View Full Version : Yippee Keye AAAAAAAA I did it!!!!!!!

01-08-2004, 01:24 PM
I just got back from the grocery store and I DID IT. I walked Right past the donuts and the candy, I RAN past the ice cream and the junk foods. This is the first time I have been to the BIG store since Monday and starting ATKINS. Suprised me that the Chips isle didnt bother me cause I always thought that was my big addition. NOPE it is SUGAR. I didnt eat that much sugary stuff but man do I crave it now But I WALKED RIGHT BY IT..... It hurt but I did it.
So far I have lost 7lbs and 3 inches off my stomach. OMG I am soooooo proud. It is hard I wont lie but getting this fluffy took time and so will this. I am dedicated to this now. I bought Atkins stuff (ice cream bars and snack bars when I get over induction) I bought Atkins pasta and sugar free jello. I bought veggies and meat, cheese, eggs and alot of lo-carb stuff. Even picked up a lo-carb cookbook that had everyday cooking in it not those gourmet type things. (I will post recipes after I try them)
To all you that dont have to worry about what you eat you are so lucky and you should realize that cause to us that cant anymore this is the hardest life style change we will ever make I think. It is a daily mindset to resist sugar and junk foods. But WE CAN AND WILL DO IT...........
Thanks to all that have encouraged me and given me answers I LOVE YOU

01-08-2004, 01:26 PM
Yaaaaaay! Good for you!!! You should be soooo proud! :D
The atkin's food will help a LOT when you're off induction. You're doing great!

01-08-2004, 04:21 PM
Great job!!

01-08-2004, 04:25 PM
Lilpetie, So happy to hear the good news! Keep up the good work!

01-08-2004, 06:06 PM
That is so cool......way to go!!

01-08-2004, 06:29 PM
Good job:) I am on Atkin's too. You are lucky to have found so many low carb items in your store. It is just catching on here, or I am looking in the wrong places.

Congrats!! :):):)

01-08-2004, 09:27 PM
Great job! Keep up the good work towards better health.

I'm doing Weight Watchers. 'Have had that same exact experience in the grocery store. We all have those habits that we are trying to make into healthy ones.

Keep us posted.

01-08-2004, 10:39 PM

I started the South Beach Diet this past Monday. It is similar to Atkins, but from what I have read and heard about it, much healthier (not knocking Atkins). The first two weeks are your induction period and so far it has been not too bad but has had it moments! But I have only been on it 4 days and have lost 5 and1/2 pounds so far! YEAH! Only 75 more to go! LOL!

01-08-2004, 10:44 PM
You go girl!

Where at in IL? (I may have asked but I don't remember) I am in Edwardsville.

01-08-2004, 11:20 PM
Congrats to you! I have to say, you are definitely a role model to me :) I can't do that yet..walk into the grocery store and get past all that sugary goodness :)

Good for you!

01-08-2004, 11:25 PM
Congrats! :)

01-08-2004, 11:32 PM

BTW....one teeny tiny request? Can I have all the weight that you lose?? I promise I will be VERY appreciative and take REALLY good care of it!!!

01-09-2004, 07:04 AM
Thank you all for posting your congrats!!!!!! I am now down another lb this am. So this does work.
I can tell you a little about myself.
I am 45 and HAD always been a skinny lil thing(the kind that could eat 40 candy bars a day , big bag of chips and still not gain weight arghhhhh) until 1995 when I went thru breast cancer. I went thru the chemo and went from a size 5 to a 12. They say that breast cancer women gain weight for some reason. So after that it was menopause thanks to the chemo. So I have gained alot and could NOT get it off. My metabolism just shut down. Dr. tried everything. Even diet pills.
So this is the only thing I have found that has worked. Beleive me people if you can stick to it IT WILL WORK.
I live in Quincy Illinois which is west central
And look at your local WalMart for these The Atkins stuff they are starting to carry it. Also found some things at County Market and Hi-Vee is you have one in your area

01-09-2004, 09:15 AM
Congrats, and please post the recipes soon!

01-09-2004, 10:39 AM
Congrat!! That is sooo great! I need to get my tush in gear and stick to it. I admire your will power and dedication!! Woo Hoo to you!! :)