View Full Version : Competition Results

10-26-2003, 10:17 PM
Well, the band got a rating of II, which means excellent. My girls didn't perform as well today. The band didn't either. If everyone would have done as well last week, we could have brought home the I (superior) ratings. We had bad bad bus lag though. We were running a little bit late, so pretty much had to go straight off the bus to a short warm up and then performance. They weren't exactly ready.

Anyway, my girls got a II (excellent) and a III (good) which is their lowest ratings all year. They said they didn't feel good about it when they got off so the ratings didn't surprise them. Gosh, I wish it could have been like last week when they got two I (superior) ratings. That felt so great. But, it was a longer bus ride today. We've had a good season though.

Next year will rock! I am already excited for next year's show. I don't know what it is yet, but I am excited. LOL

10-26-2003, 10:36 PM
Hey they still performed and that is that counts. And from what you wrote they still got a rating. Better than no rating at all Right.
Congrats to the win that you did bring home. And yeah next year you'll rock and you will go and get em..........
Thanks for sharing

10-26-2003, 10:42 PM
Thank ya :)

Well, it being my first year, I have also learned more about what the judges are looking for. Judging, however, is just another person's opinion. It is absolutely amazing how one judge can say they hate something, but the next judge love it. LOL

I am proud of them though. They worked hard :)

10-27-2003, 12:12 AM
Well I know all of us BBSers are proud!! GREAT JOB!!!! I loved seeing the pics and hearing about all your compitions!

10-27-2003, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by GeThang
I have also learned more about what the judges are looking for. Judging, however, is just another person's opinion. It is absolutely amazing how one judge can say they hate something, but the next judge love it. LOL

judging changes from judge to judge, contest to contest, panel to panel, year to year.

One show performed consistently well will still give a wide variety of ratings. You just never know! I know more about the judging side of things, for the band sections. Sometimes one judge rates musical perforrmance only, some marching only, some color guard only, some have to do more than one or all... Depends on the contest. It gets confusing sometimes. LOL.

Are these local contests, gearing up for UIL? Or UIL (or its equivalent in your area)?

10-27-2003, 08:26 AM
This is kind of digressing...but I know you were having tremendous problems with several of the girls in the beginning of the school year. It sounds like things have gotten better.

What happened to make things work?

10-27-2003, 08:31 AM
I have no clue what these local contests are doing. LOL

Yeah, it is sooo amazing how the juding varies compared to what it used to. The judging criteria was changed last year. Before, the back of the score sheets were blank, and the judge just went by the things on the front of the score sheet where they wrote everything. Now, they have these subcategories on the back side and in order to get a superior rating, you have to meet almost everything in the 3 superior categories. It is definitely harder than when I was in high school. Soo, those superior performances we did when I was in high school would probably rate to a II or III with this new judging method. Never know. It is just amazing how now, a judge can give a I to a guard and then the second judge judging the same performance will give them a III. Heck I have even seen one judge give a I and the other give a IV to another color guard at a local contest this year.

I try to tell the girls that it is judging opinion, obviously because they have heard one judge love something and the other judge hate it. But, now that I know more of what the judges like, I am going to try to give them something of everything next year and see how that goes. I could have covered more areas when I choreographed the show this year, but I wish I had one of those score sheets to look at the back and go off of those subcategories. Good news, is now i have like 20 of those sheets now. LOL

10-27-2003, 09:03 AM
It sounds like they still did very well so congratulations for that. :)

10-27-2003, 11:22 AM
Congratulations on a great year especially after it started out rocky....next year will be even better......

10-27-2003, 02:09 PM
Oh yeah, next year will be better. And yes, the beginning of the year was very rocky. Whew, was it rocky, but I did survive and so did they. Yay :)

10-27-2003, 03:14 PM
I was thinking of you today G! That's ok, you will slay them next year! Given all the problems that you have encountered and conquered, girl, pat yourself on the back.:D

10-27-2003, 03:28 PM
glad you did good ! It's your first year so don't be hard on yourself...you'll do excellent next year, and we expect pictures :D

10-27-2003, 03:56 PM
You'll get pictures :) They have a Halloween Parade tonight at 7:30, so perhaps there will be pics from that. Also, there is a playoff game with my husband's alma mater on Saturday. That is going to be great! LOL

10-27-2003, 09:29 PM
Congrats! Be proud! :D

10-27-2003, 09:44 PM
Congrats, on your great season!!!

10-27-2003, 09:47 PM
Thanks guys. I talked to one of the mom's on the phone earlier and she was telling me that her daughter has had a good time this year. That is what I like to hear :)

10-29-2003, 10:01 PM
Hehe, I knew you would have posted about this GeThang, I just had to find it since I've been gone till today. I'm sorry they didn't do as well as last week, but that happens sometimes. I've had shows where we thought we did awesome and we don't do well, and shows where we do really, really bad, and come in second! Hope you guys had fun at that parade too. :)

Our school was supposed to have it's second show this Saturday, but it was cancelled because of the fires. The air is just so bad, and it's not good for everyone to be inhailing that. Hope they do well at the playoff game. :D Keep up the good work, and I want to see more photos. ;)