View Full Version : Home Remedy or Relief for My Kitty Cat's Ears

11-09-2003, 07:14 PM
Hey guys, I really can't afford to take my little girl to the vet until next week. For the past couple of days, she has been squeaking in pain when she scratches her ears. I was wondering if anyone here knows a way to relieve her or even something at home that can kill mites.


11-09-2003, 07:18 PM
ear mites...bad time of year for them..my doggie gets them...

11-09-2003, 07:19 PM
My cat had ear mites bad when we got her. The vet gave me some drops for her that I had to keep in the refrigerator. They do have stuff you can buy at the pet stores which runs about $6. I bought an ear wash kit and it also came with the drops for the mites.

11-09-2003, 07:41 PM
Thanks guys. I have like $2 on me right now, unfortunately. It might help if I could wash her ears out with something and a cotton ball. I think I saw something that said you could use peroxide on a cotton ball. What do you guys think?

11-09-2003, 07:49 PM
Try cleaning the ear with peroxide and a Q Tip. Dont go inside the canal though. My vet recommended this until I could get mine there.

11-09-2003, 08:10 PM
Oh cool, I'll do that then. She and are going to make a trip to the bathroom. LOL. Maybe it'll help her feel better and get some of that mite junk out of her ears. It is mostly her left one. Her right one isn't bad. Thanks!

11-09-2003, 11:10 PM
Yeah, she's got an odor coming out of the left one. I looked in it, and it doesn't look good. I tried to clean her up a little around the outsides of her ear, and just inside (not in her ear canal) because she has scratched herself raw. I am gone most of the time and hadn't noticed it until I heard her squeaking the day before yesterday. That is when I had noticed how red she was. I asked my husband about it, and he said he had noticed she was scratching a lot, but had seen a flea on her and thought that was the problem. She is so fuzzy, it is hard to see the irritation by just looking at her. I actually have to move all the fuzz out of the way to see.

When I took the Q-tip with the peroxide on it to the right ear, she actually enjoyed it. She held really still for me and was purring. Well, when it come to that left ear, I just touched it with the Q-tip and she squeaked in pain. The peroxide has seemed to help her some. She has been scratching, but not as much and she hasn't squeaked for a few hours. I am going to keep doing that and get something over the counter until I can get her to the vet this week.

11-10-2003, 12:50 AM
you can use baby oil or mineral oil , put a few drops in each ear & fold the ear down & massage it, then with a q tip clean it out , get the black stuff out , if there is no black stuff it's not mites. the oil will smother the mites & no need to pay a vet bill,no black stuff & a bad smell means infection . if it is mites , put a few drops of the oil in & leave it , may have to do this for a couple of days
i worked in a vets office for 10 years so i know a little about this , lol !

11-10-2003, 01:36 AM
Our dog has a lot of problems with his left ear. He's been to the vet a bunch of times for it & it is YEAST! Didn't know dogs could get that(esp in hteir ears!) It smells & is kinda brownish & gunky.
After spending lots of $$$ on the med the vet gave us & him getting so many, I tried the store brand human medicine for yeast(can't even think of the name right now) & IT WORKED JUST AS WELL & WAS CHEAPER.
Good luck

11-10-2003, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by marcy122
Our dog has a lot of problems with his left ear. He's been to the vet a bunch of times for it & it is YEAST! Didn't know dogs could get that(esp in hteir ears!) It smells & is kinda brownish & gunky.
After spending lots of $$$ on the med the vet gave us & him getting so many, I tried the store brand human medicine for yeast(can't even think of the name right now) & IT WORKED JUST AS WELL & WAS CHEAPER.
Good luck

yes ! very good idea ! there are many ways of avoiding paying outragios vet bills ! give your dog treats mixed with yogurt !
keep the ears dry, whipe them out everyday if needed , just keep them dry ! dogs with the flopped ears are the worst !