View Full Version : Omg Read This!!!

10-15-2003, 12:28 PM
Please visit Terri's website for more information. http://www.terrisfight.org

*****At her site there is a link to sign a petition to Governor Bush PLEASE sign it!!*****

Please read and decide if you can make a phone call, send an email or fax to the people listed below and anyone else you think
of that can help.

A Florida court has ordered the removal of the feeding tube that feeds Terri Schiavo who is disabled from an
unknown injury. The court has decided that she should DIE OF STARVATION beginning today October 15, 2003,

However, Terri IS NOT IN A COMA - she is awake and responsive. She sleeps, wakes, smiles, moves her limbs on command, attempts to speak, and is able to eat small amounts on her own.

Terri is NOT A BURDEN. Her parents, brother and sister have offered to care for her in a safe environment and she has a fund with $750,000 in it for her care, so she is not a burden to anyone, tax-payers included.

Terri RESPONDS to verbal, auditory and visual stimuli Terri BREATHES normally on her own without aid of machines
Terri's condition CAN IMPROVE with proper treatment (Local medical evidence supports this claim), though
she has been denied such treatment by her husband, who went to court to obtain the order that will end
Terri's life. It is suspected that Terri's current physical disabilities were caused by a severe beating from this husband! It's also reported that he's been spending the money from her medical fund on himself and his girlfriend! He stands to gain a lot if/when Terri dies from this state ordered murder.

Don't let the Florida Courts starve this young, innocent woman to death. Terri's time is running out and she needs your help NOW!

Terri CAN benefit from treatment and she deserves to receive it. Don't allow the execution of a disabled
young woman. We urge you to act TODAY!

Even if you think your life is too busy to allow you to worry about someone else's problems, you should be very interested
in stopping this court-sanctioned homicide.

It affects us all, our loved ones, our children, our parents and our friends.

Here are things you can do:

Phone Governor Bush
In Tallahassee on 850-488-7146

Phone Attorney General Charlie Crist
In Tallahassee on 850-414-3990

Phone State Attorney Bernie McCabe
In Clearwater on 727-464-6221

Contact the members of your church
Tell them you would like them to support
Terri's right to live a safe and happy
life with the family who loves her.

Contact your State and Federal Legislators

They should be made aware of how their laws are being abandoned and used.

Contact the Media - I just sent out 2000 press releases via http://www.imediafax.com

Please visit Terri's website for more information.

Today it's Terri...who's next?

10-15-2003, 12:33 PM
I am sorry but if I were Terri I would want the tube taken out also. I wouldn't want my husband to endure the pain of seeing me like that. This is where a living will would have been a very good thing to have.

My hubby and I have already told one another if any thing happens to us that we don't want to live on any type of life support.

Terri is not the first this is happening to and won't be the last.

10-15-2003, 12:36 PM





10-15-2003, 12:37 PM
good point p4j

10-15-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Fireball
Edited... off topic


10-15-2003, 12:56 PM
Yes but what about this?

However, Terri IS NOT IN A COMA - she is awake and responsive. She sleeps, wakes,smiles, moves her limbs on command, attempts to speak, and is able to eat small amounts on her own.

Terri's condition CAN IMPROVE with proper treatment (Local medical evidence supports this claim)

I work for Easter Seals and have a client on a feeding tube. A little boy. I don't agree that a feeding tube is life support. Not anymore than all food. We all need food to live and in a sense all food is life support but not like a breathing tube.

Just my opinion but I think the Judge is playing God (I think a lot of them do). And this is so very sad no matter which way you look at it. Thanks for the prayers. As far as her not wanting her Husband to see her like that.... From what they are saying about him it sounds like he just wants her money. I don't think he is any pain from seeing her like that. I wonder if anyone asked her what she wants????? She moves her limbs on command and tries to talk so she should be asked what she wants. Without her saying yes take the feeding tube out, or shaking her head or whatever, I think they are commiting murder. That's just my opinion and I'm not trying to upset anyone I just want to post this and try to do something about it. But it is in God's hands. He is the highest Judge we have and can change all this, I hope he does.

