View Full Version : people are so mean

01-08-2004, 09:41 PM
I have been going to this free advice forum for child support and I tell you what, after going there, I run back here for the healing I need of my soul after putting up with how they treat people, thank goodness for bbs, I tell you, they call people horrible names over there, like idiots, and names that I can't even repeat in here, it is sad. So glad you are all here:)

I am so THANKFUL for bbs!!!!

01-08-2004, 10:48 PM
ha yeah I remember going to a free law advice forum, asking for advice on how my husband could stop paying child support when the kids were living with us and the "ladies" over there went off on me. It was so pathetic. According to them I was some kind of money grubbing ho or something because I thought the "child support" should actually be supporting the children living at our house, rather than going to my husband's ex, who no longer wanted the kids.

01-08-2004, 11:09 PM
Gotta love people like that. Would y'all like me to send the "Attack Cats" over there?

01-09-2004, 05:46 AM
I went ot a forum like that before. My husband raised his 2 daughters alone for about 5 years before we met, and I had gone to find out how he would be able to collect child support from his ex... well I am here to tell ya that they were the rudest people I have ever come across! They literally told me that men raising children should be happey to have them and how dare they go after a mother for child support! I was totally disgusted and never went back :(

01-09-2004, 06:07 AM

01-09-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by JENNIFERCATLADY
Gotta love people like that. Would y'all like me to send the "Attack Cats" over there?

Unleash them!!

What are these people's problems? I bet they are the payees.