View Full Version : I'm gonna see my heros again tonight

10-23-2003, 02:46 PM
My alzheimer's group meets. One man's wife has had it for fourteen years and he has been taking care of her all that time in their home. Now she doesn't know who he is anymore or can't do much for herself or even talk so he does it all. He won't accept much help and their finances won't allow him to put her in a home. He has devoted his life to her and goes on the internet to learn as much as he can about the disease. He won't give up.

Another man has his wife in a care center but he sees her everyday and is devoted to her. He has more money so he can get more help. He is a big help to Al, the first guy, since they are in the same boat and can talk together.

Then a new woman came to the meeting last month and she has recently taken her mother into her home. She also has small children that need attention and her mother gets upset with small children around her. So she is learning how to cope with it all and she wants another baby but thinks it would be selfish to her mother if she had one. And more care for her and her husband. We are all trying to help her with her mother. She is putting her family on the line so she needs help now.

There are others there but these are just a sample of my heroes. Wonderful people. Who says men are bad? Not from where I'm sitting in my chair they aren't.:)

10-23-2003, 02:48 PM
Janelle, have you read The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks?
It's a wonderful book about a couple that are touched by that-anymore and I would give it away.:)

10-23-2003, 02:50 PM
I now wish I had gone to a support group when I was caring for my mother. I am always determined to be strong and not ask for help.

I ended up having to place my mother in a board and care home. I simply could not care for her in my home anymore.

She died a year ago.

10-23-2003, 03:03 PM
No I've never heard of that book. Maybe my hubby needs to read it for me huh? Or I for him. We can only pray.

Don't feel bad Kelsey. I had to put my mother in a care home this year after a small stroke she had. She needs more care than I can give her but I still want to bring her home. Caregivers are just like that but we can get burned out. We can't take care of anyone if that happens

10-23-2003, 03:46 PM
Brings tears to my eyes.. My nana has it, and last time she saw me, I don't think she really knew who my brother and I were untill she heard our voices. SHe lives in Pittsburgh and we are in Houston Texas