View Full Version : cutting it close??

10-26-2003, 08:04 AM
My due date is Dec 9. And my anniversary is November 25, and so my dh is getting us tickets for Toby Keith whom I am in LOVE with. He's buying the tickets on Saturday morning. And for $45.50 a piece. The concert is either Nov 21 or 27 cant remember. Do you think Im cutting it to close to be spending the money on those so close to my due date? Im almost positive we can sell them if need be, but I will be so disappointed if I cant go.

10-26-2003, 08:42 AM
Was your oldest early? If so, I might worry, but for me, I would buy tickets up to a week after my due date. My babies are notoriously late. If you dont show any signs of early labor, I say GO FOR IT!!!!

10-26-2003, 08:59 AM
I agree with cpbaby GO FOR IT. I went to see the Oakridge Boys on my due date. All evening I had light cramping but assumed since they never got closer or stronger that it was braxon hicks :rolleyes: We got home from the concert about 2.00 am and Nate was born at 8.00 am

10-26-2003, 09:04 AM
Personally i think it's cutting it close. Each pregnancy is different, My first born son was due Dec 25th, then it changed to Thanksgiving day, then he was born on December 9th! My second was born 2 weeks late and my third was born 2 weeks early! so like i said i think your cutting it close, but that's just my opinion.

10-26-2003, 11:01 AM
I think you deserve to go, but you should be prepared for anything that might happen. Have someone who can buy them from you on short notice, and if you get to go, have an escape route in case the excitement brings baby sooner. :)

10-26-2003, 11:27 AM
I would say GO, and if the baby comes at the concert...What a story to tell...if its a boy name him Toby...LOL :)

10-26-2003, 03:07 PM
Well weve kinda decided to that if I have the baby and cant go, that dh moms b-day is around that time also, so he can take her. So that kinda makes me feel a bit better, but I wanna be the one to go!!!

BTW, my son was 4 weeks early, but only because of complications and had to be induced.

10-26-2003, 03:17 PM
I say go! I went to the casinos a week before my due date:D And hey if you deliver during the concert maybe Toby Keith will autograph your baby;) LOL j/k!!*sorta*:p