i collected camel cash like mad! i had a bedroom full of stuff! and than as an adult i worked at a recycling center and we were allowed to keep whatever we wanted! and i had thousands of marboral miles and they did pepsi points at that time too! i miss that job, it was nasty, but i sure did get alot of free stuff!

01-10-2004, 09:54 AM
I did these for while, but even when it said i won, i never received any of the prizes, so i just gave

01-10-2004, 10:57 AM
I won the Payday - Kevin Harvick 2nd prize. It was replicas in heavy cast metal of his carhood and a small helmut and a T-shirt. I kept the shirt and mailed the other stuff to Carolina Blue. I don't feel very lucky at sweepstakes and contests. But I still try once in awhile. My only addiction is my grown kids and grandkids.

01-10-2004, 01:38 PM
Yep, ever since I hit 18, I've been entering more and more sweeps! It's the smaller runner up prizes that appeal to me more then the trips and stuff. So far this year I've won a goldfish wallet and 2 pairs of Hanes boxers.