10-15-2003, 01:01 PM
I haven't seen anywhere were it says she is responsive, awake, etc.....if she could eat on her own she wouldn't need the tube....

Jolie Rouge
10-15-2003, 01:03 PM
IF they were going about this in a humane matter, it would be different. If they were going to slip an overdose of morphine in her IV and she would slip into death in her sleep. But the HUMANE way that they are going about this is to deny her food and water and allow her to STARVE TO DEATH a process that even the doctors in charge of her case have stated may take up to FOURTEEN DAYS before she finally dies. Does this sound like the actions of a loving husband ? Please see my other thread on this topic.

10-15-2003, 01:14 PM
I saw this before somewhere and they have videos that you could watch and she was responsive in the videos. She was smiling or laughing in one and she seemed happy about seeing her mother. I think the videos were taken to show that she is responsive. I wouldn't give a second thought to what her husband thinks or feels because I think he is the reason that she's in this condition right now.

10-15-2003, 01:15 PM
Starvation is a Horrible way to die, it says in his post that
However, Terri IS NOT IN A COMA - she is awake and responsive. She sleeps, wakes, smiles, moves her limbs on command, attempts to speak, and is able to eat small amounts on her own.

It also says the it was probably a beating from the Husband
that put her in that situation, I don't think he should benifit
from her death by getting any money when it was possibly him
that did it to her.

10-15-2003, 01:25 PM
It also says the it was probably a beating from the Husband

I'm with you on this stardust.
I also think what p4j wrote is true also.....

10-15-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by texasgander
I haven't seen anywhere were it says she is responsive, awake, etc.....if she could eat on her own she wouldn't need the tube....
She is awake and responsive. There are videos on her website showing her smiling at her mom and following a balloon with her eyes etc. I watched all of the videos and it makes me sick to my stomach to think that people are calling her a vegetable and are willing to starve her to death:mad::( :mad: :(

10-15-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by *chelle*
October 15, 2003 is the day the courts have ordered the withholding of nutrition and hydration from Terri Schiavo. It is also the Feast of St. Teresa - Terri's name-sake.
In a desperate effort to get the attention of someone who could stop this court-sanctioned death, the Schindler family has released a video of Terri that they took some 24 months ago, showing Terri laughing with her mother.

Because of this, Mr. Schiavo's attorneys have ordered that Terri may no longer have visitors. Not even her mother and father are allowed to see her or to even say goodbye to her.

:mad: :mad:

OMG you have to be freakin kidding me?! That sorry SOB needs to be taken behind the woodshed by a VERY large man! :mad:

10-15-2003, 01:46 PM
I think to Starve to death would be a Horrible Way to die .. My son Has A brain Injury ( Car Accident) Is doing well now But was In a Coma for weeks and Was on Life support And feeding tude So i know how her parents feel .. it's not an easy road .. I think God for Life support and feeding Tude It saved My child's life ..

Go to downloads On the Site and hear what the Girlfriend had to say about her SOB Husband .. :(http://www.terrisfight.org/

10-15-2003, 01:48 PM
I'm sorry but there isn't a person on the planet big enough to keep me away from my child if I knew they were dying! I would definately go to jail afterwards for holding someone hostage just so I could be with my child,but one way or another I would be in that room:mad:

10-15-2003, 01:51 PM
I just heard on the news shes in the coma becasue of a heart attack...

10-15-2003, 01:52 PM
This whole story just absolutely DISGUISTS ME!!

Fla. Doctors Remove Woman's Feeding Tube

By MITCH STACY, Associated Press Writer

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. - Doctors removed the feeding tube Wednesday that has been keeping alive a severely brain-damaged woman at the center of an epic, six-year legal battle between her husband and parents.

AP Photo

Terri Schiavo, 39, underwent the procedure at the Tampa Bay area hospice where she has been living for several years, said her father, Bob Schindler. Attorneys representing her husband, Michael Schiavo, said it will take between a week and 10 days for her to die.

The tube removal came just hours after Gov. Jeb Bush told Bob Schindler and his wife, Mary, that he was instructing his legal staff to find some means to block the court order allowing Michael Schiavo to end his wife's life.

