View Full Version : I jus can't believe they did this to us.....

12-23-2003, 11:24 PM
I don't usually post much about myself but I have to whine about this, you don't have to read this or reply to this but I thought it may be thereapudic.;) ;)
I have a friend I met about 10 years ago. I call her Bevis(and yes I am Butthead:eek: :D ) She was a 16 year old girlfriend of a friend's son pregnant with his twins. She lived with us(me DH,and oldestDD)until the baby was about a year old(she lost the other twin at about 6 months) We had a fight about how she was treating her daughter(she was bordering on abusive)So she left. I hadn't herad a word about her for many years and we recently reconnected about 4 months ago.She now has 3 kids (4,8,and9)
Still with me.... :D :D
About a month and a half ago her new DH(recently parolled for armed robbery, and he has a temper) lost his job. They were losing their utilities and ultimatly their trailer. So I told them they could move in with us. We have a 2 bedroom shack with an attic we are going to turn into a bedroom(it didn't even have a floor) and my husband makes $6.50 an hour.We have 3 kids(5,8,and16) and my father-in-law(70 with diabetes and glaucoma)living here already. Her DH sits around the house and calls for jobs on the phone , and mirical of all miricals he actually lands a job in 3 weeks. Now we have been scrambeling around looking for a way to cover christmas for her kids as well as my kids the whole time he was "looking for a job" So Friday after his frist week of work When I drop him off for work(they lost their car too)I tell him the whole days schedual and verify that I will be there to pick him up at 5:00 (it's a 45 mile round trip from the house)I get there to pick him up.....nope the boss dropped him off at our house. I am mad and go home. When I get her I find out he had the boss take him to the mall after he got paid so he can get Bevis a $150.00 diamond ring for Christmas(out of a $250.00 paycheck)Knowing full well that the 2 girls of hers are still short on the gifts and we are broker than broke.
When I get mad about that they want to act like ther isn't anything wrong with the situation. They grab their kids and take them to a friend and then the proceed to move out. I just can't get those poor kids out of my mind. The Oldest one(the twin) hasCP and epilepsy, and the y have been in several different schools this year. Now they will be transfering schools again. I guess I'm still kinda in shock. I just don't see what happened. If you made it this far yeah you :D :D :D

12-23-2003, 11:49 PM
Sounds like they are just there to milk you for all it is worth, and when they are confronted with their bad behavior they ditch you in a way that screams disrespect to boot.

They might move out, and act all big now, but they are obviously losers who will be back after they fall AGAIN on their ignorant faces.
They knew you loved those kids, and they just wanted to hurt you.

I think social services needs to be made aware of the situation, so when they really screw up with his temper, or the neglect of those children again, and you know those types WILL....then go for temp custody. And leave their sorry arses out the door since they didnt appreciate a thing you ever do for them anyway to help them stay together.

12-23-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Suz*e*
Sounds like they are just there to milk you for all it is worth, and when they are confronted with their bad behavior they ditch you in a way that screams disrespect to boot.

They might move out, and act all big now, but they are obviously losers who will be back after they fall AGAIN on their ignorant faces.
They knew you loved those kids, and they just wanted to hurt you.

I think social services needs to be made aware of the situation, so when they really screw up with his temper, or the neglect of those children again, and you know those types WILL....then go for temp custody. And leave their sorry arses out the door since they didnt appreciate a thing you ever do for them anyway to help them stay together.

I TOTALY AGREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-23-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Suz*e*
Sounds like they are just there to milk you for all it is worth, and when they are confronted with their bad behavior they ditch you in a way that screams disrespect to boot.

They might move out, and act all big now, but they are obviously losers who will be back after they fall AGAIN on their ignorant faces.
They knew you loved those kids, and they just wanted to hurt you.

I think social services needs to be made aware of the situation, so when they really screw up with his temper, or the neglect of those children again, and you know those types WILL....then go for temp custody. And leave their sorry arses out the door since they didnt appreciate a thing you ever do for them anyway to help them stay together.

Oh, I agree! Also, one thing I have had to tell myself over the years is that you can't save the world. There are many times that I would love to do this or that but the truth is that if these people don't want to help themselves then it is likely there is not much you can do. It is a sad truth to think this, but it is true. You can only take people so far and then they have to do something themselves. GL in everything you do :)

12-24-2003, 06:07 AM
Yep, what they ^ said. Some people are too selfish to have children.

12-24-2003, 06:23 AM
I agree with the others. Seems they saw an opportunity for some free living and took it.People like that NEVER appriciate what others do for them.They are all about TAKE,TAKE and more TAKE.

Sorry they treated you so badly.

12-24-2003, 09:51 AM
When I get her I find out he had the boss take him to the mall after he got paid so he can get Bevis a $150.00 diamond ring for Christmas(out of a $250.00 paycheck)Knowing full well that the 2 girls of hers are still short on the gifts and we are broker than broke.

Let's all hope he bought....with his track record you never know!:eek:

Look upon this as a learning experience and move forward. If you think the children aren't being cared for properly, by all means report them.

12-24-2003, 09:58 AM

12-24-2003, 11:10 AM
Try to this of it this way..the kind of did you a favor...they were selfish/lazy, you had limited space, and $...One less freeloader in your home...I would be grateful that they left..

12-25-2003, 01:46 PM
Yep I agree also, and there are a lot of people out there that will use their kids to try to get sympathy or such, don't let them use you, you were nice to them, gave them a chance, 1st times shame on them, 2nd time if you let it happen would be shame on you, tell someone about this so the kids can get a fair chance at life, pm me if you need to talk, this has to be heartbreaking as well as aggravating.