View Full Version : Why couldn't they wait like always??

12-25-2003, 03:10 PM
Every year at Christmas after sil and brother go pick up his son(him and ex-wife share custody) they come back and they ALL open the presents and we are ALWAYS there to see it. But today brother called and said the two kids already opened their presents and they were gonna go get him tonight. Well, of course when they get him home he's gonna wanna open his presents. Then he asks if we wanna come over tomorrow evening..but wait..wouldn't that mean we'd miss out on everything?? :(:(:( Sorry I know this is kinda petty compared to everyone else's vents but we watch them every year, that's more of a present then anything they could give me and dad takes pics every year(except last year, they were all sick so we couldn't go) Oh well, atleast we get to see them open the 1 gift we got them each(it's not much but they will love it):(

12-26-2003, 10:08 AM
{{{Mini}}} Have you told them how you feel? Maybe they don't realize how important it is to you.

12-26-2003, 10:53 AM
What Gitty said ^