View Full Version : puppy questions

11-16-2003, 04:47 PM
I have a 4-5 month old puppy, which is an outside dog. We bought her a dog house that has a doggy door on, but she will not get in it for nothing. Not even if it is raining. I tried putting her food in there, doggy treats, and a peice of carpet. NOPE.. she wants to sleep on a baby gate thats lying there on the porch. How do I get her in there especially now that its getting cold out.
Another thing is... I don't wanna get flamed for this as I am trying to find a way to correct it. She goes over to my neighbors house and gets in their trash on their back porch. They have a baby and my dog gets her dirty diapers and brings them into my yard and on my front porch and rips them to shreds. She gets their shoes and her other girls toys and brings them here and tears them all to pieces. I have talked to my neighbor about having an outside dog and they didn't mind. But the puppy is wild and has torn holes in her daughters shirts by jumping and nibbling on her. Same as my ds, she's just a wild puppy. Right now on my front porch is a dirty diaper and a torn up shoe, that I have taken back to them 2 times already. Cleaning up outside is a daily routine. Everynight she gets something else. We have bought toys and stuff for her to. We had a dog before this one and we kept it penned up all the time cause we didn't wanna be a bother to everyone besides she ran away all the time, and this same neighbor wanted me to let her run loose. (we have a HUGE yard) They used to have a dog also,(a rotty)who was put down because she bit someone. I was never able to put trash out cause she would knock over my trash cans and get trash everywhere, could never able to have plants or any sort of decorations on porch cause this dog would take over everything.
Now what I am asking, how should I go about fixing this situation, without penning up the dog, or getting rid of her.She is ds and would die if we had to do that.

11-16-2003, 05:12 PM
Is she not fenced in at all? My brother has two dogs that are outside most of the day and he brings them in at night. He has a large pen outside. I have't seen it but from what my mom said it's quite big. They have plenty of space to run. Anyhow I'm only asking because in my area we have a leash law and any dog that is running around lose can be picked up by the dog officer.

11-16-2003, 05:23 PM
No fencing, and there isn't a leash law around here.

11-16-2003, 05:26 PM
Oh okay. I don't really know how you could get him to go in his dog house. I hope you find something works. :)

11-16-2003, 05:30 PM
Ravenlost you think of everything. lol

11-16-2003, 05:31 PM
LOL I never thought of that..I will have to check and see if it fits.


11-16-2003, 05:50 PM
I would put your dog on a chain or fenced in area of some sort. It's very dangerous for your dog. He could get stolen, shot, killed, or taken to the pound. Someone could posion him!!!

Your dog needs to learn control. A wild puppy is normal.But you need to enforce good behavior inside or out.

11-16-2003, 05:50 PM
Is there anyway you can put up a fence for her around your yard? that way she can run and play but she wont be able to get into everything.

Kyla Kym
11-16-2003, 06:02 PM
How about a underground fence system if you can't afford a yard fence. I think I would buy some tarp straps for the neighbors trash cans. It only takes a second to hook them from handle to handle through the lid and even if they get turned over the lid stays on. That's what my dad does. And they are real cheap.

The flaps on the dog house might be freaking the dog out. When I introduce a dog to it's new house I always tape the flaps up on the roof for a few days until they get use to the house. I also put that Styrofoam insulation under there bed in the house. It makes it a very warm place to lay.

11-16-2003, 06:57 PM
I would suggest tying the dog up. I agree, he needs to learn control. It'll just get more outta hand if you let him roam.