View Full Version : Omg, Lol

11-17-2003, 02:26 PM
Ok, you all probably heard me talk about my birds, and what they say/do, well it is bad enough when they cough when you do, or "Zip" when you grab your purse, or put on a jacket, I now have one that knows how to SNEEZE!!! lol, no one sneezed or anything, it is quiet here, and all the sudden I hear a very loud "ACHOOOO" LOL,(not an actual sneeze, but like they wee trying to copy how we sneeze) I can be having the worst day, and one cute little thing like that makes me laugh, and brightens my day. Pets, gotta love em! hehehe, kinda like having a Furbie, but better.

11-17-2003, 02:32 PM
Teach the other one to say, "God bless you" when he does it. :D

11-17-2003, 02:33 PM
They sound like a lot of fun. lol

11-17-2003, 02:44 PM
Oh they are a riot, I have one that gets going at night and she is so funny, if the TV is too loud, she starts yelling "Turn it down, do you hear me?" and "Kiss,kiss" then gives a big smooch. HTey even mock the kids when they are whining(I have 4 total, and 3 do this) if the kids are crying, they go "Waaaahhhhh" it is so funny, cause usually when they do it, the kids are being bratty, and whining to get their way, makes the kids mad.
I have 2 that talk extremely well (2 others that say just a few words, one is a rescue and he came from a bad home, but is doing much better now) Sammy is the sweetest, think she is in love with hubby, lol, and tries to flirt with him(he ignores her)I recently taught her Pick-a-boo, and she says both of the kid's names. It is alot of fun being around them, they are a joy to have (as you can tell I could talk about them all day)

11-17-2003, 02:51 PM
here is one of my babies (sammy) http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid71/p5b6b7e48929822c62166174dcf30aa20/fb95b2ef.jpg

11-17-2003, 04:27 PM
Teach him to say, "You want some cheese with that whine"? LOL

11-17-2003, 04:50 PM
LOL! The vet my parents used to go to had a parrot in the waiting room and one of the vet techs working there had one of those awful sounding smoker's coughs. The parrot learned to mimic it perfectly and was constantly startling the people in the waiting room.

11-17-2003, 06:16 PM
When mine cough I play it up and say AWWWW poor baby your sick, and baby talk them, they eat it up. They say bye bye, nightnight, hello, poor baby, pick-a-boo, pretty bird, pet the pretty bird, Hey baby, Hi, love you, want out and a whole lot more. Just like having 3 year olds, lol, they do get jealous, but I love em. I have one that even sings, lol(sammy) though she doesn't sing the words, she tries to add harmony, lol, he does do lalallalala and I am trying to teach her to sing Hey baby by No doubt

11-17-2003, 07:16 PM
LOL they sound like really cool pets......what a way to wind down from a stressful day!!

11-17-2003, 08:00 PM

11-17-2003, 08:33 PM
Awwww! I love parrots! My mom has a parrot (don't remember what kind) and it sings like, 20 songs (row row row your boat, marry had a little lamb, xmas songs, etc) and says a ton of stuff. If I say "Be a cat" she'll roar and I say "that's a tiger! Be a kitty cat" and then she'll meow. If I say "Be a cow" she'll moo. She's so much fun!

She coughs too and she picked up my laugh from when I babysit her. I love it! :D

11-17-2003, 10:30 PM
My SIL has a Quaker Parrot and an African Gray. All her Quaker says is 'I love Bobby!'(my brother). Her African Gray Harley has a potty mouth, but it's the most hilarious thing when he gets started.