"I am not a doctor, I am not a lawyer. But I know that if a person can be able to sustain life without life support, that should be tried," the governor said, adding the "ultimate decision of this is in the courts."

The brother of the woman said the family was heartened by the governor's last-minute effort.

"The family has not given up hope on Terri," Bob Schindler Jr. said following the meeting with Bush. "We have spoken to the governor, and he hasn't given up hope either."

Schiavo has been in a vegetative state since 1990, when her heart stopped because of doctors said may have been a chemical imbalance. Her parents believe she is capable of learning how to eat and drink on her own.

A state appeals court in Lakeland rejected motions by an attorney for the Schindlers and their legal remedies have been exhausted, their lawyer said Tuesday.

Michael Schiavo says his wife would not have wanted to be kept alive artificially in this way, but his in-laws contend that she wants to live. She left no living will or other written instructions.

"In our eyes, it's murder," Bob Schindler said Wednesday on CBS' "Early Show."

George Felos, attorney for Michael Schiavo, said that the Schindlers were "still in denial" over Terri Schiavo's wishes not to be kept alive.

Doctors have testified that the noises and facial expressions Terri Schiavo makes are reflexes and do not indicate that she has enough mental capabilities to communicate.

Her feeding tube was removed once before in April 2001 after the U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) refused to reverse a lower court's ruling ordering the tube be taken out. But a judge hearing a lawsuit from the Schindlers ordered the tube be reinserted two days later.

The Schindlers also contend that Michael Schiavo should not be his wife's guardian because he has long dated another woman. Michael Schiavo has refused to divorce his wife, saying that he fears her parents would ignore her desire to die if they became her guardians.

10-15-2003, 01:54 PM
this is the latest article yahoo had up!

Local - Tampa Bay Online

Bush Asks Legal Team To Intervene In Schiavo Case

By GEORGE GRAHAM , ggraham@tampatrib.com

DOVER - After a 30-minute private meeting with Terri Schiavo's parents, Gov. Jeb Bush agreed today to ask his legal department to try to stop removal of the comatose woman's feeding


Bush, who was in this community near Plant City for a dedication at a migrant worker center, met behind closed doors with Bob and Mary Schindler, who have been fighting efforts by Schiavo's

husband and legal guardian, Michael, to have the tube removed.

Bush said he'd ask his lawyers to see what they could do to stay a court order to remove the tube. As recently as Tuesday, a spokesman for the governor said he wouldn't take legal action in

the case

10-15-2003, 02:01 PM
found this
excert from www.orlandosentinal.com

The problem is Terri Schiavo never left a living will. It's all hearsay. Michael Schiavo says he simply is doing what Terri asked him to do before her heart suddenly stopped when she was 26.

As far as Basta is concerned, Terri Schiavo is already dead. The person she was died in February 1990, when, suffering from what doctors have said was a potassium imbalance, she collapsed in her home from cardiac arrest. By the time her heart was restarted, the damage from lack of oxygen was done.

10-15-2003, 02:05 PM
This is just horrible and it hits close to home for me. I had a great uncle who fell and hit his head when he was 3. I guess he suffered brain damage because he could never speak or walk again, but my grandparents kept him in their home feeding him and basically caring for him like a baby until he died at the age of 53. He would seem to try to talk, would laugh and you could tell that he knew people because he would get upset if a stranger came in the room. How could you quit feeding someone like this? If she were in a coma, unresponsive to any outside stimuli, I might say okay, but the pictures I've seen, she reminds me alot of my uncle. I know it must have been hard on her husband to "lose" his wife that way, but geesh Dude, divorce her or whatever. Her parents want to take care of her, it is not like she is in his house and he is her caregiver. I just hope this is stopped.


10-15-2003, 02:07 PM
If she didn't have any money for him, he would have divorced her and left her to her parents a LONG time ago. I am all for him having a life, and kids, etc. But he should have divorced Terri first before he decided to play house and make kids with his playmate. I am sorry, but I find him to be scum below scum.

10-15-2003, 03:22 PM
This is such a sad mess!

