View Full Version : Please pray

11-07-2003, 05:59 PM
My niece was involved in a terrible accident today. A man was walking across the road. She didn't see him in time to stop. His leg was mangled and he was bleeding from his ears. They airlifted him to a hospital in Nashville. (The injuries of the man is information from her daughter who is know to streach the truth.)

I talked to my niece. She didn't really want to talk so I just let her know I'm here if she needs me and made her promise to call the doctor for something if she needs it. She acted like it was a fender bender. Like it wasn't a big deal.

Let me explain about her a little. A couple of years ago (not even going to try spelling the word) a blood vessal ruptured in her brain. We almost lost her. Since then she has had a lot of memory problems and from time to time has a little problem with reality. Sometimes the little things are huge to her. Sometimes the big things she seem to think isn't a big deal. For instant she couldn't understand why her hubby got so upset when she borrowed $10,000 without his knowledge. She continued to hide it from him until she was way behind in payments (she can't work anymore and was trying to pay it off by $20 out of grocery money) and they were threatening to sue her. She didn't see that as a big deal.

So I'm not really sure about the guys injuries. And I don't think my niece really understands what has happened.

Please pray for this man, my niece, and her family.

11-07-2003, 08:21 PM
I pray for all of you...and hope that it WASNT that bad....

11-08-2003, 12:14 PM
Praying for all involved.

11-09-2003, 07:31 AM
You have my prayers

11-09-2003, 03:55 PM
Oh no, will be praying for all involved..