10-15-2003, 03:33 PM
Just to bump this up -

Take a look at this if you have time: http://www.terrisfight.org/ They have videos of her interacting with her parents. No way should this woman's feeding tube be cut off and she be forced to die a long, drawn out death!

If she were my daughter, her husband would have to take that remaining quarter of a mil he inherits upon her death and barricade himself up somewhere good and tight because it might take along time, a lot of money and a lot of patience, but I'd see that he'd get what he deserves. Although I guess he will have to explain all this to The Big Guy at some point. What a worthless piece of crap he is. If she were in pain or suffering, I would agree, but in NONE of the videos I saw does she look like she is suffering at all. What a travesty of justice.


10-15-2003, 03:36 PM
i agree with Princess4J!!!!! i couldnt have said it any better!

10-15-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Unicornmom77
i agree with Princess4J!!!!! i couldnt have said it any better!


10-15-2003, 03:44 PM
This is SO sad. :( I can't believe anyone with a brain or a HEART would let her die. I watched the videos and it doesn't look like she's in a vegetative state. She looks like a little infant - the way they look around and smile once in a while and stare at things that move, etc.

I think the doctors should be allowed to keep her alive. According to the website, her husband hasn't allowed them to help her, and it's believed that she could recover if she was given the proper care.

Anyone who would let her die (especially by starvation!) is heartless.

10-15-2003, 03:54 PM
Since I live in FL, this has been on the news daily for weeks. We don't know what the whole truth is, each side tells a different story. The last videos taken of Terri are 2 years old. Her parents say that they believe that she can still recover from her injuries, I just saw this on the news. I know if this were one of my children, I would probably do the same as her parents. If it were my husband, I would probably do as her husband; my husband and I talked about this before. They've already pulled her feeding tube. I don't think her doctors would let her suffer. Terminal patients who discontinue feeding and fluids are given pain medication to ease discomfort. My prayers are with both her parents and her husband.

10-15-2003, 03:55 PM
This is so awful! :( I can't imagine what her mother and father are feeling.God Bless them. I absolutely think the husband is wrong and a jerk.:mad: I know she can't do that much,but she is breathing and responsive and she can smile.She is not a total vegetable.And to starve her to death.... what a disgusting thing to do to a human being!! :mad: :( I'm totally pissed!!!

10-15-2003, 04:01 PM
Wow what a major A that husband is. I went to Terry's site from her family and it's like wow reading the letters. The husband obviously doesn't have her interest at heart using all the 750 k on his legal bills and spending it on himself and his live in g/f. The 750 K was meant for HER. To find treatment yet he uses it to with hold any treatment for her using the money for lawyers on his behalf. She's living and that's that. How do you just go ahead and starve someone for 1 and a half weeks? How moral is that?

10-15-2003, 05:39 PM
Please everyone bear in mind the videos being released are 2 years old. Why do they not have more current ones? Makes me believe she has gone downhill already. I am NOT saying I agree with this decision but it makes you wonder why they dont have current video.

10-15-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by DBackFan
Please everyone bear in mind the videos being released are 2 years old. Why do they not have more current ones? Makes me believe she has gone downhill already. I am NOT saying I agree with this decision but it makes you wonder why they dont have current video.

Well of course there are no current videos, they aren't ALLOWED to see her! How do you get video of soemone you aren't allowed to see?

10-15-2003, 05:56 PM
her hubby ought to be arrested for ATTEMPTED murder!

10-15-2003, 06:28 PM
This case is horrible.

Let me state first that I do think the husband wants her money and second I DO NOT think starving this woman for upto 14 days is humane. If they insist on letting her die, it should be an injection of some sort so she does not suffer.

But on the other hand, I watched the videos and all that she "responding" to is probably diagnosed as "reflex".

I have a family member that is in a vegetative state, she makes noise, her eyes follow objects, she smiles and raises her limbs.

Her drs say it is all reflex. The noises, smiling, etc are far and few between. She does not always smile or respond to stimuli. These videos remind me of her.

From what I have learned brain damage from lack of oxygen (anoxia) can not be reversed.

I have been following Teri's website for a little over a year, I know her story and I know ours. I can state no opinion either way, it hits too close to home for me. I just pray for her and her family because this is a horrendous situation to live through for all involved.

10-15-2003, 06:31 PM
This whole family is in my prayers:(

10-15-2003, 07:06 PM

10-15-2003, 07:24 PM
I am sorry but what i heard was she has been in this state for 13 years, when is enough..enough? and if she did have 750,000 dollars for care, after thriteen years, how much is left??

10-15-2003, 07:28 PM
This is a website made by the parents of the girl in the coma. The facts they posted are not correct. This story was on the news here just this morning. Teri IS in a coma, and on the news it reported she IS unresponsive. She has been in this coma for 13 years. I beleive the parents made this website, to garner sympathy/support to win their case. Teri's husband wants to take her off of life support, the parents say he doesn't have that right, that the right is their's as her parents to decide what is right. The judge they went before told them it is a family matter, not a court matter, and to resolve it between themselves, and that it is the husband's right to decide what to do..they (the parents) are taking it to court again...

What is right or wrong, is not for me to say, becuase it is not my family. But I do know the facts reported on the news, and what are on the website the OP posted are not the same. Teri IS in a coma, and has been for 13 years, from the news report, she has also been unresponmsive all of this time.

10-15-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Patchouli
I saw this before somewhere and they have videos that you could watch and she was responsive in the videos. She was smiling or laughing in one and she seemed happy about seeing her mother. I think the videos were taken to show that she is responsive. I wouldn't give a second thought to what her husband thinks or feels because I think he is the reason that she's in this condition right now.

The videos were shown on the news here too, but were said to have been taken BEFORE she fell into a coma (at least that is waht was reported here)

10-15-2003, 07:30 PM
:( This is such a sad case. I think if her parents want to take care of let them.

10-15-2003, 08:56 PM
I know that families tend to put their own wants/needs of having their loved ones around - just so they don't have to deal with death & loss - above what the loved one would want. Letting go is one of the hardest things to deal with! If you love something, set it free... If I was that girl, I would hope my family loved me enough to honor my wishes & not let me "live" like that - especially for nearly 15 years!!!

As far as this particular girl - I feel like in any other relationship - there are three sides to the story - his, hers & the truth. There are too many what if's?? For me to agree with one side or the other!!
This is the first I am hearing about it, but from what I have read so far (& I have not read everything that was posted about her), I still have too many questions. I feel that if she was able to talk, eat, communicate, live, etc the way her family is saying she could, why would she & her husband both have been awarded money in the malpractice suit in the first place? If she was that "with it" why didn't this girl say something about whether or not she wants to live or die? She could have signed the papers long ago giving her parents the right to make her choices. If she was well enough that she could eat, why does she need a feeding tube? If she was doing that good, then why are the videos 2 YEARS old? How come the stuff on the girls web site are affidavits from people reviewing the case without seeing her - not actual medical reports (except for one that is VERY hard to read) from the girls doctors who really saw her?? After 13 years, I would think that she has had more than one exam of ANY type!
Like I said, too many questions & right now just too many links & posts on this case for me to read at this time of night!

10-15-2003, 09:06 PM
I watched a newsclip about this and they said that the governor did not have the authority to override this, it makes no sense to me when the governor can give a condemned prisoner a reprieve, thats overriding the courts ruling. At any rate if I were the parent I would do like these parents are doing, and if I had told my husband to not keep me on life support then I would hope that he would fight to have me taken off of it, its so hard to decide who is right in this case and not having all the facts I can't and won't say who is right or wrong, I just feel so sorry for all those poor people involved. I do think it is wrong for any court to say a parent can't visit their child, since the court is apparently making decisions based on what she wants and I hardly think she would choose to not allow her parents to visit, that is so wrong.

10-15-2003, 09:36 PM
I know that families tend to put their own wants/needs of having their loved ones around - just so they don't have to deal with death & loss - above what the loved one would want. Letting go is one of the hardest things to deal with! If you love something, set it free... If I was that girl, I would hope my family loved me enough to honor my wishes & not let me "live" like that - especially for nearly 15 years!!!

I tend to believe this also.... and if she were up and about and responsive NO ONE would pull the plug like that...... I don't believe she is awake.... and the family is grasping at straws..... the husband is her legal guardian and the family can't deal with it.... she has been a coma for so long it is cruel to force her to stay alive.... I don't think this effort will get very far at all

Jolie Rouge
10-15-2003, 09:54 PM
My niece is severely autistic. She doesn' speak although she makes noises. Despite several surgeries, she can not walk unaided. She wears a diaper and she can only eat baby food because she has problems swallowing. She must be spoon fed becasue she can not feed herself, if she was in a Facility she would be tube fed because it would be quicker and easier on the staff ( this is a problem I had when my son was in NICU - certain staff would tube feed him at every oppurtunity because it was less work for her). Sometimes she recognises us and sometimes she is in her own world where we can not reach her.

Her parents have woked very hard to help her, but their is only so mmuch we can do. That is part of why this story is so frighten ing. It sets precedence. What if, in twenty or thirty years, when her parents are gone and her Legal Guardian deciedes that their convience is more important then her life ? Will they decied her "Quality of Life" doesn't fit the ideal and she should be terminated for "her own good" (of course )

It is a slippery slope to let anyone else - especially one who will profit from it - deciede when someone else will live or die.

Terri's husband is the only one she seems to have told about not wanting to live by "extraordinary means" - interesting since he would be the one to profit by it. Interesting in that the only doctors allowed to see her are ones that he is paying for, and that she has been kept in a "Terminal Facility - where people go when they have no hpe of recovery - and not a rehab facility wheere she may have gotten therapy.

10-15-2003, 11:59 PM
You know, I don't know of a soul who would want to live a life like Terry. I sure the hell wouldn't. If I was in the state she's in, I'd want someone to put me out of my misery. The woman isn't going to get better. It's been 13 yrs and she's no better today than she was then. I can't even imagine why someone would allow a loved one to live the way she's living.

I don't think anyone on here would want to live if they were in her situation. Anyone who says they would is crazy. You are not living, that is not a life to have. It kind of reminds me of a song by Metallica One

by Metallica

I Can't Remember Anything
Can't Tell If this Is True or Dream
Deep down Inside I Feel to Scream
This Terrible Silence Stops Me

Now That the War Is Through with Me
I'm Waking up I Can Not See
That There Is Not Much Left of Me
Nothing Is Real but Pain Now

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God,wake Me

Back in the Womb its Much Too Real
In Pumps Life That I must Feel
But Can't Look Forward to Reveal

Look to the Time When I'll Live
Fed Through the Tube That Sticks in Me
Just like a Wartime Novelty
Tied to Machines That Make Me Be
Cut this Life off from Me

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God,wake Me
Now the World Is Gone I'm Just One
Oh God,help Me Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God Help Me

Darkness Imprisoning Me
All That I See
Absolute Horror
I Cannot Live
I Cannot Die
Trapped in Myself
Body My Holding Cell

Landmine Has Taken My Sight
Taken My Speech
Taken My Hearing
Taken My Arms
Taken My Legs
Taken My Soul
Left Me with Life in Hell

This is the song that comes to mind when I think of this woman or anyone in her situation.

Jolie Rouge
10-16-2003, 06:30 AM
Soldierwif :

You know, I don't know of a soul who would want to live a life like Terry. I sure the hell wouldn't. If I was in the state she's in, I'd want someone to put me out of my misery. The woman isn't going to get better. It's been 13 yrs and she's no better today than she was then. I can't even imagine why someone would allow a loved one to live the way she's living.

So I guess you would be of the opinon that we put my niece Angel "out of her misery" ? She can't communicate with us clearly, so she can't let her sihes be known. If she had been confined to a bed instead of being given physical therepy, she would be immobile as well. She can't feed herself, and if her family didn't spend the time and effort to spoon feed her, she would be tube feed as well. Angel also has no real chance at "recovery". Does this sound like a reason to kill her.

Oh, and the "husband" states that he "just wants to let Terri die a natural death." I guess it is naturall for someone to die if you withhold all food and water from them.

If she were a pet, and someone restrained her, and kept her from food and water until she died, there would be all kinds of protests and cries of animal cruelty.

If she were a convivted killer whom the state sentenced to execution - and the state chose to do so by withholding food and water - the world would rise up in protest over the cruel and inhumane treatment.

And if you were to ever find yourself in a similar situation, I hope your loved ones would find a better way to "put you out of your misery" than by letting you starve to death over the course of ten to fourteen days.

10-16-2003, 07:27 AM
And if you were to ever find yourself in a similar situation, I hope your loved ones would find a better way to "put you out of your misery" than by letting you starve to death over the course of ten to fourteen days.

I highly doubt that she is feeling anything let alone when she is given food through her tube. Yes I am sure she would not want to live in a coma for the rest of her life.

my hubby just said if that were me and you let me live that long with no frame of being I would come back to get you lol.

her hubby is doing what he thinks is right.. I tend to agree...the family has no right over her husband, what they want I believe is to see her in a coma and to not deal with the fact that they lost their daughter, very selfish!

10-16-2003, 07:32 AM
Why didnt he just Divorce her ?? he wasnt to worried About her when he was F@@@@@@ His New girlfriend ..:rolleyes:

10-16-2003, 07:42 AM
that was after she was in a coma.. about 7 years ago..... there is nothing wrong with that....

10-16-2003, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by NASCAR38
Why didnt he just Divorce her ?? he wasnt to worried About her when he was F@@@@@@ His New girlfriend ..:rolleyes:

He is greedy and wants money so his sorry butt and the little honey bun's butt won't have to work.

10-16-2003, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by ginna74
that was after she was in a coma.. about 7 years ago..... there is nothing wrong with that....

Nothing wrong with that, as long as he divorced her. If he wanted to move on, I could understand that. Divorce Terri and move on to greener pastures. But to not divorce her and do what he did, shows he is greedy for the money. He is no better than if my DH cheated on me.

10-16-2003, 07:59 AM
well... he loves her and knows he can never be with her because "she" is no longer.... she is on machines to survive and is fed through a tube.. why would he abandon her????? he is doing what is right. to go and say he shouldn't be with someone is taking the focus off of what needs to be done.... it is his choice to do this and I don't hink it is a bad one... so some people do.... you can't please everyone.....she will thank him in the end :)

10-16-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by FishmansBetrHalf
No, That's not good enough for him. We know how the JUSTICE system in our country operates.

Her hubby should have to face the wrath of GOD for refusing to get her the proper medical care/treatment~~ If that is what he has done.

This Judge should have to fact the wrath of GOD for PLAYING GOD when he said to pull the feeding tube.

I better stay out of this thread. There are comments in here from some people that I couldn't even begin to address without getting myself banned.

I'm with you!

Mods please lock this thread before people do get banned, that's not my intention. Thank you!

10-16-2003, 08:09 AM
I don't think anything in this thread is bannable.... just disagreeing on the topic... nothing wrong with that :)

10-16-2003, 08:16 AM
But it looks like it's headed that way.

Hey ginna74 what ship were you on? I was on the USS Samuel Gompers (AD-37) and the USS Holland (AS-32)

10-16-2003, 08:23 AM
was never on a ship but was with fleet support, waterfront at naval station 32nd steet then with ACU5 (assult craft unit 5, hover craft) in the safety office then the engine shop at camp pendleton.

met hubby there at waterfront while he wsa at oil recovery.. he was on the princeton merril mckee and the obrian (I keep forgetting that one cause he was only on it for a short time)

10-16-2003, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by ginna74
well... he loves her and knows he can never be with her because "she" is no longer.... she is on machines to survive and is fed through a tube.. why would he abandon her????? he is doing what is right. to go and say he shouldn't be with someone is taking the focus off of what needs to be done.... it is his choice to do this and I don't hink it is a bad one... so some people do.... you can't please everyone.....she will thank him in the end :)

LOL i'm sure your DH Likes the Fact that you are all for Adultery :D